The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications for a cooperative agreement to implement the USAID Feed The Future (Promoting Innovative and Resilient Agriculture Market Systems) program in Mozambique. Feed The Future supports producers and small to medium sized enterprises in agriculture to increase their profitability using a market systems development approach, while increasing their resilience to climate change. USAID intends to provide approximately US$25.5 million in total USAID funding over a 5 year period. Eligibility for this RFA is not restricted. Local organizations may partner with multiple applicants. The closing date for applications is 22 November 2021. Link
United Nations Environment Programme — Pilot Projects for Efficient and Resilient Energy Systems
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launches a call on digitalization for flexible and resilient energy systems. The initiative aims to step up global climate action and uptake of clean energy models. UNEP intends to support the implementation of pilot projects across Brazil, Colombia, Morocco, Tunisia, India, Indonesia and South Africa. Projects must cater to the increasingly urgent need to ensure efficiency and resilience of power systems to enable cost-effective clean energy transitions, mainly based on renewables. Applicants can submit a project for a maximum of €1.8 million. Candidates will need to be part of an international consortium that includes both public and private actors. Applications must be submitted before the deadline on 30 November 2021. Details here
Eurasia Foundation — US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange 2022
The US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange (SEE) supports professionals and entrepreneurs in Russia and the USA to engage in a meaningful exchange of ideas and best practices. Projects may request funding of up to US$50 thousand for a period between six and nine months. Candidates must be citizens or permanent residents of either the USA or the Russian Federation, and have professional proficiency in both English and Russian. The application deadline is 01 November 2021. About
United States Agency for International Development — Environmental Protection Activity in Serbia
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications for a cooperative agreement from qualified entities to implement the Together for Environmental Protection activity in Serbia. USAID will assist Serbia’s biodiversity and environmental protection through provision of capacity building, advocacy support, public awareness and cross-sectoral cooperation. USAID contribution is US$5 million, over the 5-year period of performance. For-profit or nonprofit organizations, as well as institutions of higher education, are eligible to submit an application. The closing date for application is 09 October 2021. More
Volkswagen Stiftung — Preventing Pandemics
The Volkswagen Stiftung funds international research collaboration and to generate new insights on “Preventing Pandemics: the Role of Human-Environmental Interactions”. Research should provide a better understanding of the emergence and spread of transmittable diseases like zoonoses, a deeper understanding of the complexity and dynamics of human-environmental interactions and the connections between human, animal and environmental health. Funding will be provided for small interdisciplinary research consortia of three to five researchers. At least one researcher has to work at a university or research institution in Germany, and two researchers have to be affiliated to academic institutions in Low and Middle Income Countries outside of Europe. For each project up to €1.5 million will be provided for up to four years. Applications have to be submitted by 04 November 2021. Preventing Pandemics call
United States Agency for International Development — Economic Recovery through Sustainable Development
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in Mali accepts the submission of concept papers focused on catalyzing private sector investment for Mali’s economic recovery through inclusive and sustainable development. Concept papers should focus on inclusive and sustainable agriculture-led growth. Funding for individual applications is anticipated to be in the range of US$250 thousand to US$1,5 million to be provided over a period of 2-5 years. The call is open to private sector entities from any country, although Malian private sector entities are of particular interest. The call is open for a period of one year with a deadline of 07 September 2022. USAID/Mali
British Council — Research Environment Links
Research Environment Links grants provide financial support for capacity strengthening and collaboration activities to develop and sustain medium- to long-term relationships in the UK and partner countries. The British Council invites proposals for research collaboration and partnerships between universities and research institutes in Egypt, Malaysia, Morocco, Thailand or Turkey. Each proposal must have one Lead Applicant from the partner country and one Lead Applicant from the UK. Research Links funds any discipline or cross-discipline for up to £50 thousand. The deadline for applications is 08 October 2021. Research Environment Links
UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council — Partnerships with China
The BBSRC Partnering Awards aim to set up partnership links between UK and overseas laboratories, promote the exchange of scientists, particularly early career scientists, and to promote access to facilities. Funding of up to £30 thousand is available for a period of up to four years for partnerships with Chinese bioscience laboratories. International partnerships focusing on the net zero carbon emissions target, through a sustainable, resilient and bio-diverse agri-food system are especially welcome. Funds can only be used for travel, subsistence and other activities, such as workshops or exchanges. The application deadline is 11 November 2021. BBSRC Research Grant China
European Commission — Enhancing Land Consolidation in North Macedonia
The European Commission (EC) seeks to improve farm structure in North Macedonia to improve the competitiveness of its agricultural sector. The EC calls for land consolidation projects to reduce land fragmentation, improve parcel shapes and increase the size of agricultural holdings. The overall indicative amount made available under this call for proposals is €1 million, but budgets of proposed actions should range from €1,1 million to €1,6 million. The difference between the total cost of the action and the amount requested must be financed from other sources. Eligibility extends to nonprofit organizations. (Note: Please be aware that UK participants are no longer eligible to participate in actions under EU programs.) The application deadline is 28 November 2021. Details
Sustainable Mekong Research Network — Rapid Response Grants
The Sustainable Mekong Research Network (SUMERNET) seeks to reduce water insecurity for the poor, marginalized and socially vulnerable groups in the Mekong Region. SUMERNET will provide up to two grants to collaborative research projects that focus on water access; governance and management of water-related disaster risks; and transboundary interactions with water systems. The proposed project must cover the whole Mekong region or at least two countries in the study area. Funding support will not exceed US$ 45 thousand per research project to be completed within 6-12 months. The Lead Applicant must be a formal SUMERNET network member. Expressions of Interest have to be submitted by 20 September 2021. Rapid Response Grants