UK’s Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and Singapore’s National Research Foundation (NRF) invite proposals for collaborative research projects to understand the impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems in Southeast Asia. Applicants may request up to S$1.25 million from NRF and up to £700 thousand from NERC. Applications are sought from teams comprising researchers from Singapore, the UK and low- and middle-income countries in Southeast Asia. A Notification of Intent to submit should be submitted no later than 05 March 2020. Find details
U.S. Mission to Slovenia — NGO Small Grants Program
The US Embassy offers small grants for projects that strengthen ties between the United States and Slovenia. Eligible topics for projects are broadly defined and include energy security, entrepreneurship and business development (including women), youth engagement, and environmental preservation and sustainability. Projects may request funding of US$10 thousand to US$70 thousand. Only registered Slovenian NGOs (institutions of higher education and nonprofits) may apply. The closing date for applications is 15 March 2020. Link
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation — Agribusiness Intelligence Platform
#VALUE4HERConnect is Africa’s first agribusiness intelligence platform aimed at facilitating growth and development of women-owned agribusiness enterprises. The platform calls for registrations of women agri-businesses who wish to do business and trade in African and global agricultural markets. The aim is to create a network of women in agribusiness, increase information flow within women agribusiness networks and with their markets, supply chains and other service providers, including investment and financing partners. The registration is for free. The deadline for registration is 31 January 2020. Register here
Wellcome Trust — International Exchange Programs in Humanities, Social Science and Bioethics
The Wellcome Trust enables researchers to run international exchange programs specializing in health-related humanities, social sciences or bioethics. An International Exchange Program is up to £1.5 million and can last for three to five years. The Trust covers the costs of carrying out the program. The proposed program must have one program leader based at an eligible UK organisation and one co-applicant based at an eligible organisation anywhere in the world outside the UK. Preliminary applications must be submitted by 03 March 2020. Find details
Wellcome Trust — Research Development Awards in Humanities, Social Science and Bioethics
The Wellcome Trust funds groups of researchers who want to shape the direction of their research in health-related humanities, social sciences or bioethics. The Research Development Award is up to £1 million and lasts for three to five years. The award covers the costs of running the applicants research development program. Eligibility extends to emerging or established research groups consisting of two to six participants from anywhere in the world. Preliminary applications must be submitted by 03 March 2020. Find details
Regional Studies Association — Research Network Grant
The Regional Studies Association (RSA) covers issues in the fields of climate change, energy, migration, and economic development. RSA makes grants to researchers interested in establishing networks for research collaboration. The maximum funding is £10 thousand for newly established networks; and £7,500 for renewing networks. A research network must be organised and managed by active RSA members. Networks are typically made up of individuals from different countries, without any geographical limitation. The application deadline is 20 September 2021. Find details here
U.S. Agency for International Development — WASH Capacity Building Grant Nigeria
The USAID Effective Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (E -WASH) Program seeks partners in Nigeria to support organizational development and to build technical capacity in urban WASH for civil society organizations and water utilities. Applicants should propose a program that will support organizational development and technical capacity strengthening of civil society organizations and federal ministry of water resources and state water utilities. USAID expects to make six awards. The funding amount for each award is up to US$100 thousand for a period of one year. Eligibility to apply extends to non-profit organizations located and operating in Nigeria. The submission deadline is 31 January 2020. Find the call
African Academy of Sciences — Intra-Africa Research Collaboration
The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) announces the second phase of the Developing Excellence in Leadership, Training and Science in Africa (DELTAS Africa) program. DELTAS Africa funds networks/consortia led by Africa-based scientists to foster intra-Africa collaboration, improving research environments and training researchers to conduct relevant, locally contextualized studies. Key research priorities include the multidisciplinary nexus of human health in connection with climate change, among others. DELTAS Africa networks must consist of a minimum of three African partner institution. The deadline for preliminary applications is 28 February 2020. Link
UK Research and Innovation — Reducing the Impacts of Plastic Waste in Developing Countries
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) invites proposals for international, interdisciplinary, collaborative research projects with the aim to reduce the impacts of plastic waste in developing countries. This call aims to support up to five projects with a value of up to £3.5 million (note: overseas organisations are eligible for 100% direct project costs). All projects are required to have a Principal Investigator based in a UK research organisation. The call has a two stage application process. A Notification of Intent to submit has to be submitted no later than 20 January 2020. Find details
São Paulo Research Foundation — International Research Collaboration
The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) offers seed funding to support the exchange of researchers under the program “São Paulo Researchers in International Collaboration” (SPRINT). The 4th call seeks collaborations with selected partner research organizations in Argentina, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, United States, and New Zealand. The fields of joint research interest include environment, energy, and others — varying with each partnership. FAPESP also considers proposals from institutions that do not currently have an agreement with FAPESP if these institutions can present matching funds. The deadline for proposals is 27 January 2020. Details here