The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Oriental Bird Club — Bird Conservation in Asia

The OBC Conservation Fund makes grants for bird conservation in Asia. Grant-making priorities are projects that benefit globally threatened bird species; that conserve threatened bird habitats; and that are led by Asian residents. Small Conservation Awards are up to £1,500 for projects of 12-18 months, with applications before 31 March of each year. There is a special early deadline on 15 November for projects that have to begin before July. The OBC also considers special and emergency applications at any time. How to apply

UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council — UK-India Agricultural Data

The BBSRC and partners announce a joint call for collaborative research proposals focussing on enhancement of agricultural data relevant to animal and plant health in India. The grants will be short-term projects of up to 18 months awarded to a maximum of £150 thousand in the UK, with matched contribution from the Indian Government’s Department for Biotechnology (DBT). The deadline for registration of interest and for a partnership building workshop is 18 September 2018. More

Tata Group — Tata Social Enterprise Challenge, 7th Edition

The Tata Group, in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC), seeks to identify promising social enterprises in India. Proposals are invited for social enterprises in agriculture, water and sanitation, energy, and other thematic areas. The proposed enterprises should create social impact in India, although applicants do not have to be Indian nationals. The top three winners of the competition will win cash grants up to 2 lakhs each, to be invested in their ventures. Selected social entrepreneurs will be offered mentorship and an opportunity to be incubated at IIMC. The deadline for submitting impact proposals (business plans) is 30 September 2018. Link

The Commonwealth — Commonwealth Young Person of the Year 2019

The Commonwealth awards exceptional young people, including entrepreneurs, inventors, environmentalists, women’s rights advocates, and others, who are making a difference in their communities. Entrants must be aged 15 to 29 years and can nominate themselves or be nominated by someone else. This year’s finalists will receive a trophy, a certificate and cash grants to help them continue their development work. All finalists will be awarded £1,000. Each selected regional winner will receive an additional £2,000, and the Commonwealth Young Person of the Year will also receive an additional cash grant of £2,000. Entries must be received by 31 October 2018. About the award

Australian Government — Australian Aid: Friendship Grants 2018/19

The Australian Aid: Friendship Grants program supports organisations from across Australia and provides funding for aid activities in the Indo-Pacific. Eligible Australian community organisations are encouraged to apply for funding of AUD30-60 thousand in three annual grant rounds. The grants will fund development activities that strengthen an overseas community’s capacity or socio-economic situation and improve the lives of poor and vulnerable people. The application form must be submitted by 27 August 2018. Friendship Grants

U.S. Department of State — YSEALI Regional Workshop: Eco & Sustainable Tourism

The U.S. Embassy Vientiane invites applications from organizations to carry out a five-day workshop in Laos on sustainable eco-tourism for the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI). The workshop will focus on building theoretical and practical knowledge about responsible, sustainable and ecofriendly tourism in Southeast Asia and explore different approaches on how to promote small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the tourism industry. Candidates can apply for US$250 thousand and should outline their potential to implement an eco-tourism project in their community that generates sustainable income in their local community. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations and educational institutions. The closing date for applications is 30 August 2018. Find the call

Tata Trusts — Travel Grants for Indians

The Tata Trusts supports philanthropic initiatives in the fields of water, energy, rural development, and others. The Tata Trusts Travel Grant scheme provides partial travel assistance to professionals and other employed people to enhance their professional or work-related skills through relevant training programmes and workshops. The application should be received at least two months prior to the date of travel. This scheme is open to resident Indian only. The last date for application submission is 30 March 2019. About the Tata Trusts Travel Grant

Earth Journalism Network — Bay of Bengal Story Grants

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers Story Grants to support the production of in-depth stories on climate and environmental change in the Bay of Bengal region. Particular attention should be given to the adaptation needs, challenges, efforts and success stories of vulnerable and marginalized communities, women and youth. Eligibility extends to professional journalists and other expert media practitioners. Most grants will range from US$1 thousand to US$2 thousand. The application deadline is 13 August 2018. Find this opportunity

Hindustan Unilever Foundation — India’s Water Footprint in Agriculture

The Hindustan Unilever Foundation (HUF) supports projects that offer solutions for highly efficient use of water in agriculture. The idea is to transform India’s water footprint in agriculture from a highly inefficient state to a more sustainable one. Interested organisations are encouraged to apply for long term projects (over 4 – 5 years), that can be initially incubated for 18-24-months. Last date for the submission of concept notes is 15 August 2018. About this opportunity

YES Bank — AgriTech Innovation

The program YES SCALE seeks technology-focused startups for catalyzing agri innovations in the areas of farm, food and supply chain technology. Selected startups receive a grant of up to US$30 thousand, plus mentoring and project support. Eligibility extends to Indian and globally based startups. The deadline for applications is 30 August 2018. More