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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Safari Club International Foundation — Grants for Wildlife Conservation and Research 2019-2020

The SCI Foundation funds projects and direct wildlife programs dedicated to wildlife conservation, research, and outdoor education in Africa, Asia, and North America. Grants are up to US$50 thousand per year. The application deadline is 31 October 2018. Link

U.S. Department of State — Fisheries Management and Governance

The U.S. Bureau of Oceans – Int. Environmental – Scientific (OES) makes cooperative agreements to support fisheries management and governance in U.S. FTA countries. Projects should focus on improving the science-based management of fisheries; monitoring measures to ensure compliance with fisheries regulations; and combating illegal fishing. OES will award one cooperative agreement of up to US$500 thousand or two cooperative agreements of up to US$250 thousand each. Eligibility is limited to U.S. and foreign non-profit organizations, and educational institutions. Submissions will close on 27 July 2018. Click here

UK Natural Environment Research Council — Towards a Sustainable Earth

The UK Natural Environment Research Council and funding partners invite proposals for the Towards a Sustainable Earth (TaSE) initiative, which aims to improve our understanding of the complex interactions between people and the environment required to make progress in achieving the United Nations Global Goals (Sustainable Development Goals). Applicants are invited to submit multilateral collaborative research proposals comprising eligible researchers from a minimum of three nations (Eligible funding agencies can be found in the call for proposals). Projects should be no more than £700 thousand in total for a maximum duration of two years. Full proposals are due 14 August 2018. Details of the call

Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Biology — Training Courses, Seminars, and Workshops 2018

The Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Biology (SEAMO BIOTROP) aims to increase the knowledge and skills of ASEAN professionals and students on a wide range of topics in tropical biology. Unless otherwise indicated, training courses are conducted at the SEAMEO BIOTROP headquarter in Bogor, Indonesia. Priority is for nationals of SEAMEO member countries, especially in the sponsored courses. The remaining BIOTROP courses and seminars for 2018 are scheduled from July through October. Application forms should be submitted to the respective course coordinators at least one month in advance of any event. Link

Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs — Voice Opportunity Grants

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides opportunity grants to effectively empower and give voice to marginalized and discriminated people in low- and lower-middle income countries of Africa and Asia. The thematic areas include one for improved governance and access to productive resources (e.g., land and water) and employment. The priority countries are Cambodia, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Philippines, Tanzania, and Uganda. Voice hopes to stimulate learning about the most successful methods of building community empowerment. Applications are invited from legally registered nonprofit civil society organizations and community groups. The applicant (or a consortium member) must be based in Africa or Asia, and operate in one or more of the focus countries. Grants range from €5 thousand to €200 thousand for up to 6-12 months. The application deadline is 31 December 2018. Link

U.S. Department of State — YSEALI Academic Fellows

The Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) is a program of the U.S. government to support bright young leaders ages 18-35 in the ASEAN countries. The YSEALI Academic Fellowships offer support to participate in a five-week institute on the campus of a U.S. university or college in one of the following topics: civil engagement; environmental issues; or social entrepreneurship and economic development. The fellowships include leadership development, an educational study tour, local community service activities, and opportunities to engage with peers in the USA. Applications are invited from current undergraduate or graduate students — as well as recent graduates — in Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Application deadlines vary by country, Cambodia’s application process is currently open with deadline on 29 May 2018. The deadlines are indicated on the country pages for YSEALI at the U.S. embassies. Link

European Commission — Combat Wildlife Trafficking in Asia

The European Commission calls for concept notes on combatting wildlife trafficking and forest crime in the Greater Mekong Region, Malaysia and China. Submitted projects may focus on strengthening the role of indigenous and local community involvement in combatting wildlife trafficking and forest crime, activities that seek to improve security and livelihoods of targeted groups, and activities that seek to limit demand for Asiatic wildlife and forest products, among others. The overall amount made available under this call is €8 million. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations established in a member state of the European Union, in an OECD member country, or in Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. The deadline for the submission of concept notes is 16 June 2018. Find the call for proposals

U.S. Department of State — Clean and Advanced Energy Investment Accelerator

The U.S. Department of State announces a funding opportunity for a cooperative agreement entitled “Clean and Advanced Energy Investment Accelerator (CAEIA)”. CAEIA aims to remove barriers to the deployment of clean and advanced energy policy in developing countries and to enable and mobilize funding for the deployment of renewable and other advanced energy sources. CAEIA will support a limited number of developing countries that may include Vietnam, Colombia, Mexico, Indonesia, Philippines, and Kenya. Projects can request up to US$641,975 for 36 months. Eligibility is limited to U.S. and foreign non-profit organizations, businesses, and educational institutions. The closing date for applications is 25 June 2018. View grant opportunity

Earth Journalism Network — Bay of Bengal Organizational Grants

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers Organizational Grant to support the creation of media organizations in the Bay of Bengal region, that aim to improve the quantity and quality of information about climate change. Particular attention should be given to the adaptation needs, challenges, efforts and success stories of vulnerable and marginalized communities. Preference will be given to applications from or affiliated with professional journalists, media organizations, journalism schools, and the like. However, EJN will also consider applications by NGOs or environmental groups looking to build the capacity of journalists to cover conservation issues. The average grant will be about US$15 thousand for one year. The application deadline is 18 May 2018. More

United States-India Science & Technology Endowment Fund — 9th Call for Proposals

The USISTEF announces its 9th competitive call for proposals to commercialize technologies for societal impact. Priority areas include health, education, agriculture, water, and others. Proposals must include at least one partner from each country, India and USA. Funding is up to Rs. 2.5 crores (approximately US$400 thousand) for projects that demonstrate a high potential to be commercial within 2-3 years. The bi-national teams can include incorporated companies; non-incorporated entities; and individuals or consortia from academic, government, and non-government R&D institutions. The deadline for full proposals is 15 June 2018. Link