With financial support from the government of Sweden, the AAU will make grants of up to US$600 per person to help post-graduate university students acquire practical skills via internships of 12-24 weeks. The grants are for training purposes only, not for the completion of theses or dissertations. The program is open to students in AAU member institutions in southern and eastern Africa, and in Francophone member institutions. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 15 August 2016. Link
Netherlands Organisation for International Cooperation in Higher Education (NUFFIC) — Tailor-Made Training for Organizations
The Netherlands Fellowship Programs (NFP) include Tailor-made Training to build the capacity of an organization’s staff members. The programme is open to organisations in education, research, government, and civil society. Tailor-Made Training accepts proposals of organisations in NFP partner countries submitted jointly with a Dutch training provider. Application forms are available via the Netherlands embassies. Priorities include proposals focusing on Sub-Saharan Africa, and proposals focusing on food security. Funding is up to €75 thousand, with a co-funding requirement of at least 20%. The application deadline is 01 November 2016. Link
Israeli Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV) — Professional Training in Israel 2016
MASHAV funds professional courses organized and hosted by Israeli institutions in subject areas that include agriculture, energy, natural resources, health, education, and social development. The remainder of the 2016 calendar includes a course on agri-green management (i.e., agri-environmental considerations related to climate change), with application deadline on 04 September 2016. A course on agri-business for rural women has an application deadline on 05 September 2016. A course on policies, strategies, and support systems for rural revitalization has a deadline on 09 September 2016. Applications are submitted through Israel’s diplomatic missions. For most courses, MASHAV covers course fees, accommodation, medical insurance, and other expenses in Israel (but not international airfare). Link
LEDS Global Partnership — Fellowships on Low-Emission Development Strategies
The LEDS Global Partnership offers fellowships for individuals and teams of practitioners to be embedded with leading institutions to learn practical lessons that they can apply to low-emission development strategies and/or nationally determined contributions in their home countries. Fellowships will be awarded to individuals or groups of national or sub-national government officials who play a significant role within LEDS development or implementation. This pilot phase of the program will fund one fellow from each of Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. The application deadline has been extended to 15 July 2016. Link
West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development — Young Agricultural Entrepreneurs in Africa
In collaboration with the Islamic Development Bank, the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD) invites applications for a one-year mentoring process on agricultural technologies and innovations. The program aims to reach 1,000 “agripreneurs” in West and Central Africa. Candidates are expected to have a business idea or a start-up related to agriculture, preferably in relation to the 15 technologies developed by CORAF/WECARD. Applications from women are particularly welcome. The deadline for applications (English, French) is 24 July 2016. Link
Agriculture for Food Security 2030 (AgriFoSe2030) — From Research to Policy for Agricultural Development in Africa
The program Agriculture for Food Security 2030 (AgriFoSe2030) is a partnership of Swedish universities, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The program invites applications from African researchers to a one-week training course on effective research-to-policy communication for agricultural development. The course will be held in Nairobi during late January 2017. Applications are invited from lecturers and post-doctoral researchers currently affiliated with universities in Sub-Saharan Africa, and who have received their PhDs within the past five years. AgriFoSe2030 will cover the expenses of travel, lodging, and meals. The deadline for applications is 29 August 2016. Link
Agriculture for Food Security 2030 (AgriFoSe2030) — Introductory Course in Meta-Analysis
The program Agriculture for Food Security 2030 (AgriFoSe2030) is a partnership of Swedish universities, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). AgriFoSe2030 offers a one-week course for post-doc students and senior researchers who have a demonstrated interest in scientific reviews, and who would like to learn meta-analysis methodology. The course will be held on the ICRAF campus in Nairobi in November-December 2016. Preference is for participants involved in AgriFoSe2030. PhD students in the final phases of their studies can also be accepted if highly motivated. Students from both natural and social science / economics backgrounds are encouraged to apply. AgriFoSe2030 will cover the expenses of travel, lodging, and meals. The application deadline is 01 October 2016. Link
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — Advancing Geospatial Data in Africa
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation seeks to invest in an organization that will advance the quality, completeness, and sustainability of geospatial data in Africa. This organization will serve as a strategic grant maker, capacity builder, and effectively coordinate with others working in mapping and data on the continent. Applicant organizations should be ideally based in Africa. If headquartered elsewhere, the applying organization must have a strong presence and/or offices in Africa. The deadline for sending qualifications statements is 05 August 2016. Link
Finland Ministry for Foreign Affairs — University Collaboration, Finland with Developing Countries
Finland funds the Higher Education Institutions Institutional Cooperation Instrument to support collaboration between higher education institutions in Finland and partner universities in developing countries. All subject areas are relevant. Grants will range from £300 thousand to £700 thousand, up to 80% of total project costs, for up to three years. The partner countries of highest priority are Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Somalia, Tanzania, and Zambia. However, the program is open to partners in additional low and middle-income countries (details are provided in the announcement). The deadline for submitting proposals is 04 October 2016. Link
Orskov Foundation — Grants for University Students in Sustainable Land Use
Orskov makes grants to support student projects in agriculture and sustainable land use in developing countries. Preference will be given to training that emphasizes animal, plant, and soil interactions. Projects should have the potential to alleviate poverty and to provide sustainable environmental benefits, including adaptation/mitigation to the impacts of climate change. Applications are invited from individuals in lower-income and lower middle-income countries. The program includes student grants up to £2,500 to support studies at a university or similar organization other than the university/college in which the applicant is registered. The application period is 01 October through 31 December of each year. Link