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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Academy of Medical Sciences — Global Challenges Research Fund

The Global Challenges Research Fund invites applications to grow research capability in the UK to meet the challenges faced by developing countries. Examples of thematic areas include sustainable agriculture; clean air, water, and sanitation; renewable energy and materials; addressing environmental shocks and long-term environmental changes; and others. Grantseekers may request up to £25 thousand in project support. Both UK and international research organisations (universities, public laboratories, or nonprofit organisations) can be research partners and receive funds. Proposals should be submitted jointly by an overseas researcher from a developing country and a researcher based in the UK. The closing date for submissions is 07 April 2020. Details

Swedish International Development Agency — Training Workshop: Mine Water and Mine Waste Management

Sida funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from relevant organizations and agencies in Eastern and Southern Africa. Invitations are open to applicants for the Advanced International Training Programme “Mine Water and Mine Waste Management.” The overall objective of this program is to develop a sustainable use of natural resources and to secure safe living environments for future generations. Sida will cover costs related to all program phases except personal expenses, visa fees or any local airport taxes and departure fees. The closing date for applications is 24 May 2020. About the training course

U.S. Department of State — Air Quality Management in Central Asia

The Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, U.S. State Department, announces the “Building Air Quality Management Capacity in Central Asia” program. The project targets government entities with the intend to strengthen regulatory and monitoring capacity of government actors and expand awareness of air quality issues in Central Asian countries. The program intends to provide US$296,296 in funding to be used for the production of educational materials, expert workshops, and the development of a monitoring and evaluation plan to be used by key agencies. Countries eligible for funding under this award include: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Applicants can be US and foreign non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and public international organizations. The application deadline is 31 May 2020. Link

Government of India — Cleaning the Ganga and Agri-Water

The Department of Science and Technology (DST) India and the Dutch Research Council (NWO) aim to contribute to cleaning the Ganga, with particular focus on the impact of agriculture on the Ganga water system. Proposed projects may focus on river basin system management and research, propose interventions to improve agricultural water management, or produce science-based recommendations for policies and regulations that contribute to increased water awareness. Proposals should furthermore be characterized by equal partnership and sustainable collaboration between the Indian and Dutch partners. Applications can be submitted by consortia that include research organizations, academic institutions, and/or public, semi-public or private organizations (for-profit or non-profit). Consortia can apply for a maximum of €700 thousand at NWO (Dutch research partners) and a maximum of Rs. 5.5 crores from DST (Indian research partners). The deadline for submissions is 12 May 2020. Find the guidelines for applicants

ProposalsforNGOs — Online Course: Fundraising

ProposalsforNGOs offers free online short courses in the field of fundraising. Participants will learn how to find donors and prepare proposals. The course is self-paced which means that participants can start and finish anytime. The course is available to participants from all around the world. Click here for more info

Earth Journalism Network — Reporting on Critical Environmental Issues in the Pacific Region

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers grants to journalists based in the Pacific Islands to report on critical issues related to climate change, biodiversity, pollution, and the illegal wildlife trade. Selected journalists will receive an average of US$ 1,500 in funding to cover travel and field reporting costs to produce of in-depth or investigative stories focused on environmental challenges in the region. Grants are open to early- and mid-career journalists. Deadline for applications is extended to 31 March 2020. More information

European Commission — Partnerships for Sustainable Cities

The European Commission invites concept notes for projects that address urban challenges such as water security, pollution, and climate change, among others. The call is divided into five geographical areas: Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Southern and Eastern Europe, and extremely fragile countries. Amounts requested under this call must fall between €2 million and €5 million. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations. Deadline for submission of concept notes is 27 March 2020. Link

UK Royal Society — Grants for Scientific Meetings

The Royal Society hosts a program of scientific meetings each year with the aim to bring together scientists from around the world to present and discuss new research in all areas of science. Each meeting is organised by leaders in the field, using their expertise to ensure the key topics are covered. The Royal Society contributes to travel and expenses for the meeting and provides logistical support. Proposals are invited from any UK-based researcher. Many meetings have co-organizers from outside the UK. The deadline for scientific meeting proposals is 01 April 2020. More

JPI Oceans — Aquatic Pollutants Joint Transnational Call

The Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) on Water, Oceans and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) announces a call for research and innovation projects on risks posed to human health and the environment by pollutants and pathogens present in water resources. A total of €22.6 million has been allocated for this call. There is no limit of total budget for proposals. Each consortium must be composed of eligible independent entities from a minimum of three different EU Member States or H2020 Associated countries (listed in the announcement). The pre-proposal submission deadline is 18 May 2020. Detailed information

European Commission — Environmental and Climate Action in Montenegro

The European Commission seeks to build capacity and awareness and improve the implementation of environmental and climate action policies in Montenegro. The priority areas to be addressed are Awareness; Recycling; Knowledge about Biodiversity; Environmental and Climate change in schools; Inclusion of Civil Society and economic operators in policy dialogue on environment and climate change issues; and Implementation of Environmental policies. Applicants may request between €30 thousand and €90 thousand for project implementation. Eligibility extends to non-profit, civil society organizations established in Montenegro or a Member State of the European Union. Deadline for submission of concept notes is 20 April 2020. Link