The United States Agency for International Development (USAID/India) seeks concept papers for a cooperative agreement from qualified organizations to implement the ‘Strengthening Landscape Management and Conservation’ activity. The activity focuses on three main objectives: (1) Improved management of protected areas and their corridors for wildlife conservation and other ecological benefits; (2) Improved inclusive livelihoods from ecosystem services, and (3) Strengthened conditions for institutionalizing landscape conservation. USAID intends to provide US$20 million in total funding over a five-year period. Eligibility for this call is unrestricted. The closing date for applications is 16 September 2022. Link
EuroMarine — Scientific Working Groups
EuroMarine funds two Long-Term Scientific Working Groups with a maximum funding of €12,500 each. The aim of the working groups is to provide the EuroMarine community with recommendations on how to best contribute to the international and European initiatives for restoring and sustainably exploiting the oceans as well as to advance the research on emerging topics related to marine sciences. Proposals should involve at least three full Member Organizations of EuroMarine, from at least two different countries. Applicants are welcome to involve any relevant organizations from developing countries. Applications must be submitted before 14 October 2022. Long-Term Scientific Working Groups
U.S. Mission to Fiji — Virtual Storytelling Program
The U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out a program to conduct a series of virtual storytelling and filmmaking classes to multiple countries within the Pacific Island Region. “My Climate Story” will offer master classes to enable Pacific Islander youth to use their smartphone and tell how climate change affects them. Prospective applicants must submit a draft schedule of virtual sessions involving storytelling and filmmaking curriculum, to be conducted over an eight-week period. Awards may range from a minimum of US$25 thousand to a maximum of US$30 thousand. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations, educational institutions, international organizations, and governmental institutions. The closing date for applications is 12 August 2022. Information
Global Environment Facility — Climate Reporting
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) finances international environmental conventions and country-driven initiatives related to climate change response in developing countries. The GEF provides grants to support climate reporting activities to help countries identify and subsequently implement ambitious climate action. Interested parties are asked to contact GEF by 31 August 2022. Know more
Government of India — India-Japan Cooperative Science Program
The India-Japan Cooperative Science Programme (IJCSP) aims to promote bilateral scientific collaboration between Indian and Japanese scientists. Applications are invited from Indian researchers/scientists to submit proposals for Joint Research Projects and Joint Workshops/Seminars. Areas for cooperation for research include Life Science & Agriculture, among others. The duration of the projects can be up to two years. The program will cover international travel cost, accommodation, per-diem and local travel. The deadline for the submission of proposals is 06 September 2022. Link to IJCSP
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation — Georg Forster Research Award
The Georg Forster Research Award supports the work of accomplished researchers who are expected to continue to develop research-based solutions to specific challenges facing transition and developing countries. Nominees must be nationals of a developing or transition country, excluding the People’s Republic of China and India. The award amount is €60 thousand. Additionally, award winners are invited to conduct a research project of their own choosing in Germany in close collaboration with a specialist colleague. To support the collaboration, the Foundation may grant additional funding of up to €25 thousand. Nominations for the Award must be submitted by an established academic employed by a university or research institution in Germany. The closing date for nominations is 31 October 2022. Find out more
U.S. Mission to New Zealand — Small Grants Program
The U.S. Mission New Zealand announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting proposals to organize a comprehensive small grants program with training workshops for emerging leaders in the Pacific region. The program should bring together emerging leaders, ages 25-35, and provide them with practical leadership skills related to environment/resource management and economic/social development. The location of the in-person training workshops should be in New Zealand. The estimated total program funding is US$250 thousand. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations and institutions of higher education. The closing date for applications is 13 August 2022. Know more
Global Research Council — SDGs Collaborative Funding
The Global Research Council (GRC) aims to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs through collaborative research initiatives. Projects will be funded through international consortia consisting of eligible partner organizations from at least three different countries. Consortia must be based in the following countries: Chile, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Norway, South Africa, Switzerland, Sweden, Tanzania, The Netherlands and Turkey. Funding of approximately €8,2 million is available. The deadline for application is 25 August 2022. Link
United States Agency for International Development — Partnership to Conserve the Amazon
The United States Agency for International Development in Brazil (USAID/Brazil) seeks novel or creative approaches to conserve the Amazon and further advance biodiversity and forest conservation while promoting long-term community well-being. Each anticipated award will have a minimum value of US$2.5 million of USAID funding. Eligibility extends to on-profit organizations, companies, foundations, community-based enterprises, academic and research institutions. The closing date for applications is 14 July 2023. Link
Enel Grids — Safeguarding Biodiversity from Electric Distribution Assets
Enel Grids seeks collaboration partners to provide an innovative approach that will safeguard biodiversity prior to the installation of electric distribution assets (overhead electrical lines and/or substations). Participants should propose innovative strategies that minimize the effect on biodiversity and promote its protection during the installation of electric infrastructure. Submission to this challenge must be received by 28 August 2022. Link to the Challenge