UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), and the Department of Science and Technology of the Philippines (DOST) seek networking, partnership and research collaborations with focus on sustainable development in Southeast Asia. Proposals should include partners in South and Southeast Asia. Projects will be funded for up to 12 months, each with up to £100 thousand. Research must have been previously funded by UKRI, JST, or DOST. The closing date for applications is 03 February 2021. Click here to know more
Agropolis Fondation — Innovative Co-Learning for Agriculture-based Solutions
The Agropolis Fondation aims to foster new collaborations across agricultural research disciplines and/or stakeholders for co-learning (i.e., cross-learning between researchers from different disciplines, between academic and non-academic actors, or between researchers and PhD students). This call will fund the research and training needs of postdoc scientists, PhD students, young early-career scientists, and summer schools. The Agropolis Fondation intends to award two Post-doctoral Fellowships (of up to €68 thousand per project), four partial doctoral Fellowships (of up to €65 thousand per project), five young scientist research proposals (of up to €20 thousand per project), and four thematic summer or winter schools (of up to €20 thousand per project). Please note that the proposal for thematic schools has to be co-submitted by a Sub-Saharan African institution. The deadline for the submission of proposals is 20 March 2021. Link
Enel — Global Energy Transition
The energy company Enel seeks future solutions for the global energy landscape to ensure a sustainable energy transition in relation to Covid-19 and other pandemics. The company is interested in innovative methods to optimize remote working as well as digitalize workflows to make traditional businesses more efficient and create new opportunities for transition towards cleaner energy. Enel invites proposals with the goal to identify start-ups, scaleups and SMEs for possible collaboration. Proposals are invited from all around the world. The submission deadline is 30 November 2020. Link
United States Department of Agriculture — Technical Agricultural Assistance Ukraine
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) seeks to equip Ukraine’s agricultural sector and regional and national governments with complementary tools to promote and implement science based and internationally recognized standards. USDA will provide financial assistance of up to US$150 thousand to a non-profit organization, university, for-profit organization, or an Ukraine-based organization in support of the “Empowering Ukrainian Agricultural Associations” program. The application deadline is 11 December 2020. Full information here
U.S. Agency for International Development — Kenya Empowered Youth Program
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications for a Cooperative Agreement from qualified U.S. and International Higher Education Institutions (HEI) to implement the USAID Kenya Empowered Youth (KEY) Program. The program aims to support vulnerable youth, especially those most at-risk like adolescent girls, youth with disabilities, and youth living in extreme poverty. Proposed projects may include personal development, technical training and capacity building activities. USAID intends to provide total funding of US$15 million over a five year period. The closing date for applications is 18 December 2020. Details here
Foundation Future of the Carbon Market — Climate Protection Projects
The Foundation Future of the Carbon Market launches a call for proposals to fund the development of design documents for programmatic mitigation activities with the aim to prepare market based climate protection projects. The Foundation will provide funding for up to 5 selected proposals in different implementing countries. Eligible proponents are private and public entities with proven expertise in topics related to climate change mitigation, carbon markets, and the Sustainable Development Goals. Proponents can request funding of up to €100 thousand for the thematic approaches detailed in the announcement. The submission of proposals is open until 31 December 2020. Details here
Swiss National Science Foundation — Vietnamese-Swiss Joint Research Program
The Vietnamese-Swiss Joint Research Program enables researchers in Switzerland to carry out joint projects with research partners in Vietnam. The program supports ambitious research and innovative approaches in all areas of research. A maximum of CHF250 thousand per project will be available for the Swiss part for a project period of up to 3 years. Proposals have to be jointly prepared by Swiss and Vietnamese applicants. The closing date for application is 15 January 2021. Link to the call
UK Government — African Agriculture Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
The UK Government invites applications for agriculture knowledge transfer partnerships between UK registered higher education institutions or research organizations and African businesses or non-profit organizations. The Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) scheme will support African knowledge bases in Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa in support of capacity building for sustainable agriculture and strategic innovation projects that tackle challenges in Africa. Each application must be led by a UK registered knowledge base, working with an African business partner and African knowledge base. Typically projects cost no more than £125 thousand per year. The application deadline for this scheme is 27 January 2021. Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
European Commission — Developing the Agri-Sector in Ethiopia
The European Commission (EC) seeks to support micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises in the agri-sector in Ethiopia. The aim is to develop and implement one business incubation program to support agri-business and agro-entrepreneurs in order to improve market access and value chains in the agribusiness and hybrid agri-tech sectors. The EC invites applications from non-profit organizations interested in developing a “Program to support Entrepreneurship and MSME creation (Business incubators)” in Ethiopia. The overall amount made available under this call for proposals is €5 million. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 16 February 2021. Click here
Clean Cooking Alliance — Development of a Spatial Platform for Clean Cooking in Nepal
The Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) accepts proposals for the development of a spatial platform to support the government of Nepal to achieve clean cooking for all by 2030. Throughout the platform building process, the selected consultant and CCA will co-host webinars for key stakeholders to share learnings and support the clean cooking sector. All consultants submitting proposals must showcase relevant expertise, experience, and capacity in geospatial platform development. Applications have to be submitted by 15 November 2020. Click here