The Association of Field Ornithologists will provide one-year membership awards to qualified Latin American Ornithologists. These awards are restricted to individuals based in Latin America (including the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America). Members have access to information and networking opportunities in the field of ornithology. Applications are available in English and Spanish. Applications have to be submitted by 15 October of each year. Know more
Government of Luxembourg — Business Partnership Facility
The Government of Luxembourg provides financial support to the private sector in Europe to set up sustainable commercial projects in partnership with private or public organizations in developing countries. Project proposals should focus on one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and may not exceed €200 thousand. Applications can be submitted before 30 April and 31 October 2024. Details here
UNESCO World Heritage Center — Requests for International Assistance
Grants under the World Heritage Convention are made to help protect the World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites. Requests must be transmitted by a State Party National Commission for UNESCO or Permanent Delegation to UNESCO, or an appropriate governmental department or ministry. The limits on funding vary with the type of request (e.g., technical cooperation, training and research, promotion and education, preparatory assistance, emergency assistance). The next deadline for submitting requests is 31 October 2024. More information