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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Government of India — ASEAN-India Research Training Fellowship

The ASEAN-India Research Training Fellowship (AI-RTF) aims to promote cooperation in science, technology and innovation through joint research activities in environmental management, climate change adaptation, agricultural technologies, alternative energy, biodiversity, biotechnology, and others. The Fellowship provides ASEAN young researchers with the opportunity to work at an Indian research/academic institution. The duration of the Fellowship will be for a period of 2-6 months. Fellows receive full financial assistance, including international travel, accommodation, meals, and a one-time grant of up to INR 40 thousand for research expenses. The deadline for submitting proposals is 30 October 2022. Link to the program

Government of India — Young Scientists Innovator Prize

The BRICS Young Scientist Forum seeks to strengthen existing bilateral and multilateral relations as well as cooperation among its member countries Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. BRICS invites proposals from young scientists with projects in the thematic areas of biomedicine, low-carbon technology, artificial intelligence, renewable energy, and modern agriculture for the 7th BRICS-YSF Conclave in China. All participants will have the opportunity to attend the activities of the Science Communication Program. The program is open to scientists, engineers, technologists, innovators, science journalists, science professionals and researchers. Candidates to the BRICS Young Innovator Prize must be under the age of 30. Please note that candidates working in a private company are not eligible. Projects must be submitted until 10 July 2022. Click here to know more

Climate Action Champions Network — Young Climate Leaders

The Climate Action Champions Network seeks young climate leaders from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan. The objective of the program is to inspire the South Asian young leaders to champion an ambitious climate action agenda in their respective countries and in the wider Indo-Pacific region. Prospective climate champions between the ages of 18 and 35, who are passionate about climate action, are encouraged to apply. The deadline for submitting applications is 15 July 2022. Know more

Earth Journalism Network — Stop Spillover Story Grants

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers story grants to journalists from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Uganda, and Vietnam to report on viral zoonotic diseases and efforts to prevent their spillover from animals to humans. EJN aims to support the production of stories that raise awareness about viral zoonotic diseases and drive conversation among communities and policy makers. Applications are open to journalists working in any medium (online, print, television, radio). Freelance reporters and staff reporters from international, national, local or community-based outlets are eligible. The Earth Journalism Network expects to award at least one grant to each target country, with an average budget of US$1,200 each. Deadline for applications is 02 August 2022. Know more

European Commission — Promoting Green Growth in Nepal

The European Commission (EC) seeks to support civil society organizations’ ability to engage as actors promoting green growth and good governance. EC will fund projects that promote a just transition to a climate-neutral, resource-efficient and circular economy, and prevent biodiversity loss through the protection, restoration and promotion of sustainable use of ecosystems. Applicants can request up to €1.4 million in funding. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations legally established in Nepal or Member States of the European Union. The application deadline is 15 August 2022. Details here

Greater Mekong Subregion Secretariat — Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability

The Greater Mekong Subregion Secretariat invites applications to the Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Program (CCESP). The program’s six priority themes are climate and disaster resilience, low-carbon transitions, climate-smart landscapes, environmental quality through pollution control and sustainable waste management, digital technology for climate actions and environmental sustainability, and financing low-carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure and technology. The program plans to have 27 demonstrations. Each demonstration project will have a budget of US$40 thousand. The proposals can be developed and submitted by government departments and agencies, civil society organizations and community-based organizations, private sector, as well as academia and research institutes. The deadline for proposals is 01 July 2022. Link to CCESP

Nikkei Inc. — Innovation from Asia

The “Innovation from Asia” award focuses on novel and innovative activities started in Asia, and led by people from and living in Asia, creating a free and prosperous society by revitalizing the region and improving lives. Activities in fields such as business, research, technological development and social/artistic activities by an individual or a group can be submitted. The prize is 5 million yen. Candidates must be nominated by others. The award is open to innovations from East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and the Asia-Pacific region. Nominations close on 04 July 2022. Nomination

Islamic Development Bank — Empowering Youth for a Greener Future

The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) invites youth-led non-profit organizations to propose new and innovative green ideas and solutions that will support training processes for young people living in post-crisis situations. The “Youth Green Skills Accelerator Challenge” seeks to equip youths (15-35 years old) living in Islamic States with the competencies required for supporting a just transition in their communities. Up to 10 finalists will receive mentoring and training for a period of one week to improve their projects. The top three ideas will be awarded US$50 thousand, US$30 thousand, and US$20 thousand respectively, to implement the proposed solution. Ideas must be submitted no later than 28 July 2023. Youth Green Skills Accelerator Challenge

International Union for Conservation of Nature — Sustainable Environments

The Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Environments (RISE) Grant Program supports strategies to prevent gender-based violence in the context of natural resource access and control. For that purpose, RISE seeks partnerships between environmental organizations, Indigenous Peoples’ organizations, local and grassroots communities. RISE seeks to fund up to six projects in the range of US$100 thousand to US$300 thousand each. Projects must be implemented in Central America and the Caribbean, Eastern and Southern Africa, or South and Southeast Asia. RISE is open to non-profit organizations, universities, private sector companies and consortiums. The call for proposals is open until 18 July 2022. RISE Grant Program

U.S. Department of State — Countering Wildlife Trafficking in South and Southeast Asia

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks to reduce poaching and trafficking of protected wildlife in South and Southeast Asia. Projects should aim to strengthen the capacity of civil society and governments to detect, investigate, prosecute, and adjudicate wildlife trafficking cases. The overall funding amount is anticipated at US$2 million. Eligibility for this award is restricted to US-based and foreign non-profit organizations and educational institutions. Applications have to be received by 25 July 2022. Know more