The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) invites expressions of interest from organizations interested in serving as the regional implementation team for the Tropical Andes Biodiversity Hotspot (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru). Organizations that submit an expression of interest will be invited to submit full proposals. The deadline for expressions of interest (English, Spanish) is 19 July 2022. Implementation Team Tropical Andes
International Development Research Centre — Strengthening Research in West Africa
The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) calls for proposals to support the strengthening of national research and innovation funding agencies in West Africa. The Science Granting Councils Initiative invites proposals from organizations (including think tanks, institutes, universities and agencies) based in Africa Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone. Organizations should have proven experience and track records in areas such as public sector science, technology and innovation; strengthening organizational capacity; and national science, among others. The budget available for this project is up to C$1 million over approximately 36 months. Proposals have to be submitted by 31 July 2022. Know more
U.S. African Development Foundation — Agricultural Cooperatives in Nigeria
The U.S. African Development Foundation (USADF) and Ekiti State Government (EKSG) invites proposals for grant financing and local support for innovative solutions that improve farmer incomes and achieve sustainable market-based growth. Proposals will be accepted from registered agricultural cooperatives, producer groups, and agricultural processors in Nigeria. Grant awards range from US$50 thousand to US$250 thousand. Organizations must be 100% African-owned and led. Applications have to be submitted by 31 July 2022. Click here
European Commission — Green Economy in Jordan
The European Commission (EC) seeks to contribute to the development of a green, environmentally sustainable economy in Jordan. The EC will fund projects that focus on enhanced coordination and sustainable resource management in the energy, water and agriculture sectors. Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between €1 million and €1.25 million. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations established in a Member State of the European Union or in Jordan. The deadline for submission of applications is 18 August 2022. Link
Swedish Institute — Academic Collaboration in the Baltic Sea Region
The Swedish Institute offers funding to Swedish universities, for projects together with their partners in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine. The aim is to strengthen the capacity for internationalization within higher education and research. The program offers two types of project funding, Seed Funding of SEK 100-300 thousand for projects with a duration of up to 12 months, and Collaboration Funding of up to SEK 1 million for the duration of 18 months. The main applicant to SI must represent a Swedish university, but the application should be prepared jointly together in the partnership. Applications can be submitted until 30 September 2022. About
U.S. Agency for International Development — Partnerships in WASH
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) aims to engage locally based new and underutilized partners to diversify partnerships in WASH. The purpose of this activity is to improve governance of water resources and services and improve equitable access to water used for productive purposes. The total estimated award to be issued under this activity is US$14.6 million. Legally registered organizations are eligible to apply as implementing partners. The closing date for applications is 23 June 2022. Know more
U.S. Agency for International Development — Biodiversity for Resilience Activity Uganda
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks Expressions of Interest for the pre-selection of local partners for the USAID/Uganda Biodiversity for Resilience (B4R) Activity in Uganda. The (B4R) Activity will provide direct financial support in the form of sub-awards to private sector and other community-based enterprises with the aim to conserve and manage biodiversity in target ecosystems. Awards range from US$50 thousand to US$250 thousand per project for a period of 12 months. Target sectors include climate-smart, organic and/or restorative Agriculture, Eco-Tourism, Forestry, wildlife-based Enterprises, renewable Energy, and Aquaculture. Eligibility extends to local Ugandan non-profit organizations and community-based entities. The deadline for submission of expression of interest is 30 June 2022. Biodiversity for Resilience
International Union for Conservation of Nature — Sustainable Environments
The Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Environments (RISE) Grant Program supports strategies to prevent gender-based violence in the context of natural resource access and control. For that purpose, RISE seeks partnerships between environmental organizations, Indigenous Peoples’ organizations, local and grassroots communities. RISE seeks to fund up to six projects in the range of US$100 thousand to US$300 thousand each. Projects must be implemented in Central America and the Caribbean, Eastern and Southern Africa, or South and Southeast Asia. RISE is open to non-profit organizations, universities, private sector companies and consortiums. The call for proposals is open until 18 July 2022. RISE Grant Program
European Commission — Optimize Farming and Forestry in North Macedonia
The European Commission (EC) seeks to modernize and optimize farming and forestry through provision of support to modernization and innovative management in the agricultural sector. EC will fund projects and business operations of entities active in the agricultural, forestry and agri-food industry, as well as activities to promote cooperation between farmers in order to establish producers’ organizations and co-operatives. Applicants can request up to €450 thousand in funding. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations legally established in North Macedonia. The application deadline is 18 July 2022. Know more
U.S. Department of State — Countering Wildlife Trafficking in Central and South America
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks to reduce poaching and trafficking of protected wildlife in Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, and Suriname. Projects should aim to strengthen the capacity of civil society and governments to detect, investigate, prosecute, and adjudicate wildlife trafficking cases. The overall funding amount is anticipated at US$4 million. Eligibility for this award is restricted to US-based and foreign non-profit organizations. Applications have to be received by 22 July 2022. Know more