The Belmont Forum welcomes transdisciplinary proposals to its collaborative research actions on systems of sustainable consumption and production (SSCP). Proposals to the Belmont Forum must address one of the following four themes: Transdisciplinary Research to help transition to Green Economies; Sustainable and Resilient industries; Social Inequality and Environmental Justice; New Technologies, Policies, and Practices. The Belmont Forum will fund three-year projects. All projects should include 3 funding agencies from 3 different countries. Proposals will be due mid October 2022. Know more
Indian National Academy of Sciences — JRD-Tata Fellowships for Visiting Scientists from Developing Countries
India’s National Science Academy administers the JRD-Tata Fellowships to support visiting scientists from the developing world and promote South-South cooperation. The program is open to applicants from developing countries (except India) younger than age 45, and who possess doctorate or masters degrees in science or equivalent degrees in engineering/medicine. Past participants have included several in agriculture, biological sciences, and geo-sciences. The fellowship is for three months and includes transportation, maintenance allowance, accommodation, and contingencies. The application deadlines are 30 April and 31 October of each year. Find out more