The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers support for the production of in-depth reports on India’s progress towards a Net Zero economy through a Just Energy Transition. The Earth Journalism Network aims to support the production of reports that raise awareness and drive conversations among communities and policymakers at local, national and regional levels. EJN will provide a grant of up to Rs 90 thousand per report. Applicants based in India are eligible. The deadline for applications is 20 February 2023. Pathways to Net Zero India
South Asia
Feed the Future Market Systems and Partnerships — Food Loss and Waste Partnerships Facility
The Feed the Future Market Systems and Partnerships Activity (MSP) invites for-profit businesses in Bangladesh, Kenya, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, and Tanzania to submit an application for co-investment through its Food Loss and Waste (FLW) Partnerships Facility. Investment partnerships will increase the uptake and scaling of technologies and management practices that reduce Food Loss and Waste. The closing date for applications is 24 February 2023. Details here
European Commission — Zukunftskolleg Konnect Fellowships for Early-Career Researchers
The European Commission, through the Euraxess initiative, offers the Zukunftskolleg Konnect Fellowships to support early-career researchers from Africa, Asia and Latin America. ZUKOnnect aims to extend research networks and environments through on-campus research stays at thirteen departments of the University of Konstanz. Subject areas include ecology, limnology, ecotoxicology, botany, amongst many others. The fellowship offers a stipend of €1,200/month for doctoral students and €2,000/month for postdoctoral researchers, as well as travel expenses and access to resources and events. The deadline for applications is 13 February 2023. ZUKOnnect
Government of India & European Union — Cooperation on Research and Innovation
The Government of India and the European Union seek applications for collaborative research & innovation projects carried out by consortia of organizations working together on research & innovation in areas of AI, electric energy storage solutions; zero emission vehicles; and biofuels. Any legal entity/organization (public or private research institute/university) established in India or the European Union with expertise in relevant and distinct disciplines is eligible to apply. Eligibility extends to countries associated with Horizon Europe. Projects will be funded for up to 3 years. The application deadline is 26 March 2023. India-EU Joint Call for Proposal
India Department of Science and Technology — Science Collaboration, India with ASEAN
The ASEAN-India Science and Technology Development Fund supports projects of 2-3 years between research institutions in India and collaborating institutions in the ASEAN countries. Areas of focus include environmental management, climate change adaptation and mitigation, agricultural technologies, alternative energy, biodiversity, and several others. The funds support mobility of researchers from India to partnering ASEAN institutions and vice versa, as well as some supplementary expenditures. Applications must be prepared jointly by the Indian and ASEAN partner scientists, and must be submitted to India’s DST and the ASEAN Secretariat simultaneously. The completed joint applications can be submitted during any time of the year. Link
U.S. Mission to India — Environment-focused Short Film Contest and Festival
The U.S. Mission to India seeks to promote climate action by encouraging climate-conscious citizens to create films that spur wider awareness and inspire community action. Therefore, the U.S. Consulate General of Mumbai seeks a partner that will organize film-making workshops, a crowd-sourced film contest, and execute follow-on activities to involve youth and civil society in environment conservation. The estimated total project funding is US$40 thousand. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations, civil society organizations, educational institutions, individuals, and governmental institutions. All applications must be received by 09 February 2023. Link
Horticulture Innovation Lab — Horticulture Research Projects South Asia
The Horticulture Innovation Lab seeks applications for South Asia regional horticulture research projects. Projects should conduct research designed to increase fruit and vegetable production efficiency in the horticulture sector of Nepal and/or Bangladesh through research and development. The selected research projects will be funded at US$250 thousand up to US$750 thousand. The Horticulture Innovation Lab seeks research applications led by local organizations that are relevant to smallholder farmers and disadvantaged populations. Applicants can be from academic institutions, government sectors, private entities, or other community based organizations. Applications are due 10 January 2023. Horticulture Innovation Lab South Asia
UNICEF Venture Fund — Climate Tech Solutions
The UNICEF Venture Fund provides up to US$100 thousand in equity-free investments to provide seed funding to for-profit technology start-ups developing software solutions using frontier technologies for climate action. The Fund only accepts submissions from companies registered in UNICEF program countries. Only private companies are eligible. The submission deadline is 09 January 2023. Link to the UNICEF Venture Fund
Flemish Inter-University Council — Short-Term Projects
The Flemish Inter-University Council (VLIR-UOS) invites applications for Short Initiative projects that aim to build and deepen academic/scientific collaborations among diverse teams of academics and researchers. Short Initiatives focus on a sustainable development challenge. The objective is to strengthen research and educational capacities of higher education and science institutions in partner countries in Latin America, Africa and Southeastern Asia. Project budgets amount to a maximum of €70 thousand for two years. The deadline to submit proposals is 16 March 2023. VLIR-UOS Short Initiative
Asia Research Institute — Asian Graduate Student Fellowship
The Asia Research Institute (ARI) invites applications from citizens of Asian countries for the Asian Graduate Student Fellowship. This opportunity includes a virtual fellowship and an in-person fellowship. Selected participants will undergo an intensive six-week program of independent research, training in academic writing, and mentorship meetings. Participants will take part in an intensive course on English academic writing. The fellowship program is open to junior scholars in the humanities and social sciences undertaking research focused on Southeast Asia. Candidates are to submit their applications by 14 December 2022. Asian Graduate Student Fellowship