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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Monarch Butterfly Fund — Support for Undergraduate and Graduate Students

The Monarch Butterfly Fund supports activities to protect the oyamel fir forests in which monarch butterflies overwinter in Mexico. The Lincoln P. Brower Award supports research projects of undergraduate and graduate students on the conservation of monarch butterflies and their habitats. Funds can be used to support supplies, travel, stipends for field assistants, and other legitimate research expenses. The grant amount is US$3 thousand. Submissions are due 31 March 2024. Details

Neotropical Grassland Conservancy — Conservation Research and Education in Latin America: Equipment and Student Grants

The Neotropical Grassland Conservancy (NGC) provides grants and equipment to students and scientists working in grassland habitats in Latin America. Research grants of one year are open to Latin American researchers affiliated with a university, museum, or conservation organization. Additionally, the NGC offers equipment grants for conservation science, and small grants to Latin American graduate students doing field projects. The NGC describes the amount of funding; eligibility criteria; review process; and application deadlines for each of the three programs. Awards range from US$500 to US$5 thousand. The application deadline for the research (memorial) grants is 01 March. The application deadlines for equipment grants and student grants are 01 April, 01 August, and 01 December. Click here

Nature Research — Awards for Inspiring Women in Science

Nature Research seeks applications for the Nature Research Award. The Scientific Achievement Category celebrates an outstanding female early-career researcher, the Science Outreach Category will honor an individual or organization who has driven initiatives to encourage girls or young women to engage with STEM subjects around the world. The call closes on 08 April 2024. About the awards

EcoSciGen — Climate Research Workshop

The Climate Research Workshop offers a unique training experience for individuals from Africa who are passionate about addressing climate change issues. The 6-month program offers scientific research training to equip young participants with the knowledge and skills needed to become independent researchers in the climate space. Young scholars must be between the ages of 18-26. Applications have to be submitted before 30 January 2024. Climate Research Workshop

Convention on Biological Diversity — Bio-Bridge Initiative

The Bio-Bridge Initiative (BBI) provides seed funding of up to C$20 thousand to incubate projects and partnerships that promote exemplary approaches to address biodiversity-related issues and challenges. Governmental agencies, research and academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, Indigenous Peoples and local communities in developing countries are eligible to apply. The application deadline is 29 February 2024. Link to Bio-Bridge Initiative

International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology — Research Mobility Grants

The ICGEB SMART Fellowship program provides fellowships to scientists in the early stage of their career wishing to spend between 3 and 9 months at a research institution in an ICGEB Member State other than their own. The stipend ranges from US$ 800 to US$1,500 per month. SMART Fellowships are intended to promote collaboration among researchers. Applications are welcome in any area of the Life Sciences. The application deadline is 31 March 2024. SMART Fellowship

University of Reading — Research Grant

IMAGINE if… is a research grant for the provision of research and business support by the University of Reading and Henley Business School. The research grant is worth up to the value of £100 thousand. Shortlisted finalists will be paired with counselors and researchers before preparing a business proposal to solve a global development challenge. Candidates aged 18 and over from around the world are eligible to apply. The closing date for entries is 07 January 2024. Details here

Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture — Professorial Chair Grants

SEARCA accepts nominations for regional professorial chair grants. The grant is open to Southeast Asian experts in the academic field of Agricultural Technology/Innovation or with outstanding contributions on policies related to Agripreneurship. These include, but are not limited to, agriculture, social sciences, marine and fishery sciences, environmental sciences, economics, and rural development-oriented fields. The awardee will receive a grant of US$5 thousand. Universities in the Southeast Asian Region can nominate candidates with tenure positions holding an academic rank of not lower than Assistant Professor. The nomination deadline is 29 February 2024. Professorial Chair Grants

Kubota Fund — Academic Training Program

The Kubota Fund announces a grant program for research analysts, trainees and students from developing countries who join academic or training programs provided by research/educational institutes or private enterprises located in Japan. The Fund provides financial aid (from ¥80 thousand to ¥100 thousand per month) to students, trainees, and researchers for pursuing academic degrees or research at educational or research institutes and business enterprises. Training or research on technologies for developing countries (especially civil engineering, electricity, machinery, agriculture, environment, energy, development economy) at companies or organizations in Japan is supported. Applicants must be nationals of a developing country. The application deadline is 17 January 2024. Kubota Fund

International Development Research Centre — Climate-Smart Livestock Systems (Africa)

The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) makes grants to develop new climate-smart livestock technologies and business models to improve animal productivity, promote climate adaptation and lower emission intensity for smallholder livestock farmers in climatic hotspots in Africa. IDRC intends to provide grant funding for up to six research projects of up to a maximum of CA$1.5 million each for 36 months. The lead applicant organization should be an African institution (public or private). The application deadline is 25 January 2024. Details here