The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Climate Investment Platform — Clean Energy Investments

The Climate Investment Platform (CIP) launches a call for proposals to invest in projects that advance climate action and energy security in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). CIP will award Technical Assistance for US$30 thousand to US$80 thousand to support development of a project concept. Projects must be assisting clean energy transition and/or energy access, including waste and water management and be deployed in Small Island Developing States. The closing date for applications is 27 May 2021. Details here

UN-Habitat — Innovate4Cities Conference

UN-Habitat seeks regional curator teams comprised of local governments, research institutions and innovation partners to support the delivery of program segments that feature tangible on-the-ground outcomes on the nexus between science and practice for ambitious delivery of climate goals. The Innovate4Cities Conference Regional Curatorial teams will be recognized as supporters of the event and gain significant organizational and brand visibility. The submission period ends 10 May 2021. Call for Regional Curators

Village Capital — Future for Food Latin America

Village Capital launches an investment readiness program for Latin American startups that tackle the most pressing challenges in the agritech and foodtech sectors. The program will support two cohorts, each of 8 to 12 startups. The top peer-selected startup (one per cohort) will receive grant funding of $15 thousand to support operations. Eligibility extends to profit-making entities in Latin America. The application deadline is 14 May 2021. Future for Food Latam

Social Science Research Council — Transregional Collaborative Research Grants

The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) offers research grants to conduct fully conceptualized research projects that deepen understanding of the effects of political, economic, and social processes in contexts of profound climate and environmental change in and across Indian Ocean countries. Teams will receive up to US$50 thousand for research-related costs. Grants are open to scholars and professionals working in the social sciences, humanities, physical and natural sciences. The deadline for applications is 26 April 2021. More

International Development Research Centre — Gender in STEM Research Initiative

Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) announces a new funding opportunity to advance gender analysis and women’s leadership in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. This initiative will support university-led consortia to expand and deepen scholarship in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in Africa, on the challenges and opportunities that women scientists experience in STEM fields. IDRC will provide CA$1 million to CA$1.25 million per research consortium. The call is open to public universities from low- and middle-income countries in Africa, Asia, or Latin America/Caribbean. Extended Deadline: 10 May 2021. STEM Research Initiative

U.S. National Academy of Sciences — Collaborative Applied Research

Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) invites researchers in Bhutan to apply for funds to support research and capacity-building activities. PEER will fund collaborative applied research projects within the environment, energy, and public health sectors. The funded projects are conducted in collaboration with researchers based in the United States. The program awards up to US$70 thousand per research team. The application deadline is 03 May 2021. More here

Stockholm Environment Institute — Strategic Collaborative Fund Asia

The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) supports regional environmental and sustainable development events in Asia. SEI welcomes concept notes for regional strategic events in Asia that focus on advancing environmentally sustainable development with integration of gender and social equality and rights-based approaches. Themes under the Strategic Collaborative Fund include: Addressing air pollution and climate change, agrobiodiversity, disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation, and ecosystems. A total of SEK450 thousand will be awarded per grant. Projects should be based in South or Southeast Asia or address issues relevant to Asia. Eligibility extends to nonprofit organizations or networks. The deadline is 17 May 2021. Find out more

Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange — Scientific Exchanges with Poland

The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) accepts applications for the Ulam Programme. The Program allows exchange visits (6-24 months) of scientists from all around the world to Poland in order to strengthen the scientific potential of Polish entities and increase scientific internationalization in all fields of science. (Note: This may include one or more focus areas of the Terra Viva Grants Directory.) Awardees will receive a mobility and monthly maintenance allowance. The deadline for submission is 15 June 2021. More about the program

Swedish Research Council — Research Links Program

The Swedish Research Links Program funds research cooperation between scientists in Sweden and scientists in selected low and middle-income countries. Past grants have funded research to address water pollution; control of agricultural diseases and post-harvest losses; livestock introductions; management of protected areas; and various other topics related to agriculture and natural resources. The maximum amount is SEK 400 thousand per year for up to two years. The closing date for applications is 13 April 2021. Find out more

COST Action MOBILISE — Short-Term Scientific Missions

Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) are exchange visits between researchers involved in a COST Action allowing scientists to visit an institution or laboratory with the aim of building a cooperative network to support research for biodiversity informatics. STSMs support scientific exchange visits with a duration of between 7-14 days with funding of up to a maximum of €3,500. Financial support is limited to cover travel, accommodation and meal expenses. Applicants must be PhD students or postdoctoral fellows at an institution, organization or legal entity from a COST member or near neighbor country. Applications have to be submitted by 31 May 2021 (extended deadline). Short-Term Scientific Missions