MASHAV funds professional courses organized and hosted by Israeli institutions in subject areas that include agriculture, energy, natural resources, health, education, and social development. The remainder of the 2017 calendar in English-language courses includes one on water management and modern irrigation (October-November 2017), with an application deadline on 18 August 2017; meteorological warnings (November 2017), with an application deadline on 25 August 2017; and agriculture and environment in a changing climate (November-December 2017), with an application deadline on 01 October 2017. MASHOV offers additional courses in Spanish, French, and Russian. Applications are submitted through Israel’s diplomatic missions. For most courses, MASHAV covers course fees, accommodation, medical insurance, and other expenses in Israel (but not international airfare). Link
natural disasters
French Institute for Development Research — Support for International Research Teams 2017
The French Institute for Development Research (IRD) announces funding to support multidisciplinary international teams (laboratoires mixtes internationaux, LMI) to undertake research that corresponds to IRD’s thematic priorities. These priorities vary by geographical region to include food production and security; plant-health relationships; water resources; energy resources; ecosystems and biodiversity; natural risks; and others. The maximum funding for a LMI is €40 thousand per year. The deadline for proposals is 15 July 2017. Link
British Council — International Research Workshops
The British Council supports research workshops under the programs Researcher Links and the Newton Fund to assist early-career researchers from the UK and partner countries to interact and explore research collaborations. Current opportunities that have one or more environmental themes include: (1) communications technologies for disaster management, UK and Turkey, with application deadline on 26 May 2017; (2) recent advances in energy conservation for buildings in the UK and China, with application deadline on 31 May 2017; (3) detection and prevention of biological invasions, UK and China, with application deadline on 31 May 2017; (4) off-shore wind and wave energy, UK and Turkey, with application deadline on 30 June 2017; and (4) green port development, UK and China, with application deadline on 15 July 2017. The British Council publishes the dates, locations, eligibility criteria, and other supporting information for each workshop. Link
ASEAN Peace Project — Young Peace Builders for Climate Action
The Young Peace Builders for Climate Action is seeking thirty youth leaders from across Southeast Asia to participate in an accelerator workshop to be held in July (Quezon City, Philippines) on reducing disaster risks, adapting to climate change, and promoting peace building in conflict areas of the ASEAN countries. Eligibility extends to persons ages 18 to 25 living in or working with conflict-affected and/or disaster-prone areas in Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The application deadline is 26 May 2017. Link
Best Climate Practices — Ideas to Build Local Resilience to Climate Risks
The Best Climate Practices contest for 2017 focuses on building local resilience to climate disaster risk. The contest is open to individuals, teams, or organizations regardless of nationality, age, or qualifications. The contest winner will be awarded €3 thousand. The deadline for submissions is 31 May 2017. Link
IRDR Young Scientists Programme — Call for Application, 2nd Batch
The IRDR Young Scientists Programme invites young researchers worldwide to join its professional network of professionals and practitioners. Eligibility extends to candidates affiliated with an academic program (either master or doctorate) as a student or as a young faculty, and working on research related to disaster risk reduction and its link to broader issues of environment and development. Applicants should be less than age 40 on the date of application. There is no cash grant, but IRDR Young Scientists are offered opportunities for networking and training. The deadline for applications is 30 June 2017. Link
Singularity University — Global Grand Challenge Awards 2017
The Global Grand Challenge Awards invite applications from startup enterprises that are attacking the world’s most difficult problems. Three teams in each of 12 tracks will be invited to California in August 2017 to present their work at the Singularity University Global Summit EXPO. One winner will be selected from each track to be assisted with recognition and exposure. The tracks include disaster resilience, energy, environment, food, water, and others. The application deadline is 31 July 2017. Link
International Center for Climate Governance — Best Climate Practices
The Best Climate Practices contest for 2017 focuses on actionable ideas and concrete projects to support urban and/or rural communities in preparing and responding to climate disasters, improving local resilience through enhanced preparedness (ex-ante), and/or capacity to recover (ex-post). The contest is open to individuals, teams, or organizations regardless of nationality, age, or qualifications. The contest winner will be awarded €3 thousand. The deadline for submissions is 31 May 2017. Link
Buckminster Fuller Institute — Buckminster Fuller Challenge 2017
The Challenge is an annual prize of US$100 thousand to invite ideas to radically advance human well-being and ecosystem health. Entries in prior years include several in energy, water, agriculture, natural disasters, etc., with relevance in developing countries. The application deadline is 31 March 2017. Link
World Academy of Sciences — Sustainability Case Studies
In partnership with the Elsevier Foundation, TWAS calls for case studies which present issues and challenges for sustainable development through real-life situations. The contest is open to current TWAS and OWSD PhD Fellowship recipients. The categories are green and sustainable chemistry; energy; agriculture and food security; water and sanitation; science education and the workforce; and climate change and disaster and risk reduction. The winner in each category will be awarded US$1 thousand. The deadline for submissions is 01 February 2017. Link