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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council — UK-Brazil Collaborative Research

The BBSRC and FAPESP announce a joint call for collaborative research proposals to encourage and support international research teams in Brazil and the UK. Proposals may be submitted in any area of science that is within the remit of both BBSRC and FAPESP, including biological and natural sciences. Eligibility extends to Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Research Council Institutes (RCIs), and approved Independent Research Organisations. The Brazilian partners must be based at an institution eligible for FAPESP support in the state of Sao Paulo. The application deadline is 29 April 2020. Find the announcement

Government of India — Cleaning the Ganga and Agri-Water

The Department of Science and Technology (DST) India and the Dutch Research Council (NWO) aim to contribute to cleaning the Ganga, with particular focus on the impact of agriculture on the Ganga water system. Proposed projects may focus on river basin system management and research, propose interventions to improve agricultural water management, or produce science-based recommendations for policies and regulations that contribute to increased water awareness. Proposals should furthermore be characterized by equal partnership and sustainable collaboration between the Indian and Dutch partners. Applications can be submitted by consortia that include research organizations, academic institutions, and/or public, semi-public or private organizations (for-profit or non-profit). Consortia can apply for a maximum of €700 thousand at NWO (Dutch research partners) and a maximum of Rs. 5.5 crores from DST (Indian research partners). The deadline for submissions is 12 May 2020. Find the guidelines for applicants

US Department of State — Academy for Women Entrepreneurs in South Africa

The U.S. Embassy South Africa announces an open competition for organizations to submit concept notes to carry out a training program for women entrepreneurs in South Africa in collaboration with the Arizona State University. (Note: This announcement seeks implementing partners. It does NOT seek applications for participation in the program.) The Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) participants will engage in lessons on business management and network with mentors from their regions and the United States. The implementing partner will also be expected to organize a pre-launch training program for facilitators throughout South Africa, to occur in Johannesburg. The estimated total project funding is US$37 thousand. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations, for-profit organizations and institutions of higher education. All applications must be received by 15 March 2020. Link

US Department of State — Supporting Women in Equatorial Guinea

The U.S. Embassy in Malabo invites project proposals with focus on women issues and economy diversification in Equatorial Guinea. Projects need to address the social or economic inclusion of women (i.e. equal rights, training in business development skills, promoting the entrepreneurial spirit, and opportunities for women) or diversify the Equatoguinean economy. The Embassy expects to make 4 grants of up to US$7 thousand for projects with a duration of up to 7 months. Eligibility is open to all individuals and non-profit organizations whose work directly affects Equatorial Guinean populations. All applications must be received by 22 March 2020. Link

UK Royal Society — Grants for Scientific Meetings

The Royal Society hosts a program of scientific meetings each year with the aim to bring together scientists from around the world to present and discuss new research in all areas of science. Each meeting is organised by leaders in the field, using their expertise to ensure the key topics are covered. The Royal Society contributes to travel and expenses for the meeting and provides logistical support. Proposals are invited from any UK-based researcher. Many meetings have co-organizers from outside the UK. The deadline for scientific meeting proposals is 01 April 2020. More

JPI Oceans — Aquatic Pollutants Joint Transnational Call

The Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) on Water, Oceans and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) announces a call for research and innovation projects on risks posed to human health and the environment by pollutants and pathogens present in water resources. A total of €22.6 million has been allocated for this call. There is no limit of total budget for proposals. Each consortium must be composed of eligible independent entities from a minimum of three different EU Member States or H2020 Associated countries (listed in the announcement). The pre-proposal submission deadline is 18 May 2020. Detailed information

UK Natural Environment Research Council — Global Partnerships Seedcorn Fund 2020

The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) invites proposals to its Global Partnerships Seedcorn Fund 2020 call. The Fund allows UK environmental science researchers to forge new partnerships and networks with international researchers from developing countries. Activities under this grant scheme may include, but are not limited to, programs of exchange visits, scoping studies, proof of concept studies and workshops. Awards are up to a maximum of £100 thousand for two years. The deadline to submit a notification of intent is 12 March 2020. Click here

Nordic Africa Institute — Grants for Guest Researchers from Africa 2020

The Nordic Africa Institute (NAI) provides funding to social science researchers from Sub-Saharan Africa for short-term collaborative assignments at the NAI in Uppsala, Sweden. Female researchers are especially encouraged to apply. The scholarship includes travel (economy class), accommodation, a subsistence allowance of SEK400 per day plus an installation grant of SEK2,500. The thematic research programs include the topics of economic growth, poverty alleviation, sustainable livelihoods, climate change, and sustainable development, among others. The application deadline is 01 April 2020. Link

Government of India and Uzbekistan — Indo-Uzbek Joint Research Program

The Government of Uzbekistan and the Government of India invite proposals for joint research projects in the following scientific areas (relevant to TVG): agriculture and food science technology; energy, water, climate and natural resources; among others. The fund will cover research expenses, exchange of visits for research projects, and workshops. The deadline for the submission of proposals is 14 February 2020. Find the call

U.S. Department of Agriculture — Scientific Cooperation Research Program

The Scientific Cooperation Research Program supports applied research and education projects between U.S. researchers and foreign scientists that create practical solutions to challenges faced by small farmers. Proposed solutions should address issues including agricultural trade and market access, animal and plant health, biotechnology, food safety and security, and sustainable natural resource management. The program supports up to 10 collaborative research programs with up to US$50 thousand. Eligibility extends to US public and private institutions of higher education. The application deadline is 02 March 2020. Scientific Cooperation Research Program