Climate Tracker selects fellows for a 5 months training experience with a range of environmental, storytelling, and journalism experts. Participants will get the chance to put what they’ve learned into practice, by engaging in new media journalism, through podcasts, social media storytelling, and newsletters. Fellows receive a monthly stipend of US$200 to publish climate stories. Eligibility extends to Caribbean journalists interested in covering climate justice. The deadline to apply is 22 April 2024. Climate Justice Journalism Fellowship
BeChangeMaker Africa — Social Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program
BeChangeMaker is an online training program for social entrepreneurs. Participants gain access to tools and technology for start-ups, coaching, mentoring, and access to a diverse global network of potential investors. Interested social entrepreneurs have to form a team of 2-5 people between the ages of 18 and 35 years and present a social challenge they wish to address. Applications are open until 25 May 2024. BeChangeMarker
EIT Climate-KIC — Green Business Idea Competition
ClimateLaunchpad is the world’s largest green business ideas competition. The competition invites business ideas that address climate change to support new clean-tech startups. Selected participants will take part in an idea boot camp and receive intensive coaching. The winner will receive €10 thousand, the runner-up €5 thousand. The submission deadlines vary by country (please check carefully). ClimateLaunchpad
King Baudouin Foundation — Fonds Ernest Solvay
The Ernest Solvay Fund provides grants to individuals and organizations implementing a non-commercial project that is intended to promote scientific and technological training and development, both in Belgium and abroad. Projects may focus on both education and entrepreneurship in areas such as chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, and earth sciences. Financial support of up to €10 thousand will be provided. The deadline for submitting proposals is 17 June 2024. Link to Ernest Solvay Fund
European Marine Research Network — Foresight Workshops
EuroMarine funds Foresight Workshops with a maximum funding of €10 thousand. Workshops should focus on emerging and important topics requiring European-wide coordination. All workshops are expected to yield scientific publications in the wider area of understanding, protection, and management of the Ocean. Proposals should involve at least three full Member Organizations of EuroMarine, from at least two different countries. Applicants are welcome to involve any relevant organizations from developing countries. The submission deadline for workshop proposals is 30 August 2024. EuroMarine Foresight Workshops
Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens — Green Jobs Mentorship Program
The Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens (BKMC) launches the Future in Green Jobs Mentorship Program. Participants will have access to two workshops and receive tailored mentorship from green job practitioners and experts. The program is designed for people between the ages of 14 to 20 with meaningful green career pathways. The application deadline is 08 April 2024. More
NewGen — Renewable Energy Accelerator
The NewGen Renewable Energy Accelerator (NewGen) supports the development and implementation of youth-led solutions in the climate and sustainable energy sectors. The program consists of a series of training, mentoring, and knowledge-sharing activities. Youth-led start-ups, scale-ups, and growth businesses from all around the world can apply. Eligible candidates must be between 18 and 35 years old. The application deadline is 13 April 2024. Renewable Energy Accelerator
Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans — Fellowships 2024
The Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO) supports capacity building in oceanography for individuals and institutions in developing countries. POGO’s Visiting Fellowships Program is open to scientists, technicians, graduate students (PhD), and post-doctoral fellows involved in oceanographic work. Priority is given to applicants in their early stages of career development. The fellowship offers the opportunity to visit other oceanographic centers for a short period of training on any aspect of oceanographic observations, analyses, and interpretation. The application deadline is 30 April 2024. Find fellowship information
East-West Center — Research Innovation & Collaboration and Exchange Fellowships
The East-West Center (EWC) provides fellowships for scholars, researchers, or journalists from the Indo-Pacific Region, including the United States, to undertake research or other projects on topics related to environmental issues and geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific region. Fellows receive a stipend, support, and travel funding. The application deadline is 16 May 2024. RICE Fellowships
Catholic Relief Services — Junior Professionals Program
The Junior Professionals Program is an opportunity for professional women in West Africa to transform their passion for international relief and development work into a career. Junior Professionals will work with Catholic Relief Services to end poverty and promote peace and self-reliance in West Africa. Fellows receive training and support CRS’ work in various sectors such as agriculture/livelihoods, health, water and sanitation, emergency response, or micro-financing. Applicants must have a Master’s degree in related fields (e.g. Economic Development, Agriculture, Health, Business, etc.). Candidates have to apply by 30 June 2024. Junior Professionals Program