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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

U.S. Department of State — Youth Debates in India on Climate Change

The North India Office of the U.S. Embassy New Delhi invites program proposals for a series of university-level youth debates on climate change and related environmental issues. The aim is to raise awareness about the complex conversations in this subject among college youth in the Indian states and territories of Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, and Uttar Pradesh. The U.S. government will make one grant for between US$50 thousand to US$70 thousand to an institution of higher education or a nonprofit NGO. Funding Opportunity ND-NOFO-16-105. The closing date for applications is 12 August 2016. Link

British Council — Research Workshops

The British Council announces workshops that convene UK researchers with partners in other countries. Among the workshops that have deadlines beyond the date of this posting are: Kazakhstan, low-carbon energy (deadline 15 July 2016); India, water purification (deadline 15 July 2016); Brazil, water/sanitation/energy (deadline 15 July 2016); Brazil, renewable energy (deadline 22 July 2016); Kazakhstan, mineral resources (deadline 22 July 2016); Brazil, legal aspects of agricultural technology (deadline 29 July 2016); and Kazakhstan, agricultural innovation (deadline 11 September 2016). The site lists additional workshops in additional subject areas. Link

U.S. Department of State — Fulbright/Clinton Fellowship 2017-2018

The J. William Fulbright-Hillary Rodham Clinton (Fulbright-Clinton) Fellowship is a component of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. The fellowships provide professional experience and research opportunities in public policy areas that include agriculture, energy, environment, and others. Host countries in 2017-2018 are the African Union, Burma (Myanmar), Chile, Cote d’Ivoire, Guatemala, Kosovo, Malawi, Nepal, Peru, Samoa, Timor-Leste, and Ukraine. Eligibility for the fellowships is limited to U.S. citizens. The application deadline is 11 October 2016. Link

University of Florida — Research on Livestock in Ethiopia, Nepal, and Rwanda

With funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development, the University of Florida manages the Feed the Future Livestock Systems Innovation Lab as a five-year program of research to improve the nutrition, health, and incomes of the poor through increased livestock productivity and the marketing and consumption of animal-source foods.  The program seeks to upgrade technologies, management practices, skills, knowledge, capacity, inputs across livestock value chains, and policy environments that foster sustainable intensification and increased profitability of smallholder livestock systems.  The focus countries are Ethiopia, Nepal, and Rwanda.  Participation is open to qualified universities, institutes, and other organizations in the target countries, USA, and elsewhere. The program will fund research grants up to US$1 million, and focus grants up to US$100 thousand.  The deadline for research concept notes is 23 June 2016.  Link

EU Horizon 2020 — INDIGO Young Scientist Competition 2016

The India-Europe Research Partnerships (INDIGO) announces the 2016 Young Scientist Competition for PhD students and early-career researchers in India and the EU. Six young researchers will be invited to the EU-India Cooperation Days in September (Goa, India) to present their ideas on a global or societal challenge pertinent to research cooperation between EU and India in the fields of bio-economy, biotechnology, or bio-based energy. The winner of the competition will be awarded a fully-covered trip to a scientific conference of her/his choice in Europe or India. The deadline for expressions of interest is 01 July 2016. Link

EU Horizon 2020 — Indian-European Research on Bio-Based Energy

The Indo-European partnership INDIGO announces a call for proposals in bio-based energy.  Focus areas are biofuels, and from waste to energy. The countries participating in the research are India, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Germany, and Latvia. Applications may be submitted by public and/or private entities which are eligible according to their respective national and regional regulations.The deadline for submitting proposals is 12 July 2016. Link

EU Horizon 2020 — Indian-European Research on Bio-Economy

The Indo-European partnership INDIGO announces a call for proposals in bio-economy.
This refers to using renewable biological resources — such as crops, forests, fish, animals, and micro-organisms — to produce food, materials, and energy. Countries participating in the research call are India, France, Germany, Norway and Spain. Applications may be submitted by public and/or private entities which are eligible according to their respective national and regional regulations. The deadline for proposals is 31 August 2016. Link

Finland Ministry for Foreign Affairs — University Collaboration, Finland with Developing Countries

Finland funds the Higher Education Institutions Institutional Cooperation Instrument to support collaboration between higher education institutions in Finland and partner universities in developing countries. All subject areas are relevant. Grants will range from £300 thousand to £700 thousand, up to 80% of total project costs, for up to three years. The partner countries of highest priority are Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Somalia, Tanzania, and Zambia. However, the program is open to partners in additional low and middle-income countries (details are provided in the announcement). The deadline for submitting proposals is 04 October 2016. Link

United States–India Science & Technology Endowment Fund (USISTEF) — 7th Call for Proposals

The USISTEF announces its 7th competitive call for proposals to commercialize technologies for societal impact. Priority areas include health, education, agriculture, water, and others. Proposals must include at least one partner from each country, India and USA. Funding is up to Rs. 2.5 crores (approximately US$400 thousand) for projects that demonstrate a high potential to be commercial within 2-3 years. The bi-national teams can include incorporated companies; non-incorporated entities; and individuals or consortia from academic, government, and non-government R&D institutions. The deadline for proposals is 15 June 2016. Link

European Commission (EC) — Production of Quality Coffee in Nepal

The EC will fund technical assistance to help coffee growers and cooperatives in Nepal improve the value chain for Nepalese coffee. Activities should aim to raise the productivity of coffee plantations; introduce organic methods in coffee growing; strengthen farmers’ cooperatives and associations; and develop improved branding and marketing systems for coffee. Grants will be approximately €500 thousand. Eligibility for funding extends to nonprofit organizations in the EU, the European Economic Area, developing countries (including Nepal), and certain international organizations. Reference EuropeAid/152076/DD/ACT/NP. The deadline for proposals is 02 August 2016. Link