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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

International Council for Science — IRDR Young Scientists Program (3rd Batch)

The International Council for Science, in collaboration with several partner organizations, invites applications for the IRDR (Integrated Research on Disaster Risk) Young Scientists Program. The program offers young scientists (under age 40) of any nationality the opportunity to engage with a global network of professionals and practitioners. Benefits include international linkages and the possibility to be invited for additional training. Applicants need to be affiliated with an academic program (either master or doctorate), either as a student or as a young faculty. The closing date for applications is 28 February 2018. About the Young Scientists Program

Swiss Re Foundation — Leadership Prize in Water Management

The International ReSource Award is a prize acknowledging social entrepreneurial thinking and leadership in addressing social and/or ecological issues related to sustainable water management practices in developing and emerging countries. Each of three finalists will receive US$20 thousand and expert assistance to further develop their proposals in order to compete for a first prize of US$75 thousand. Eligibility for the ReSource Award extends to charities, non-profit organizations, and revenue-generating social enterprises working in the areas of water, sanitation, and hygiene in the developing world. The application deadline for short proposals (Step I) is 16 March 2018. Here

European Energy Community — Summer School 2018

The Energy Community aims to extend the EU internal energy market to South East Europe and beyond. The Secretariat of the Energy Community announces the 3rd Energy Community Summer School that will take place in Croatia in August-September 2018. The Secretariat welcomes applications from postgraduate students, researchers in energy-related disciplines, and young professionals from government institutions, companies, think tanks, and NGOs in the region of the Energy Community. The non-EU members of the Energy Community include Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine, and Turkey. Participation is free, including tuition and accommodation costs. However, travel costs are borne by the participants. The application deadline is 31 March 2018. About the 2018 Energy Summer School

Israeli Agency for International Development — Course: Clean Technologies for Economic Development

Israel’s Agency for International Development (MASHAV) offers professional short courses in Israel in subject areas that include agriculture, energy, health, education, and social development. MASHAV offers a limited number of scholarships to cover course fees, accommodation, medical insurance, and other expenses in Israel. The international course on “Clean Technologies – Environmental technology, innovation and management systems as a means for regional and local economic development” will focus on products, services, and processes that harness renewable materials and energy sources, dramatically reduce the use of natural resources, and cut or eliminate emissions and wastes. The course is geared towards decision makers, policy makers and professionals from the fields of energy, water, waste, agriculture, climate change, infrastructure and economic development. Additionally, MASHAV offers professional courses in Spanish, Russian, and French. Deadline for applications is 23 February 2018. Link

Israeli Agency for International Development — Course: Intensive Crop Production

Israel’s Agency for International Development (MASHAV) offers professional short courses in Israel in subject areas that include agriculture, energy, health, education, and social development. MASHAV offers a limited number of scholarships to cover course fees, accommodation, medical insurance, and other expenses in Israel. The international course on “Irrigation and Fertigation for Intensive Crop Production” will focus on applied irrigation and fertigation technologies, management of water resources, and fertilizers and nutrient solutions. The course is geared towards professionals from governmental and non-governmental institutions, universities, research institutes and/or private sector involved in agricultural development projects under irrigation as well as in research, extension and/or intensive agricultural production. Additionally, MASHAV offers professional courses in Spanish, Russian, and French. Deadline for applications is 06 March 2018. Link

Asian Institute of Technology — Masters Scholarships in Energy and Environment

The Asian Institute of Technology invites applications for the Loom Nam Khong Pijai Scholarships for masters degree programs in infrastructure development; energy technology; oil, gas, and natural resources development; and environmental engineering and management. Eligibility extends to nationals of Cambodia, China (Yunnan and Guangxi provinces), Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. Each scholarship covers tuition and registration fees, accommodation, and a bursary for living expenses at AIT‘s residential campus in Thailand for the 22 months of the masters program. The application deadline is 31 March 2018. About the Scholarship

National Geographic Society — Democratizing Science

The National Geographic Society seeks proposals from around the world that will engage learners and avocational researchers in citizen science activities to address real world problems, and lead to actions in science and conservation. Proposed projects should explore how digital tools like cameras, drones, live streaming services, and digital imagery might be transformed into group actions. Typical proposal requests should be less than US$50 thousand, but applicants may request up to US$150 thousand. The deadline for applications is 04 April 2018. See the Request for Proposals

National Geographic Society — Reducing Demand for illegal Wildlife

The National Geographic Society seeks proposals to reduce the illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife products. The call is open for proposals focused on marine and terrestrial species. Projects may be focused around conservation, education, research, storytelling, or technology. Preference will be given to applicants who are residents or citizens of the relevant regions for the consumption of or demand for illegal wildlife products. Applicants may request up to US$50 thousand, though grants are typically funded for less than US$30 thousand. Short deadline: 03 January 2018. Interested?

European Commission — Renewable Energy for the Philippines

The EC calls for concept notes that promote renewable energy for climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Philippines. Grants will range from €1.5 million to €3 million, varying with cost shares. Eligibility for funding extends to nonprofit organizations, public sector operators, local or national authorities, international (inter-governmental) organisations, and electric cooperatives in EU member states and other countries eligible under the DCI Regulation. Reference: EuropeAid/158417/DD/ACT/PH. The deadline to submit concept notes is 19 February 2018. Details

New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade — NZ Partnerships for International Development Fund 2017/2018

The New Zealand Partnerships for International Development Fund is a contestable fund open to New Zealand organizations. It aims to encourage partnerships between New Zealand organizations and in-country partners in the developing world, with emphasis on the Pacific region and Southeast Asia. Priority areas for support include agriculture, fisheries, tourism, energy, and water and sanitation — among others. The Fund encourages multi-activity projects for up to five years. The next application deadline (Round 12) is 02 March 2018 for drafts (partners who would like to receive feedback on their application, prior to submitting it to the Round) and 30 March 2018 for full applications. Find out more