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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

U.S. Department of State — Protecting the Rights of Environmental Defenders in Africa

The U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations interested in protecting the freedoms of expression and association of environmental defenders in Africa. Proposed projects should seek to elevate local community and grassroots-based activists and improve their capacity to strategically and effectively use advocacy and litigation tools to achieve changes in policy and practices. Projects should seek to target up to three countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, with at least one focus country being Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Tanzania, or Nigeria. Total funding is up to US$1 million. The DRL welcomes applications from US-based and foreign-based non-profit organizations, institutions of higher education; and for-profit organizations. Applications are due on 18 March 2022. Environmental Defenders in Africa

U.S. Mission Morocco — STEM Youth Engagement

The Public Diplomacy Grants Program aims to promote positive relations between Morocco and the United States and help Moroccan youth (aged 14-25) build and develop skills to improve their potential through innovative science (especially environmental and health awareness), technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) programs. The U.S. Mission considers proposals for projects ranging from US$5 thousand to US$25 thousand. An organization or individual may submit an application. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until 31 May 2022. Morocco STEM Youth Engagement

Telecel Group — African Solutions for African Challenges

The ASIP Accelerator Program seeks African startups in sectors including AgriTech and CleanTech. The program is ideal for tech-oriented startups looking to scale through corporate and public sector partnerships. The program offers bootcamps and training events as well as benefits (Google Cloud Services, Hubspot, etc.) and €15 thousand in cash to each startup. Applications close 28 January 2022. ASIP Accelerator Program

European Commission — Agro-Ecological Approaches in African Agriculture Systems

The European Commission (EC) accepts proposals for the agro-ecological approaches in African agriculture systems grant program. The implementation of agro-ecological approaches will alleviate the pressure that agri-food production places on natural ecosystems, contributing to resilience of agri-food systems and facilitating nature-based responses to current and future agri-food risks and threats. Proposals should build on existing and develop new knowledge, data, and models. Applicants must be established in EU Member States or low- and middle-income countries. The application deadline is 31 January 2022. Link

European Commission — Biodiversity in Outermost Regions

The European Commission (EC) announces a call for proposals to finance small grants for biodiversity conservation and restoration action in the EU outermost regions and overseas countries located in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean, Amazon, Pacific, Polar and Subpolar and Micronesian regions. The available overall budget is €32 million. In order to be eligible, the applicants must be legal entities, be established in EU Member States or overseas countries and territories and be active in the areas of nature conservation and climate change. The closing date for applications is 26 April 2022. Details here

Demeter — Pilots in the Agri-Food Sector

Demeter seeks to fund a small consortia of 2-3 partners for the deployment of new, high-value pilots in the agri-food sector. These pilots will focus on employing Demeter methodologies and technologies, addressing clear farmer needs, with particular focus on EU geographic regions. Demeter will provide up to €150 thousand equity-free funding per consortia available per successful project. The opportunity is open to consortia composed of two or three small to medium-sized enterprises, higher education establishments, research institutes and other non-profit research entities. The submission of proposals closes 16 February 2022. Know more

U.S. Mission to Pakistan — Climate Change and Environmental Protection

The U.S. Mission to Pakistan makes grants to establish partnerships between U.S. and Pakistani universities and organizations to build Pakistani capacity to adapt to and mitigate climate change. The U.S. Mission estimates to make three awards between US$200 thousand and US$500 thousand each. The partnerships will facilitate curriculum development, collaborative research, virtual exchanges, sharing of resources, professional development, and exchanges. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations. The closing date for applications is 22 February 2022. Link

United States Agency for International Development — Small Town Sanitation

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications for a cooperative agreement to implement the USAID/Mozambique Small Town Sanitation program. USAID aims to support the development of the WASH sector by implementing multiple activities focused on WASH governance and services in small towns. The applicant should implement activities that increase women’s leadership within the sector. USAID intends to provide US$14,4 million in total funding over a 4 year period. Eligibility for this NOFO is not restricted. The application deadline is 24 February 2022. Link to USAID/Mozambique

CRDF Global — Biological Supply Chains

CRDF Global awards grants to selected applicants from Eastern Europe to support training on securing biological supply chains through updated best practices. These grants are a one-time award of up to US$10 thousand. Only applications from Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, and Ukraine are eligible. Applicants may apply individually or as a team. The application deadline is 01 March 2022. Find details

U.S. Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs — Youth Ambassadors Program 2022

The U.S. Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs seeks applications from U.S. public and private non-profit organizations to deliver the Youth Ambassadors Program 2022. The Youth Ambassadors program supports youth empowerment and development by equipping exchange participants from foreign countries with the knowledge and skills to become active and responsible members of their communities. The program includes a three-week exchange for high school youth (ages 15- 18) focused on social inclusion, entrepreneurship, countering disinformation, and environmental protection. Participants engage in a variety of activities such as workshops, training activities and community site visits. The Bureau intends to award a cooperative agreement for an estimated total amount of US$10,2 million. The closing date for applications is 14 March 2022. Know more