The OSME’s Conservation Fund makes grants to support bird research in the Middle East, Caucasus, and Central Asia. The Fund supports projects benefiting species and habitats, especially Globally Threatened and Near Threatened birds, and sites important for bird conservation (Important Bird Areas) in the OSME region. Grants average about £1 thousand to £2 thousand. The submission deadlines are 31 January; 31 May; and 30 September each year. Know more
Loyola Foundation — Catholic Mission Activities
The Loyola Foundation supports family-based charitable organizations in less developed countries worldwide. Past grants have helped finance the installation of solar power plants, water wells, or the construction of churches, schools, and health clinics. Generally, the Foundation accepts requests up to US$20 thousand. Projects must be part of an overseas catholic mission activity. Completed applications must be received by 31 March and 30 September 2025. Link
Jean Sainsbury Animal Welfare Trust — Animal Protection and Welfare
The Jean Sainsbury Animal Welfare Trust makes grants to small UK-registered charities in support of animal protection, animal welfare, and the conservation of wildlife. The Trust only supports UK charities but funds can be used for animal protection projects abroad. The maximum funding given in the past was £35 thousand. The Trust has three annual deadlines: 10 January, 01 May, and 01 September 2025. Click here for details