Israel’s Agency for International Development (MASHAV) offers professional short courses in Israel in subject areas that include agriculture, energy, health, education, and social development. MASHAV offers a limited number of scholarships to cover course fees, accommodation, medical insurance, and other expenses in Israel. The international course on “Agricultural Development in Arid Regions” will focus on the efficient use, protection and development of water resources, management of salinity, and creation of long-term economically and environmentally sound operations. The course is geared towards professionals from governmental and non-governmental institutions, universities, research institutes and/or private sector involved in agricultural development in arid and semi-arid regions. Additionally, MASHAV offers professional courses in Spanish and Russian languages. Deadline for applications is 26 January 2018. About this course
nonprofit orgs
European Commission and Indian Department of Science and Technology — EU-India Water Cooperation
The European Commission (under Horizon 2020), the Indian Department of Science and Technology (DST), and the Indian Department of Biotechnology (DBT) invite proposals for a multinational research approach in the field of water. The proposed project should develop new and/or adapt existing innovative and affordable solutions for Indian conditions, both in urban and rural areas. This includes drinking water purification, waste water treatment, and real time monitoring. Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least three legal entities from India and three legal entities from Europe. Eligible partners can be from public/private funded academic or research institutions, companies, universities, and non-governmental organisations. The overall project contribution is € 3-5 million for the duration of 3 to 5 years. The joint proposal must be submitted by 27 February 2018. Find the detailed call for proposals
UK Government — Sustainable Forestry
The Forest Governance, Markets and Climate (FGMC) programme will provide grants for projects that support governance and market reforms that reduce the illegal use of forest resources. Projects should focus on eliminating illegal logging, promoting legal trade and ensuring the rights and benefits for poor people, local communities and indigenous people who depend on forests for their livelihoods. Geographical focus is South East / East Asia and the Mekong region (Indonesia, Myanmar and China), West Africa (Ghana, Liberia), Congo Basin (Republic of Congo, Cameroon) and Guyana. Eligible organisations are non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and UK-based non-profit organisations. Funding for projects varies from £500 thousand to £1 million. Funding of more than £1 million is available as well. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 21 November 2017. Learn more
Grassroots Justice Prize — Legal Empowerment for Communities
The Grassroots Justice Prize recognizes grassroots institutions across the globe that are working to put the power of law into people’s hands. Three awards, each of US$10 thousand, are available to non-profit organizations, social enterprises, and public institutions that focus on legal empowerment to tackle poverty, injustice, or other social problems. (Note: These problems may include subject areas in the Terra Viva Grants Directory). The deadline to nominate an organization is 10 November 2017; the deadline for applications is 24 November 2017. Link
Oriental Bird Club — Bird Conservation in Asia
The OBC Conservation Fund makes grants for bird conservation in Asia. Grant-making priorities are projects that benefit globally threatened bird species; that conserve threatened bird habitats; and that are led by Asian residents. Small Conservation Awards are up to £1,500 for projects of 12-18 months, with applications before 31 March of each year. There is a special early deadline on 15 November for projects that have to begin before July. The OBC also considers special and emergency applications at any time. How to apply
Monsanto Fund — Grants to Strengthen Farming Communities
The Monsanto Fund makes grants to strengthen agricultural communities in several countries around the world. Grants of US$25 thousand and more are available to tax-exempt charitable organizations for activities and projects that address farmers’ education and training; food security; community water and sanitation; and other local needs. Monsanto’s international grants are administered at the country level. The Fund presents a list of eligible countries. Monsanto publishes calls for proposals on the Fund’s website. Link
U.S. Agency for International Development — Food Security and Development
The United States Agency for International Development invites applications for funding from organizations that develop innovative technologies, data and methods that can help to better understand food security and development problems. Successful applicants are expected to carry out activities that develop, test or apply innovative methods for monitoring or evaluating Feed the Future/Global Food Security Strategy activities or programs. Funding is up to $1 million per project over a three-year period. Eligibility extends to U.S. and non-U.S., non-profit or for-profit non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and international organizations. Closing date for applications is 12 October 2018. For more information, please visit
UK Research Councils — Awards for Cutting-Edge Research
The Global Challenges Research Fund invites applications to support cutting-edge research that addresses the challenges faced by developing countries. Examples of thematic areas include secure and resilient food systems; affordable and sustainable energy; environmental change; and others. Partnership building between UK research organisations and partners in developing countries is an essential part of this call. Applications may seek funding for up to £100 thousand for up to three years of recurrent funding. The deadline for applications is 01 November 2017. Find out more
Conservation Agriculture Network in South-East Asia — Grants for Agroforestry
The CANSEA scientific platform is a network of research partners keen to implement agro-ecology and conservation agriculture in Southeast Asia. CANSEA announces its third call for proposals to promote and strengthen conservation agriculture in the four CANSEA member countries: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam. Grants are up to US$40 thousand. CANSEA actively encourages co-funding. All recognized institutions in the CANSEA member countries are eligible to apply. The deadline for submitting applications is 09 November 2017. Find the Call for Proposals
Water Joint Programming Initiative — Water Resource Management
The Water JPI aims to enable transnational, collaborative research, development and innovation projects addressing questions relating to water challenges. Proposals are invited on the topic “Water resource management in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”. Only proposals submitted by transnational consortia will be eligible (each consortium must be composed of at least a minimum of three eligible partners from three different countries). Eligibility extends to universities, public research institutions, private non-profit organisations, and private companies. The requested budget per proposal must not exceed € 1.5 million. Deadline for applications is 11 December 2017. Call Announcement