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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Earth Journalism Network — Building Awareness about Renewable Energy in India 

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) seeks to boost content production and distribution of information to build awareness about renewable energy in India. EJN will support the production of in-depth content on the subject with approximately Rs 90,000 per selected applicant. Content can be produced in English or local languages, or both. Applications are open to India-based content producers (online, print, television, radio) and other experts with a demonstrated interest in covering the renewable energy sector. The application deadline is 13 May 2023. Link

United States Agency for International Development — Climate Resilient Agriculture

The United States Agency for International Development in Vietnam (USAID) seeks applications from qualified entities to implement the USAID Climate Resilient Agriculture in the Mekong Delta. The purpose of the program is to advance low-emissions, climate-resilient agricultural livelihoods combined with biodiversity conservation to support carbon sequestration, healthy ecosystems, and resilience of vulnerable communities. USAID intends to provide up to US$48 million in total funding over a five-year period. Eligibility is not restricted. The closing date for applications is 26 June 2023. Link

Banyan Tree Global Foundation — Greater Good Grants

Bayan Tree Global Foundation accepts applications for the “2024 Greater Good Grants,” which aim to impactful initiatives that benefit local communities and environments in Mexico, Cuba, Morocco, Islands in Eastern Africa and Southeast Asia. The main focus areas for projects include freshwater access, alternative livelihood development that protects the environment, management of food waste and humanitarian themes. Grants may request up to US$10 thousand. The application deadline is 30 September 2023. Greater Good Grants

Association of Southeast Asian Nations — ASEAN Prize 2023

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) invites nominations for the ASEAN Prize 2023. The prize acknowledges ASEAN citizens or ASEAN-based organizations that have made outstanding contributions to ASEAN’s community building efforts. The winner receives a trophy and a cash prize of US$20 thousand. All nominations must be submitted to the respective ASEAN National Focal Points by 28 April 2023. ASEAN Prize 2023

One Young World — Asia Scholarships to Participate in the One Young World Summit 2023

The One Young World Summit brings together young talents (ages 18-30) from many nationalities to share solutions addressing the world’s pressing issues. One Young World offers the Leading Asia Scholarship to ensure that the most qualified young leaders participate in the Summit, regardless of their ability to pay. Selected participants receive a fully-funded scholarship to attend the One Young World Summit in Belfast, UK (October 2023). The application deadline is 30 April 2023. Leading Asia Scholarship

Earth Journalism Network — Mekong Video Storytelling Fellowship

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) aims to train content producers from the Lower Mekong countries to tell impactful visual stories about natural resources governance. EJN will select 25 fellows from the Lower Mekong countries for online and in-person training. Following the training, participants will be invited to pitch video story ideas that examine the challenges in Mekong natural resource management and their impacts on local communities and natural habitats. EJN will award the best story ideas with grants of US$ 2,500 each to produce a video. The fellowship is open to applicants from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. The deadline for applications is 07 April 2023. Mekong Video Storytelling Fellowship

Slovak Republic — Slovak Government Scholarships 2023-2024

As part of its program of official development assistance, the Slovak Republic annually awards scholarships to support qualified international students for studies at Slovak universities. The fields of study include ecological and environmental sciences; agriculture, forestry, and veterinary medicine; water resources management; and several others. Eligible countries for scholarships are Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kenya, Kosovo, Moldova, Mongolia, Palestinian Territories, Ukraine, and Vietnam. The application deadline is 30 May 2023. Information here

U.S. Agency for International Development — Climate Action Partnership for Education

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks opportunities to co-create, and collaborate in the research, testing and scaling of innovative solutions that will advance climate action with a focus on girls’ education. USAID invites organizations, companies, community-based enterprises, academic and research institutions, and government agencies to propose novel or creative approaches. USAID anticipates making one to three awards totaling between US$4 to 5 million over two to three years. USAID seeks solutions that are relevant to sub-Saharan Africa and/or Southeast Asia. The application deadline is 28 April 2023. Click here

European Commission — Civil Society Development in India

The European Commission (EC) aims to promote capacity development of local civil society in India. In India, EU investments focus primarily on clean energy, water, biodiversity and sustainable agriculture. Applicants may request up to €3 million in project funding. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations established in the European Union or India. The deadline for submission of concept notes is 02 May 2023. Details here

SEED — Starter Workshop for Eco-Enterprises in India

SEED offers valuable resources and professional support to expand entrepreneurial ideas while learning from peers during interactive SEED Starter workshops. SEED Starter workshops consist of a team of 2-5 members that bring in a business idea for addressing environmental, social and economic challenges. Successful alumni are invited to apply for a SEED Grant for up to €1,000 which pays for resources required to establish the new enterprise. Eco-Entrepreneurs from India are invited to apply for the next starter workshop. Applications have to be received by 04 April 2023. Link to current openings