The UK Natural Environment Research Council and funding partners invite proposals for the Towards a Sustainable Earth (TaSE) initiative, which aims to improve our understanding of the complex interactions between people and the environment required to make progress in achieving the United Nations Global Goals (Sustainable Development Goals). Applicants are invited to submit multilateral collaborative research proposals comprising eligible researchers from a minimum of three nations (Eligible funding agencies can be found in the call for proposals). Projects should be no more than £700 thousand in total for a maximum duration of two years. Full proposals are due 14 August 2018. Details of the call
nonprofit orgs
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Grants Cycle 2018-2019: South Sudan
The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives offers short-term funding to community groups, NGOs, people’s organizations — and in exceptional cases, to international NGOs and government institutions — for small projects addressing empowerment, capacity-building, economic, environmental, and social development issues in South Sudan. Proposals should have a budget of approximately CAD 15 thousand to CAD 30 thousand for six months. The application deadline is 22 June 2018. Link — Google Impact Challenge Nigeria
The Google Impact Challenge Nigeria supports non-profit organizations and social enterprises with game-changing ideas to create economic opportunity in their communities. Finalists get access to funding, mentorship and resources. Four winners will receive a US$250 thousand grant each and training from Google. Eight additional finalists will receive US$150 thousand. Eligible nonprofits and social enterprises are invited to apply by 04 July 2018. Visit the Impact Challenge — Google Impact Challenge South Africa
The Google Impact Challenge South Africa supports non-profit organizations and social enterprises with game-changing ideas to create economic opportunity in their communities. Finalists get access to funding, mentorship and resources. Four winners will receive a US$250 thousand grant each and training from Google. Eight additional finalists will receive US$150 thousand. Eligible nonprofits and social enterprises are invited to apply by 04 July 2018. Find out how it works
US Department of State — Small Grants for Environmental Protection
The U.S. Department of State announces calls for proposals for its project entitled “Small Grants – Public Participation in Environmental Protection”. The project will be implemented in Chile, Colombia, Peru, Morocco, and Jordan. The purpose of this project is to increase civil society engagement in environmental protection and promote public participation in environmental decision-making. OES/EQT will award one cooperative agreement for up to US$500 thousand covering both Middle East and South America regions or two cooperative agreements for up to US$250 thousand each. Eligibility is limited to non-profit/NGOs subject to section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. tax code, foreign non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and public international organizations. The deadline for applications is 18 July 2018. Find this opportunity
European Commission — Social Entrepreneurship in Jordan
The European Commission calls for projects that contribute to poverty reduction and social inclusion of people confined in the informal economy and disadvantaged/marginalised groups. The design of the proposed actions should aim at generating jobs and developing competitive and social enterprises in Jordan. (Note: This may include one or more categories of the Terra Viva Grants Directory). Under this call, grants of up to € 2.2 million can be requested. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations established in a Member State of the European Union or Jordan. The deadline for submission concept notes and full applications is 31 July 2018. Find the call
European Commission — Zimbabwe Agricultural Growth Programme
The European Commission calls for concept notes for the Zimbabwe Agricultural Growth Programme (ZAGP). Proposed projects must contribute to the development of a diversified and efficient agriculture sector that promotes inclusive green economic growth. This call for proposals focuses on Animal Health and Food Safety Systems. The grant requested under this call must be between € 3 and 3.6 million. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations established in Zimbabwe or in a Member State of the European Union. The deadline for submission concept notes and full applications is 31 July 2018. The call
UK Natural Environment Research Council — Peruvian Glacial Retreat
The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Tecnológica, Perú (CONCYTEC), invite proposals for a new collaborative Research Programme on Peruvian glacial retreat and its impact on water security and resilience to natural hazards. Applicants can request up to £500 thousand for the UK component of a project and up to S/ 1.5 million for the Peruvian component. Projects can be a maximum of 34 months in duration. The closing date for applications is 09 August 2018. Find details
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations — Sustainable Forestry in Mozambique
The FAO-EU FLEGT Programme invites applications from governmental institutions, civil society and private sector organizations that contribute to the reduction of illegal logging and strengthen the trade of legal forest products through improved forest governance in Mozambique. Projects receive grants of up to US$110 thousand for 12 months. The deadline for submissions is 08 June 2018. Find the call for proposals
Energy and Environment Partnership for Southern and East Africa — 14th Call for Proposals
The EEP for Southern and East Africa announces a new call for projects in renewable energy, energy saving, and energy efficiency. Call 14 is for early-stage projects off-grid and on-grid clean energy projects in active development phase in the range of €200 thousand to €1 million, varying with co-financing contributions. Projects should be implemented in one or more of the following countries: Botswana, Burundi, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia or Zimbabwe. The deadline for first-stage applications is 28 June 2018. Find the application guidelines