The Climate Change Warriors Program offers training, networking opportunities and funding to creative minds that fight climate change. The 4-months program provides intensive training and personal development opportunities. Participants can get up to €120 thousand convertible investment. The program is designed for early-stage B2B sustainability startups working in climate-smart agriculture, regenerative agriculture, circular economy, circular waste management, or sustainable land management. The deadline to apply is 18 January 2024. Climate Change Warriors Program
European Union — European Exchange Program for Entrepreneurs
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange program for aspiring entrepreneurs. New entrepreneurs will benefit from on-the-job training in a small or medium-sized enterprise in another participating country. The program provides practical and financial assistance, and matches entrepreneurs with experienced hosts. Applications are accepted from both, host entrepreneurs (HEs) – ideally owners of a micro or small enterprise – and new entrepreneurs (NEs) in their early stages. Participating NEs will receive financial support for travel, living and subsistence costs during the visit. Applications are accepted from permanent residents in one of 28 EU Member States, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro, Moldova, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine and Kosovo. Applications are accepted continuously. Find out how to participate
Ashoka — Young Changemakers
Ashoka identifies and supports teenagers who start their own initiatives for addressing social and environmental problems. Selected Changemakers are inducted into a global community and gain access to co-leadership bootcamps, media partnerships, public speaking platforms, exposure visits, strategic allies and more opportunities to grow and to influence youth culture in their countries. Candidates must be under 20 years of age to participate. Ashoka offers youth related activities in Nigeria, Brazil, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the United States. Expressions of interest can be submitted all year-round. Nominations for Ashoka Young Changemakers are accepted year-round. Details
AIIDEV Africa — Teach4SDGs
The Teach4SDGs program is a 12-week intensive training that includes workshops, lectures, comprehensive readings and assessments, and practical projects that will allow school educators to deepen their understanding of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The program will provide teachers with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to effectively teach their students about the SDGs. Application is open to all primary and secondary school teachers both in public and private schools across Sub-Saharan African countries. The application deadline is 24 December 2023. Teach4SDGs
Ford Motor Company — Ford Fund Fellowship
The Ford Fund Fellowship is a virtual program for social entrepreneurs and community leaders building ventures that create impactful and scalable innovations. Each Fellow will learn advanced skills in entrepreneurship and leadership. US$25 thousand in seed funding will be distributed among the 25 Ford Fund Fellows. Applicants from the following countries are welcome to apply: China, Germany, Mexico, Romania, South Africa, United Kingdom. Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis. The final application deadline is 15 January 2024. Ford Fund Fellowship
City Climate Finance Gap Fund — Urban Climate Action
The City Climate Finance Gap Fund (Gap Fund) supports cities and local governments in preparing and prioritizing climate-smart plans and investments with the goal of attracting more financing and support for implementation. The Fund focuses on climate-smart urban planning and early-stage project preparation in developing and emerging countries. Selected proposals will receive technical assistance and capacity building. Cities and local authorities can apply by submitting an Expression of Interest. There is no application deadline. About the Gap Fund
One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership — Online Course: Gender & Environment
The One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership (UN CC:Learn) provides free resources and online courses to achieve climate change action both through general climate literacy and applied skills development. This free online course focuses on why promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment can help deliver better environmental outcomes in the fight against climate change. Participants will receive facts and figures on gender dimensions linked to biodiversity, climate change, land degradation, international waters, and chemicals and waste. The course is self-paced. Enrollment is possible at any time. Link
Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation — Training Program on Fishery Oceanography
The International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography aims to familiarize young professionals in the Indian ocean-rim (IOR) countries with the latest developments in the field. The course is exclusively designed to train the fisheries professionals. Candidates should have a fundamental knowledge of marine biology (fisheries). Applications are open until 18 December 2023. Details
Iridescent — Technology Entrepreneurship Program for Girls
Technovation invites teams of girls from all over the world to learn and apply the skills needed to solve real-world problems through technology. Girls work with women mentors, find a problem in their community and develop a mobile app to launch a startup. Categories may include environment, poverty, health, and others. Eligibility extends to teams of up to 5 girls (aged 8-18 years). Registration deadline is 31 January 2024. Learn more about the Technovation Competition
CNN Academy — Climate Storytelling Program
CNN Academy and The Rockefeller Foundation seek 15 driven young journalists across the Global South who are dedicated to shedding light on the profound effects of the climate crisis within their home countries. Selected climate storytellers will attend a comprehensive media training program delivered by CNN Academy that covers various aspects of climate change reporting. At the conclusion of the program, participants will produce a compelling short documentary spotlighting the impact of the climate crisis. Selected participants will receive full sponsorship to attend the media training program, which includes travel expenses, accommodation, training materials, and meals during the program. The application deadline is 15 November 2023. Climate Storytelling Program