Silicon Valley Global Ventures is an investment, technology, and advisory firm that invests in companies that go through their accelerator program. The THRIVE Global Impact Challenge seeks innovative startups advancing a more sustainable future for agriculture. Selected companies benefit from an accelerator program that provides investment, mentorship, and direct access to agriculture companies and farmers. The application deadline is 12 July 2024. THRIVE Global Impact Challenge
African Development Bank — Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa
The Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) provides catalytic finance to unlock private-sector investments in renewable energy. SEFA offers technical assistance and concessional finance instruments. Funding requests must be aligned with three strategic priorities: (1) Green Baseload; (2) Green Mini-Grids; and (3) Energy Efficiency. Technical assistance grants are available to public and private sector entities. Applications can be submitted anytime. Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa
UNESCO — Designated Sites in Europe and North America
The UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe launches a call for applications for UNESCO-designated sites in Europe and North America. Eligible UNESCO sites are Biosphere Reserves, Global Geoparks, and Natural and Mixed World Heritage sites. Each selected site will receive funding to implement activities for a total amount of up to US$ 25 thousand per site. The application deadline is 09 May 2024. UNESCO
African Development Bank — Innovators Program
The AfriCircular Innovators Program supports young entrepreneurs by providing extensive support tailored to startups in the circular economy sector. Selected entrepreneurs receive grant funding for market exploration and product development. The program is designed for entrepreneurs who are at the early stage of their entrepreneurial journey. The program will support solutions with operations in Ghana, Ivory Coast, or Rwanda. Applications are open until 26 May 2024. AfriCircular Innovators Program
German Academic Exchange Service — Bilateral Exchange for Postdoctoral Researchers
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports exchanges of scientists and academics from partner countries for bilateral research projects in Germany. Foreign academics and scientists with doctoral degrees who work at a university or research institute in EU countries, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, and Ukraine are eligible to apply. Participants receive monthly stipends of €2 thousand. The application deadline is 30 May 2024 (for research stays starting from February 2025). More information
Inter-American Development Bank — Boosting Water Sector Innovation
The Inter-American Development Bank launches the Aquacerta Challenge. The challenge supports innovative solutions from the private sector that can be adopted by service providers in Latin America and the Caribbean to ensure safely managed drinking water and the resilience of water systems. Applicants can apply for contingent recovery financing from US$300 thousand to a maximum of US$500 thousand each. However, applicants should be able to contribute at least 50% in counterpart funds. Eligibility extends to legally established entities from the private sector such as startups, small and medium enterprises, and social businesses. The application deadline is 31 May 2024. Aquacerta Challenge
Visegrad Fund — Western Balkans Grant Program
The International Visegrad Fund calls for grant projects that will facilitate the transfer of know-how between non-governmental and civil society organizations in Visegrad countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary) and the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia). Thematic areas include environment and sustainable development, among others. The program is open to any legal entity or natural person worldwide, with preference for projects submitted by non-profit and non-governmental organizations; public educational, cultural, and research institutions; and municipalities and local governments. Applicants can apply by 01 June 2024. Visegrad+ Grants
Earth Observation — Sustainable Blue Economy
The Earth Observation Sustainable Blue Economy project aims to develop new products, indicators, and tools to support local Blue Economic activities and monitor their impact on the marine environment. Four contracts will be implemented, each targeting one among four possible themes: Aquaculture, Fisheries, Marine Renewable Energy, Leisure, and Tourism. The activity shall be implemented in close collaboration with Early Adopters such as permitting and regulating authorities, financial investors, and the Blue Economy sector operators. The closing date is 05 June 2024. Details
U.S. African Development Foundation — Financing for Agriculture
The U.S. African Development Foundation (USADF) invites applications from registered African agricultural cooperatives and enterprises for grant financing. Grants will support solutions that increase revenues, create jobs, improve farmer incomes, and achieve sustainable market-based growth. USADF accepts applications in Burundi, Cote d’Ivoire, DRC, Liberia, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. Applicants can request no more than US$250 thousand. The application deadline is 30 June 2024. More
100,000 Strong in the Americas — Climate/Inclusive Education Grant
The 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund, Alliance for Climate Action (100K CLIMA) competition invites higher education institutions from the United States and Brazil to create partnerships to submit proposals for consideration. The 100K CLIMA competition intends to award up to seven grants of up to US$40 thousand each. The purpose of the competition is to provide funding to support innovative partnerships between HEIs that will result in inclusive, climate-focused, student/faculty exchange and training programs. The deadline to apply is 31 July 2024. Link