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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council — Partnerships Worldwide

The BBSRC Partnering Awards aim to set up partnership links between UK and overseas laboratories, promote the exchange of scientists, particularly early career scientists, and to promote access to facilities. Funding of up to £30 thousand is available for a period of up to four years for partnerships with bioscience laboratories in countries not currently eligible through existing partnering award schemes. International partnerships focusing on the net zero carbon emissions target, through a sustainable, resilient and bio-diverse agri-food system are especially welcome. Funds can only be used for travel, subsistence and other activities, such as workshops or exchanges. The application deadline is 10 November 2022. BBSRC Partnerships Worldwide

Endangered Landscapes Programme — Restoring Endangered Landscapes

The Endangered Landscapes Programme (ELP) invites expressions of interest from organizations and partnerships for the Landscape Restoration Grant. The program supports landscapes and seascapes restoration in areas that are ecologically degraded, fragmented, disconnected, missing key species and vulnerable to climate change. The maximum grant amount projects can apply for is €100 thousand. The program welcomes applications for smaller amounts. Each team must identify a Lead Partner who will take responsibility for the project. Lead partners must be not-for-profit organizations. The deadline for expressions of interest is 03 February 2023. Landscape Restoration Grant

Global Agriculture and Food Security Program — Recovery of Agriculture and Food Systems

The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) announces a call for proposals for programs and projects that strengthen agriculture and lessen food insecurity in low-income countries. The program will support medium- to long-term COVID-19 response efforts for a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient recovery of agriculture and food systems in a changing climate. GAFSP intends to fund 5-8 proposals for a total of at least US$175 million. Applications (English and French) are invited from governments in the 56 member countries of the International Development Association in East Asia and the Pacific; South Asia; Eastern and Central Europe; the Middle East; Africa; and Latin America. Expressions of Interest have to be submitted no later than 31 October 2022. Link to GAFSP

United States Agency for International Development — Conservation in Madagascar

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications from qualified entities to reduce threats to biodiversity and improve conservation; develop economic opportunities for the poor; and improve environmental governance in Madagascar. USAID intends to award up to 3 awards of approximately US$25 million for terrestrial activities and US$15 million for marine activities. Eligibility is not restricted. USAID encourages applications from local organizations. The closing date for applications is 14 November 2022. More information

UK Government — Manufacturing Pollution in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia

The Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution (SMEP) Program calls for concepts for research and development projects that address manufacturing pollution in the textiles sector. The program has an investment fund of up to £20 million to be disbursed over a 5 year period with up to £5 million for this call. Eligibility extends to NGOs, UK-based non-profit organizations, companies, and educational institutions. Priority will be given to projects in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ghana, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal. The deadline for submitting applications is 14 December 2022. Link to SMEP

InsuResilience Solutions Fund — Agricultural Insurance Projects

The InsuResilience Solutions Fund (ISF) seeks projects with a holistic approach on disaster relief and preparedness. The Fund will support the development of new climate risk insurance products or the scaling-up of already existing products with the aim to increase the resilience of poor and vulnerable people in developing countries to climate change. ISF provides grant-based co-funding of up to €2.5 million, but requires matching the grant funding (in-kind and/or as a financial contribution). Eligibility extends to private and public organizations located in Asia and the Pacific, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. The application deadline is 20 January 2023. Know more

Leading House Africa — Seasonal Schools for African PhD Students

Leading House Africa seeks to promote research cooperation between Swiss and African PhD students of higher education institutions in seasonal schools. Leading House seeks Seasonal Schools in Switzerland to sponsor African participants for a PhD graduate program. Eligible applicants are organizers of seasonal schools (e.g. summer schools) in or outside of Switzerland affiliation to a Swiss Institution of Higher Education. The grant per seasonal program is CHF 60 thousand. The submission deadline is 28 February 2023. Details

HCL Group — Global Freshwater Innovation Challenge

The Global Freshwater Innovation Challenge seeks  innovative solutions to conserve and restore freshwater ecosystems. HCL has committed $15 million over five years to support water focused entrepreneurs. The first year’s challenge will focus on water quality restoration and ecosystem resilience. Eligibility extends to impact-oriented start-ups with pilot projects, social enterprises with sustainable business models, and businesses ready to scale. The last date to apply is 08 November 2022. Find information about the challenge

UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council — Partnerships with Brazil

The BBSRC Partnering Awards aim to set up partnership links between UK and overseas laboratories, promote the exchange of scientists, particularly early career scientists, and to promote access to facilities. Funding of up to £50 thousand is available for a period of up to four years for partnerships with Brazilian bioscience laboratories. International partnerships focusing on the net zero carbon emissions target, through a sustainable, resilient and bio-diverse agri-food system are especially welcome. Funds can only be used for travel, subsistence and other activities, such as workshops or exchanges. The application deadline is 10 November 2022. BBSRC Research Grant Brazil

UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council — Partnerships with India

The BBSRC Partnering Awards aim to set up partnership links between UK and overseas laboratories, promote the exchange of scientists, particularly early career scientists, and to promote access to facilities. Funding of up to £30 thousand is available for a period of up to four years for partnerships with Indian bioscience laboratories. International partnerships focusing on the net zero carbon emissions target, through a sustainable, resilient and bio-diverse agri-food system are especially welcome. Funds can only be used for travel, subsistence and other activities, such as workshops or exchanges. The application deadline is 10 November 2022. BBSRC Research Grant India