The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications for a cooperative agreement to implement the USAID Feed The Future (Promoting Innovative and Resilient Agriculture Market Systems) program in Mozambique. Feed The Future supports producers and small to medium sized enterprises in agriculture to increase their profitability using a market systems development approach, while increasing their resilience to climate change. USAID intends to provide approximately US$25.5 million in total USAID funding over a 5 year period. Eligibility for this RFA is not restricted. Local organizations may partner with multiple applicants. The closing date for applications is 22 November 2021. Link
United Nations Environment Programme — Pilot Projects for Efficient and Resilient Energy Systems
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launches a call on digitalization for flexible and resilient energy systems. The initiative aims to step up global climate action and uptake of clean energy models. UNEP intends to support the implementation of pilot projects across Brazil, Colombia, Morocco, Tunisia, India, Indonesia and South Africa. Projects must cater to the increasingly urgent need to ensure efficiency and resilience of power systems to enable cost-effective clean energy transitions, mainly based on renewables. Applicants can submit a project for a maximum of €1.8 million. Candidates will need to be part of an international consortium that includes both public and private actors. Applications must be submitted before the deadline on 30 November 2021. Details here
British Academy — Just Transitions to Decarbonisation
The British Academy accepts applications for ‘Just Transitions to Decarbonisation’ in the Asia-Pacific. The program provides UK and internationally-based researchers with the opportunity to submit proposals for in-depth studies focused on just decarbonization transitions in the Asia-Pacific as a whole, and China, India, Japan and Australia specifically. Awards of five months in duration and up to £100 thousand are available. The lead applicant must be a researcher based at an eligible UK university or research institute. The deadline for submissions is on 06 October 2021. More information
Famae — Sustainable Innovations Challenge
The company Famae seeks innovative and concrete solutions to fight against climate change, everywhere in the world, around waste, water, food, habitat, energy and mobility. Solutions should be pragmatic, efficient, durable, and money-saving to make life easier for urban citizens while reducing their environmental footprint. Individuals, teams, businesses, government entities, universities and organizations are eligible to apply. The maximum award is €1 million which may be allocated to a single exceptional project to cover the production of a prototype. Applications will be accepted until 15 October 2021. Find the terms and conditions
Ministry of Economic Affairs Taiwan — Taiwan Excellence Awards
The “Taiwan Excellence: Sharing is Caring” campaign solicits proposals for philanthropic events on issues relating to social concerns and environmental protection. The three best proposals will be awarded US$10 thousand each. The funds for executing each of the three best proposals shall be decided by the organizers, provided that the funds for implementation do not exceed US$150 thousand. Any natural persons or legal persons may submit proposals. Proposals must be submitted by 31 October 2021. Taiwan Excellence Awards
EIT Climate-KIC — Innovation Call for Climate Solutions
EIT Climate-KIC aims to support the development of innovative commercial products or services that achieve climate impact through entrepreneurship and commercial means. EIT Climate-KIC seeks to finance innovators, researchers, scientists, coaches, and experts to join forces in projects that aim to bring innovative solutions to the European market. Innovative actions should address a decarbonization or climate adaptation challenge. EIT anticipates making up to €5 million funding available with a 20% to 40% contribution towards each project’s total budget. The call closes for applications on 18 November 2021. Innovation Call
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration — International Coral Reef Conservation Grants 2022-2023
The NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program provides matching grants and cooperative agreements for international coral reef conservation projects. NOAA currently invites applications for the international program, with priority for the Wider Caribbean, South East Asia and South Pacific, and Micronesia. The program offers funding from US$40 thousand to US$300 thousand per year for projects of up to two years. The program is open to institutions of higher education, NGOs (U.S. and international), governments (except U.S.), and for-profit organizations. The application deadline is 01 December 2021. Link to the Coral Reef Conservation Program
United States Agency for International Development — Environmental Protection Activity in Serbia
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) seeks applications for a cooperative agreement from qualified entities to implement the Together for Environmental Protection activity in Serbia. USAID will assist Serbia’s biodiversity and environmental protection through provision of capacity building, advocacy support, public awareness and cross-sectoral cooperation. USAID contribution is US$5 million, over the 5-year period of performance. For-profit or nonprofit organizations, as well as institutions of higher education, are eligible to submit an application. The closing date for application is 09 October 2021. More
Volkswagen Stiftung — Preventing Pandemics
The Volkswagen Stiftung funds international research collaboration and to generate new insights on “Preventing Pandemics: the Role of Human-Environmental Interactions”. Research should provide a better understanding of the emergence and spread of transmittable diseases like zoonoses, a deeper understanding of the complexity and dynamics of human-environmental interactions and the connections between human, animal and environmental health. Funding will be provided for small interdisciplinary research consortia of three to five researchers. At least one researcher has to work at a university or research institution in Germany, and two researchers have to be affiliated to academic institutions in Low and Middle Income Countries outside of Europe. For each project up to €1.5 million will be provided for up to four years. Applications have to be submitted by 04 November 2021. Preventing Pandemics call
Embassy of Japan — Grassroots Human Security Projects in Botswana
The Embassy of Japan in Botswana invites applications for grant assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects. The fund is directed to relatively small socio-economic development projects which have a direct and immediate impact on the well-being of disadvantaged communities. The main areas are education, health/sanitation, water/energy, agriculture/indigenous industry, and environment. Eligibility extends to non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, educational institutes, medical institutes, and local governments. Grant size is up to ¥ 10 million per project. The deadline for applications is 21 January 2022. Find out more