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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Australian APEC Study Centre — Women in Research 2018

The Australia – APEC Women in Research Fellowship supports female researchers from developing APEC economies to work in collaboration with partners at Australian institutions. Past fellows include several in subjects such as water resources, climate change, marine microbiology, and others related to environment. The program is open to female citizens and permanent residents in the following countries: Chile, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Peru, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. The application deadline is 06 April 2018. View

ETH Zurich — Exchange of Young Researchers

ETH Zurich, in Switzerland, supports the exchange of young researchers between Switzerland and China. Swiss senior researchers from universities or research institutes and from all scientific disciplines can apply to host young Chinese scholars or apply to send one of their PhD students to China to conduct research. ETH Zurich will provide a scholarship to cover living allowance and international travel. The deadline is 8 April 2018. About the Exchange Program

Royal Institution Of Chartered Surveyors — Cities for our Future Challenge 2018

The Cities for our Future Challenge is a global competition run by the Royal Institution Of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) in partnership with UNESCO and the ACU. Young professional, start-ups and students involved in surveying, urban design, architecture, or engineering are invited to submit innovative ideas for projects and policies that solve issues in the topics of Rapid Urbanisation, Climate Change, and Resource Scarcity. The winner will receive €50 thousand and mentoring to develop a prototype. Ideas have to be submitted by 31 May 2018. Participate!

SEED — SAG-Seed Replicator Workshops for Eco-Enterprises in Ghana

SEED is a global partnership founded by UNEP, UNDP, and IUCN to promote eco-enterprises. The program announces its next replicator workshop in Ghana. The replicator workshop of one day introduce motivated individuals to proven business models from various countries. Participants will learn how to adapt them to your individual local context to solve environmental, social and economic challenges. Focus areas are waste management and sustainable tourism. Future entrepreneurs, business owners and NGOs are welcome to apply. The participation in the workshop is free of charge, participants must cover their own transport costs however. The application deadline is 04 March 2018. About the workshop

International Youth Foundation — Global Fellowship for Social Entrepreneurs

The Laureate Global Fellowship, sponsored by Laureate International Universities, recognizes 20 young leaders from around the world who have pioneered solutions to urgent social and environmental challenges in their communities and beyond. Laureate Global Fellows begin their fellowship experience at a week-long training retreat and gain access to opportunities for needs-based personal and organizational development. Applicants must be 18 – 29 years old and founder or co-founder of a venture with at least one year of impact. Deadline for applications is 06 March 2018. Learn more about this fellowship

Eurasia Foundation — Youth TV Bridge

The US-Russia Youth TV Bridge is an international platform for increasing cooperation between US and Russian youth through collaborative video production. Students interested in broadcast journalism are encouraged to submit video materials on the topic “Using technology to improve society” (which may include one or more sustainable topics relevant to the Terra Viva Grants Directory). The best, most interesting, and most topical submissions will be shown in full during YTVB episodes. Eligibility extends to US and Russian teams consisting of 9th- and 12th- graders that are affiliated with a school or private television studio. Deadline for submissions is 31 March 2018. Submit your footage to YTVB

Swedish Agency for Development Cooperation — Planning Grants

The Swedish Agency for Development Cooperation (Sida) seeks applications for its Planning Grants program. Grants are awarded to help entrepreneurs explore new markets and research their technology’s impact on the environment and poverty reduction. The programme’s emphasis is on cleantech products, systems, processes, and services in the following focus areas: climate change adaptation/mitigation; ecosystem services; renewable energy; water and sanitation; and urban development. Eligibility extends to companies or organisations based in Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Bolivia, Colombia, Guatemala, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The maximum amount per projects is SEK350 thousand. The call for applications is open until 04 March 2018 with the possibility to send in a concept note and receive feedback before 14 February. Know more

International Institute of Education — Indigenous Biocultural Exchange Fund

The Indigenous Biocultural Exchange Fund provides up to US$5 thousand to indigenous individuals to attend global biocultural exchanges or meetings which impact the applicant’s home territory or region. Applicants must be indigenous or members of a local indigenous community. Additional preference will be given to women and youth. The fund is especially for, but not limited to, indigenous individuals in the following regions: African Rift Valley, Central Asia & Turkey, Southwest U.S. & Northern Mexico, Northern Australia, and Melanesia. The application deadline is 29 January 2018. About

UK Natural Environment Research Council — Understanding Risk Forum 2018

Young professionals with passion for risk communication are invited to apply for the Pressure Cooker event on Risk Communication at the 2018 Understanding Risk Forum in Mexico City, 14-18 May 2018. Up to 20 professionals and students from all around the world will test their innovative, creative, scientific and technological skills to co-develop risk communication solutions to real world problems facing local decision makers. Financial support for travel, accommodation and subsistence is available for a limited number of applicants. Applications have to be submitted before 26 January 2018. More about the event

Israeli Agency for International Development — Course: Clean Technologies for Economic Development

Israel’s Agency for International Development (MASHAV) offers professional short courses in Israel in subject areas that include agriculture, energy, health, education, and social development. MASHAV offers a limited number of scholarships to cover course fees, accommodation, medical insurance, and other expenses in Israel. The international course on “Clean Technologies – Environmental technology, innovation and management systems as a means for regional and local economic development” will focus on products, services, and processes that harness renewable materials and energy sources, dramatically reduce the use of natural resources, and cut or eliminate emissions and wastes. The course is geared towards decision makers, policy makers and professionals from the fields of energy, water, waste, agriculture, climate change, infrastructure and economic development. Additionally, MASHAV offers professional courses in Spanish, Russian, and French. Deadline for applications is 23 February 2018. Link