The Joan Cogswell Donner Field School Scholarship provides up to US$2 thousand towards field school tuition for students to support training in fieldwork related to human origins research. Applications for this scholarship have to be submitted by the field school director, not the scholarship recipient. Recipients must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in a country where there are limited resources for academic development. The scholarship is awarded year-round. Applications can be submitted anytime. Field school scholarship
no deadline
Union for the Mediterranean — Project Implementation Support
The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) does not fund the implementation of the projects but it assists project development, the search for financial resources, and the search for political and technical support needed for project implementation. UfM promotes a wide range of projects in the Mediterranean region in subject areas that include energy and climate, water, environment, blue economy, and several others. Proposals are accepted continuously; there is no calendar deadline. Details
Environmental Systems Research Institute — Esri Conservation Grant Program
Esri is an international supplier of Geographic Information System (GIS) software, web GIS, and geodatabase management applications. Esri offers free or discounted GIS software, hardware, data, training, and services to support groups and individuals working for social and environmental benefit. Esri’s Conservation Grant Program makes GIS grants to non-profit organizations, programs, and individuals active in public service and nature conservation in any country. There are no grant cycles or deadlines. Learn about the program
Ashoka — Young Changemakers
Ashoka identifies and supports teenagers who start their own initiatives for addressing social and environmental problems. Selected Changemakers are inducted into a global community and gain access to co-leadership bootcamps, media partnerships, public speaking platforms, exposure visits, strategic allies and more opportunities to grow and to influence youth culture in their countries. Candidates must be under 20 years of age to participate. Ashoka offers youth related activities in Nigeria, Brazil, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the United States. Expressions of interest can be submitted all year-round. Nominations for Ashoka Young Changemakers are accepted year-round. Details
European Union — European Exchange Program for Entrepreneurs
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange program for aspiring entrepreneurs. New entrepreneurs will benefit from on-the-job training in a small or medium-sized enterprise in another participating country. The program provides practical and financial assistance, and matches entrepreneurs with experienced hosts. Applications are accepted from both, host entrepreneurs (HEs) – ideally owners of a micro or small enterprise – and new entrepreneurs (NEs) in their early stages. Participating NEs will receive financial support for travel, living and subsistence costs during the visit. Applications are accepted from permanent residents in one of 28 EU Member States, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro, Moldova, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine and Kosovo. Applications are accepted continuously. Find out how to participate
City Climate Finance Gap Fund — Urban Climate Action
The City Climate Finance Gap Fund (Gap Fund) supports cities and local governments in preparing and prioritizing climate-smart plans and investments with the goal of attracting more financing and support for implementation. The Fund focuses on climate-smart urban planning and early-stage project preparation in developing and emerging countries. Selected proposals will receive technical assistance and capacity building. Cities and local authorities can apply by submitting an Expression of Interest. There is no application deadline. About the Gap Fund
GET.invest — Finance Catalyst for Renewable Energy Projects
The GET.invest Finance Catalyst supports small- and medium-scale renewable energy projects and businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean or the Pacific region. The program provides advisory support on project and business plan development, project and business structuring and accessing finance, at no cost. Eligible applicants may be private sector developers, NGOs, universities or research institutions. Applications are accepted on a continuous basis. Once one round closes a new one opens. Finance Catalyst for Renewable Energy
Het X-Y Actiefonds — Grassroots Actions
Het X-Y Actiefonds makes small grants for grassroots actions across a range of thematic areas, including ecology (environment). It supports politically controversial projects that do not easily find financial aid elsewhere. Examples of supported activities include demonstrations, blockades, occupations, direct actions, revolts, revolutions, and other confrontational action. Grants are a maximum of €3 thousand. Applications are accepted on a continuous basis. Register your action
ClimateCare — Emission Reduction and Removal Projects
ClimateCare finances available to scale work in nature-based projects and energy projects. Partnership applications are open to proposals for carbon projects at all stages of development seeking finance and development support to deliver emissions reductions and improve lives. ClimateCare offers access to finance, technical expertise and access to key market insights. Partners receive support for running on-the-ground project activities that deliver impacts on biodiversity, health and livelihoods. Only partners with projects of a certain size qualify for partnership. Interested applicants can submit a proposal for consideration anytime. Further information here
Save the Rhino International — Rhino Conservation, Science, and Education
Save the Rhino International (SRI) aims to increase the number of rhinos in genetically viable populations in the wild; enhance the integrity of ecosystems important to rhinos; and ensure that local communities benefit from rhino conservation. The acceptance of new projects is highly unlikely but SRI accepts emails with a short explanation (maximum one page). SRI will invite full proposals based on the initial contact email. Short project explanations are accepted on a rolling basis. About the application process