The Rainforest Alliance is interested in helping communities and small- and medium-sized enterprises to harvest and manufacture forest and non-timber forest products in a sustainable manner, and market these goods to responsible businesses and consumers. The Kleinhans Fellowship provides US$20 thousand over two years for research on this topic in Latin America, with preference for sites where the Rainforest Alliance currently supports community forestry. Applicants must have at least a master’s degree in forestry, ecology, botany, environmental science, or an appropriate related field. The next deadline for applications is 28 February 2025. Know more
International Marine Animal Trainers Association — Conservation Fund
The International Marine Animal Trainers Association (IMATA) provides financial support for non-profit organization projects which focus on conservation-oriented issues that serve marine mammal science through training, public display, research, husbandry, conservation, and education. Grants of up to US$5 thousand are for projects of one year. The Principal Investigator or co-PI must be a member of IMATA. The association accepts proposals all year. IMATA Conservation Fund Nomination
Society for Conservation Biology — Graduate Student Research Fellowship
The Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) supports graduate students whose research advances the science and practice of conserving biological diversity. The Fellowship Awards will support field work, including travel, materials or equipment required to conduct research. Students must demonstrate financial need toward completion of a graduate degree to receive US$1,000 in support of their research project. The deadline to submit your materials is 30 August 2024. Know more
Amphibian Survival Alliance — Partnerships for Amphibian Conservation
The Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA) makes grants to evidence-based conservation projects that address key threats to amphibians and raise awareness. Start-up grants of up to US$5 thousand are available to establish new in situ amphibian conservation projects. Emergency grants can be requested in emergencies, for example, in cases where in situ action is required, such as the emergency rescue of wild populations facing imminent threat of extinction. ASA Conservation Grants are only available to existing ASA partners. Interested organizations must submit project outlines before the deadline on 31 August 2024. Link to Amphibian Survival Alliance
Chicago Zoo — Endangered Species Fund
The Chicago Zoological Society administers conservation grants funded by the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT). The Fund’s priority is to support projects that assist directly in the protection of populations of threatened and endangered species; or that protect a specific habitat that is of high biological value or that is substantially threatened (IUCN Red List Status). Grants are up to US$7 thousand. The application deadline for concept notes is 01 September 2024. General directions
Explorers Club — Rising Explorer Grant
The Explorers Club supports the scientific fieldwork of groundbreaking explorers around the world. The Rising Explore Grant supports the fieldwork of serious researchers and offers exploration grants to High School Students and College Undergraduates as a way to help get their expedition science career off the ground. The average award is US$1,500. The deadline to submit applications is 06 September 2024. Rising Explorer Grant
Explorers Club — Exploration Fund Grant
The Explorers Club supports the scientific fieldwork of groundbreaking explorers around the globe. The Exploration Fund Grant supports graduate/post-graduate students and early-career field scientists across a variety of disciplines. Awards typically range from $2,500 to $5,000. The application deadline is 13 September 2024. Exploration Fund Grant
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Biodiversity Conservation in Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) seeks to empower communities and civil society in Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands to implement actions to improve the resilience of species, ecosystems, and human populations to climate change. CEPF intends to make small grants of up to US$50 thousand in support of strengthening the capacity of local communities and civil society at regional and local levels to enhance adaptive capacity and reduce exposure to climate change risks, and supporting research and ensure the dissemination of results for the promotion and improvement of knowledge on ecosystem-based adaptation actions. Eligibility extends to NGOs, community groups, private enterprises, universities, and other civil society applicants. The closing date for letters of inquiry is 13 September 2024. More
TREE Fund — Tree and Soil Research Fund
The Building Bridges Initiative helps arborists and urban foresters communicate the value of trees and urban forests through engagement via collaborative research and other projects with public works officials, risk assessment professionals, civil engineers, wildlife researchers, soil scientists, and others. The maximum award value of grants is US$30 thousand. TREE Fund welcomes research proposals and applications from a wide range of academic and technical disciplines, of both a qualitative and a quantitative nature. The deadline for Letters of Inquiry is 15 September 2024. Building Bridges Initiative
TREE Fund — Safe Arborist Techniques
The Safe Arborist Techniques Fund (SATF) supports research and development into the techniques and equipment that arborists use in climbing, rigging, and working on trees to provide a safer working environment. The maximum award value of SATF grants is US$15 thousand. TREE Fund welcomes research proposals and applications from a wide range of academic and technical disciplines, of both a qualitative and a quantitative nature. The deadline for Letters of Inquiry is 15 September 2024. Safe Arborist Techniques Fund Grant Program