The RISK Award seeks operational field projects in risk reduction and disaster management. The prize will provide financial support of €100 thousand to projects dedicated to increasing people’s resilience to risks and disasters, especially in developing countries. The submitted projects may emphasize the importance of children and young people as agents of change. There are no eligibility restrictions but research institutions and NGOs are especially encouraged to submit. Projects have to be submitted by 17 October 2024. More
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Conservation of Neotropical Migratory Birds 2025
The U.S. Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act sponsors an annual competitive grants program to support the conservation of neotropical migratory birds and their habitats in the USA, Canada, Latin America, and the Caribbean. At least 75 percent of funding supports projects outside the USA. Grant requests have to be matched by partner contributions at no less than a 3-to-1 ratio. Eligibility to compete for funding is unrestricted. Applications should be submitted in English, but the program will accept accompanying versions of the application in Spanish and Portuguese. The application deadline is 31 October 2024. Find instructions
German Academic Exchange Service — Co-funded Research Grants
DAAD co-funds research grants for qualified applicants from Brazil. The aim of the program is to promote research projects within the context of doctoral studies. The program accepts doctoral candidates at universities in Brazil, who have been awarded a domestic scholarship from CAPES (Co-funder). Subject areas include natural sciences and agriculture, among others. The domestic doctoral scholarships will be paid by CAPES during the research stay in Germany, and DAAD will co-fund a monthly payment of €650, health, accident, and personal liability insurance cover, and travel allowance. The application deadline is 31 October 2024 (for a research stay between May 2025 and January 2026). Find out more
Science for People and Nature Partnership — Critical Conservation Challenges
In support of the United Nations agenda on sustainable development, the Science for People and Nature Partnership (SNAPP) aims to find solutions for problems at the interface of economic development, nature conservation, and human well-being. SNAPP operates through working groups that represent 200 institutions from more than 30 countries. SNAPP provides up to US$1 million total across 4-6 working groups. Proposals are invited from researchers and practitioners of any nationality affiliated with an academic, governmental, multilateral, or non-profit institution. Individuals operating independently are also eligible to apply. Proposals from low- and middle-income countries are especially welcome. The deadline for proposals is 03 December 2024. Science for Nature and People Partnership
British Academy — International Writing Workshops
The British Academy invites proposals for Writing Workshops in developing countries. The aim of the Writing Workshops is to provide early-career researchers with access to the academic requirements of journals, including international journals, and to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to publish in these journals. Awards are set at a maximum of £30 thousand. Funding must be used in the direct delivery of the workshops and can cover travel and related expenses. The lead applicant must be based at a UK university or research institute. Each application must have at least one co-applicant based in an ODA-eligible country. The deadline for submissions is on 09 January 2025. More information
Lighthouse Foundation — Coastal and Marine Conservation
The Lighthouse Foundation promotes science and research, teaching, culture, and the principles of environmentalism and international development in relation to the world’s seas and oceans. Funded partners of the Lighthouse Foundation are conservation NGOs, community NGOs, universities and educational organizations, and government organizations. There is no application form. Link
University of Chicago — Air Quality Fund
The Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC) accepts applications for the Air Quality Fund. The Fund will offer financial support to 10-15 selected groups over 18 months. They expect award amounts to be roughly US$50 thousand. The call for applications is open to governmental and non-governmental organizations of any type, including universities, non-profits, for-profits, corporates, NGOs, and CSOs. (Note: Organizations are required to be legally authorized to receive funds from a US institution.) Applications from all countries may apply. The application deadline is 10 September 2024. Air Quality Fund
U.S. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation — Conservation of Sea Turtles 2025
The U.S. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) requests proposals that seek to improve the recovery and conservation of sea turtle populations. The majority of projects will take place in the Western Hemisphere: leatherbacks and loggerheads in the Northwest Atlantic, and leatherbacks and hawksbills in the Eastern Pacific. In 2025, the NFWF Sea Turtles Program will also award support to permitted U.S. organizations in providing sea turtle stranding response and/or rehabilitation in the United States and U.S. Territories. The RFP will award up to US$1.5 million, however, the majority of awards will fall in the range of US$50 thousand to US$300 thousand. A minimum of a 1:1 match of cash and/or in-kind services is required. Eligible applicants include non-profit organizations, government agencies, Indian tribes, educational institutions, businesses, and individuals. The deadline for pre-proposals is 10 September 2024. NFWF’s Sea Turtles Program
Kendall College of Art and Design — Sustainable Design Challenge
The Wege Prize is an annual competition that seeks game-changing solutions for the future by inspiring college/university students around the world. Participants contend for US$65 thousand in total cash prizes. Teams have to develop ideas from an informal proposal into a robust and feasible solution informed by research, market analysis, and real-world prototyping and testing. Team applications are due on 06 October 2024. Know more
Chicago Zoo — Endangered Species Fund
The Chicago Zoological Society administers conservation grants funded by the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT). The Fund’s priority is to support projects that assist directly in the protection of populations of threatened and endangered species; or that protect a specific habitat that is of high biological value or that is substantially threatened (IUCN Red List Status). Grants are up to US$7 thousand. The application deadline for concept notes is 01 September 2024. General directions