The Marine Turtle Conservation Fund (MTCA) accepts proposals for the conservation of priority nesting populations of six of the seven species of marine turtles (Chelonia mydas, Caretta caretta, Dermochelys coriacea, Eretmochelys imbricata, Lepidochelys olivacea, Lepidochelys kempii) throughout their range worldwide. The fund provides financial support for projects that conserve nesting populations and habitat and address other threats to the survival of marine turtles in range countries. Applicants may request between US$25 to US$200 thousand. Applicants can be individuals; government agencies; non-profit organizations; for-profit organizations; or universities. The deadline for applications is 12 April 2021. Marine Turtle Conservation Fund
U.S. Mission to India — Air Quality Hackathon
The Air Quality Hackathon is a brainstorming event to find practical solutions for improving air quality. Results and solutions will be shared and implemented during a follow-on campaign with school communities and NGO partners. The applicants will conduct a survey to measure the impact of the intervention program after the project is over. The maximum funding amount is US$60 thousand. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations, civil society, think tanks, educational institutions, individuals and governmental institutions. The closing date for applications is 30 April 2021. Air Quality Hackathon
Volkswagen Foundation — Research and Higher Education in Central Asia and the Caucasus
The Foundation’s program “Between Europe and the Orient” addresses the newly emerged independent states of Central Asia and the Caucasus, as well as Afghanistan and some of the immediately neighboring regions of the Russian Federation and China. The Foundation aims to work closely with local scholars and scientists to develop relevant research and to strengthen intra-regional cooperation. Additionally, the Foundation invites proposals for training of young researchers; support for academic infrastructure; and workshops, symposia, and summer schools. Thematic areas of interest include environment, natural resources, and renewable energy. Applications can be submitted anytime. About the program
FSNet-Africa — Fellowship for Food Systems Research
The FSNet-Africa fellowship provides grants to researchers (fellows or mentors) working on African food systems research. Early-career researchers receive up to £20 thousand to conduct research on any aspect of the food system. Mentors and fellows have the opportunity to engage with academics from six African Universities and the UK. The call for fellows and mentors is open to researchers from ten academic partner institutions in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, and Tanzania. Applications close on 01 March 2021. Click for details
Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures — Climate Action Research Network
The Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures (TESF) Network Plus aims to assist education policy makers, institutions, community-based organizations and businesses to implement education policies and practices that can contribute to environmentally sustainable development. TESF invites transdisciplinary research proposals from Rwanda, Somalia, and South Africa. Proposals with focus on sustainable livelihoods, sustainable cities and communities, and climate action are welcome. The Network anticipates funding approximately 70 research projects ranging from £5-10 thousand, £10-30 thousand, and £30-100 thousand. The deadline for the submission of expressions of interest is 01 March 2021. More
Global Development Network — Biodiversity and Development Award
The Global Development Network (GDN) and the French Development Agency (AFD) launch the AFD-GDN Biodiversity and Development Award. The program creates an opportunity for researchers based in select developing countries to produce and disseminate quality research and policies relevant to create the link between biodiversity and development. The program consists of four individual research grants of up to US$40 thousand for a 24-month project and two additional multidisciplinary grants of up to US$15 thousand. The call is open to teams of researchers belonging to a university or any other research oriented organizations based in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Guinea, Guyana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Republic of Congo, Senegal, Tunisia, Uganda, and Vietnam. Expressions of interest must be submitted before 07 March 2021. Details here
Net Zero Challenge — Open Data to Advance Climate Action
The Net Zero Challenge is a global competition to answer the question “How can we advance climate action using open data?” Individuals, groups and organizations are invited to submit projects in progress or concepts/ideas. The first stage of the Net Zero Challenge is a ‘Virtual Pitch Contest’. The winner receives US$1,000 to support further development of their idea. All applications must be received by 12 March 2021. Net Zero Challenge
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Biodiversity Conservation in the Mediterranean Basin (Lebanon)
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) invites Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) for small grants (up to US$20 thousand) for projects that support the sustainable management of water catchments through integrated approaches for the conservation of threatened freshwater biodiversity in Lebanon. Eligibility extends to non-governmental organizations, community groups, universities and private enterprises. The ecosystem profile technical summary is available in English and French. LOIs must be submitted by 12 March 2021. Link to CEPF
Agropolis Foundation — Award for Transformative Agroecological Research
The Biovision Foundation, in partnership with the Agropolis Foundation, awards the SHIFT Prize to recognize collaborative and transdisciplinary research for development projects and initiatives that have made exemplary contributions to the agroecological transformation of food systems. The winning project will receive €20 thousand unrestricted funding to support its further development and strengthen its impacts. Eligibility extends to projects and initiatives contributing to an evidence-based food system transformation anywhere in the world. The application deadline is 15 March 2021. SHIFT Prize
European Commission — Climate for Cities
The European Union aims to support Southern Neighborhood cities in their energy and climate transition. Therefore, the European Commission calls for proposals that foster local integrated approaches that ultimately improve societal cohesion locally. Proposals should include a coherent package of activities that encompasses a combination of environmentally sound infrastructure components as well as capacity building and awareness raising activities. Grant funding ranges from €2,5 million to €3,5 million. Please be aware that the EU will not cover more than 30% of the infrastructure component of the project. In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must be a nonprofit making local authority, local public education, academic or research organization in Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, or Tunisia. The application deadline is 31 March 2021. Climate for Cities