The Borlaug Fellowship Program supports short-term research projects to improve agricultural productivity, economic development, and food security in over developing countries. The program offers training and collaborative opportunities for agricultural research, international agricultural economics, leadership, and policy. The program lists the eligible countries, and the research priorities for each of them. Fellows work one-on-one with a U.S. mentor who will coordinate the training program. After completion of the 6 months fellowship, the mentor will visit the fellow’s home institution to continue collaboration. USDA will select U.S. host institutions and mentors for each fellow. The application deadline is 18 February 2020. Borlaug Fellowships
International Fund for Agricultural Development — Results Based Management for Rural Transformation
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) seeks results based management approaches to enhance project management for rural transformation. The selected grant recipient (or consortium) will receive a three-year grant for a total amount of up to US$2 million (cash and in-kind co-financing is required). Eligibility to receive cash grants extends to non-profit organization, universities, vocational training providers, private sector companies and research institutes. The deadline to receive proposals is 01 March 2020. Find the call
U.S. Department of Agriculture — Scientific Cooperation Research Program
The Scientific Cooperation Research Program supports applied research and education projects between U.S. researchers and foreign scientists that create practical solutions to challenges faced by small farmers. Proposed solutions should address issues including agricultural trade and market access, animal and plant health, biotechnology, food safety and security, and sustainable natural resource management. The program supports up to 10 collaborative research programs with up to US$50 thousand. Eligibility extends to US public and private institutions of higher education. The application deadline is 02 March 2020. Scientific Cooperation Research Program
UK Natural Environment Research Council — Impact of Plastic Pollution on Marine Ecosystems
UK’s Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and Singapore’s National Research Foundation (NRF) invite proposals for collaborative research projects to understand the impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems in Southeast Asia. Applicants may request up to S$1.25 million from NRF and up to £700 thousand from NERC. Applications are sought from teams comprising researchers from Singapore, the UK and low- and middle-income countries in Southeast Asia. A Notification of Intent to submit should be submitted no later than 05 March 2020. Find details
Efficiency for Access Coalition — Research and Development Fund
The Efficiency for Access Coalition (EforA) seeks applications for the Efficiency for Access Research and Development Fund. The Coalition seeks projects that develop enabling technologies or products for off-grid and weak grid areas. Start-ups and micro-sized organizations can apply for grants of between £50 thousand and £300 thousand to be used for feasibility studies, industrial research, or experimental development. The applicant must be a legally registered business, academic organisation, non-profit, or research and technology organization. There are no geographical restrictions. The deadline for applications is 15 March 2020. Find out more
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Biodiversity Conservation in the Mediterranean Basin (Albania or North Macedonia)
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) and the Prespa Ohrid Nature Trust (PONT) invite Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) for small grants (up to €50 thousand) for projects that support the conservation of plants or the sustainable management of water catchments in the wider Prespa area. Eligibility extends to non-governmental organizations, scientific institutions and academic institutions legally registered in Albania or North Macedonia. The ecosystem profile technical summary is available in English and French. LOIs must be submitted by 21 February 2020. Link
World Bank — Innovate4Climate Pitch Hub Competition
Innovate4Climate seeks innovators, startups and entrepreneurs who develop climate-smart solutions with potential for transformative impact in reducing emissions and/or increasing resilience to climate change. Solutions can be goods, services (e.g. financial instruments, risk management mechanisms), technological solutions, or innovative business models. The competition aims to support climate-smart cities with innovations for energy, food/agriculture, waste/water, and two additional categories.The call for solutions will close on 01 March 2020. Find the Pitch Hub competition
Wellcome Trust — International Exchange Programs in Humanities, Social Science and Bioethics
The Wellcome Trust enables researchers to run international exchange programs specializing in health-related humanities, social sciences or bioethics. An International Exchange Program is up to £1.5 million and can last for three to five years. The Trust covers the costs of carrying out the program. The proposed program must have one program leader based at an eligible UK organisation and one co-applicant based at an eligible organisation anywhere in the world outside the UK. Preliminary applications must be submitted by 03 March 2020. Find details
Wellcome Trust — Research Development Awards in Humanities, Social Science and Bioethics
The Wellcome Trust funds groups of researchers who want to shape the direction of their research in health-related humanities, social sciences or bioethics. The Research Development Award is up to £1 million and lasts for three to five years. The award covers the costs of running the applicants research development program. Eligibility extends to emerging or established research groups consisting of two to six participants from anywhere in the world. Preliminary applications must be submitted by 03 March 2020. Find details
Inter-American Development Bank — Improving Lives in Latin America and the Caribbean
The JK VISIONARIES award recognizes organizations that are working to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean. The award seeks sustainable solutions that solve people’s problems with new tools, methods, or techniques (possibly within one or more thematic areas of the Terra Viva Grant Directory) with the potential to be replicated in other countries. The winning organization will receive US$100 thousand to continue to implement the project that was presented with the application. Submissions will be accepted until 31 March 2020. More