The ERA-NET SUSFOOD2 and CORE Organic Cofunds (SF/CO) launches a joint call for transnational research project proposals on sustainable and organic food systems. The call aims to reinforce research cooperation between EU members and associated states to develop more sustainable food systems from production to consumption. The maximum budget is €1.5 million per research proposal. The call is open to research consortia comprised of a minimum of 3 independent legal entities from a minimum of 3 different SF/CO partner countries. A full list of eligible countries from the EU, Eastern Europe, and the MENA region is provided in the call document. The Joint Call follows a 2-step procedure. Closing date for submission of pre-proposals is 04 November 2019. Find the call
India Department of Science and Technology — EU-India Clean Energy and Climate Partnership
The India Department of Science and Technology (DST) seeks applications for joint research projects with partner from the EU related to renewable energy and its integration in the energy system. Applicants can request a contribution between €5 to €6 million. Projects may include prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, large-scale product validation and market replication. Proposed projects must include a minimum of three participants (for-profit, nonprofit, universities) on either side. Proposals have to be submitted by 31 January 2020. The call
BiodivERsA — Biodiversity and Climate Change
BiodivERsA announces its call on theme “Biodiversity and Climate Change.” The call aims at supporting transnational research projects jointly addressing issues at the nexus of biodiversity and animal, human and/ or plant health (including biological diversity; effects of global change factors; and biodiversity benefits). The participating countries in this call are Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, and Turkey. The total amount for this call is €23.4 million. Scientific research projects must be performed by eligible research organisations (profit and non-profit). Pre-proposals have to be submitted by 05 November 2019. More
U.S. Agency for International Development — Initiative for Hygiene, Sanitation and Nutrition in Afghanistan
Initiative for Hygiene, Sanitation and Nutrition Innovation Fund grants awards for innovative approaches aimed at increasing access to and utilization of nutrition, hygiene and sanitation services in Afghanistan. Seed Grants (up to $60 thousand) are made to concept activities that are innovative and not previously implemented in nutrition or WASH. Advance Grants (up to $250 thousand) support approaches, technologies, services, products and processes that have already demonstrated feasibility and are ready to transition to the scale-up stage. Scale Up Grants are to support the scale-up stage of currently employed community-based programs. Eligibility extends to national and international nonprofit organizations, for-profit organizations, and institutions working in nutrition or WASH. Concept papers will be accepted on a rolling basis until 31 December 2019. Link
United States Agency for International Development — Small Grants for Disaster Risk Reduction in Latin America
The Regional Disaster Assistance Program (RDAP) accepts applications for its Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Small Grants Program. The goal of the program is to increase the capacity of local and national authorities in the region to prepare for and respond to disasters. For that reason, RDAP intends to award projects valued between US$15 thousand and US$ 50 thousand. Organizations eligible to apply include local non-governmental organizations and local universities. Concept papers have to be submitted by 30 September 2019. Link
Forest Foundation Philippines — Forest Conservation in the Philippines
The Forest Foundation Philippines supports activities that foster the protection and sustainable management of forests in the Philippines. Proposed projects should contribute to the protection and sustainable management of forests and biodiversity. Grants may be used for scientific research, piloting forest management strategies in small islands ecosystems (includes Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas and Locally Conserved Areas), mangrove rehabilitation, or plant nurseries. Proponents may apply for small (Php 500 thousand), medium (Php 4 million) or large grants (Php 24 million). Individuals, groups and organizations are eligible to apply. Universities are invited to engage in partnerships rather than apply for grants. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Details
U.S. Department of State — Mapping Illicit Supply Networks to Combat Conservation Crimes
The U.S. Department of State announces the Notice of Funding Opportunity for “Mapping Illicit Supply Networks to Combat Conservation Crimes at their Convergence” with the aim to gather data and build capacity to identify the illegal and illicit supply networks associated with conservation crimes in the Mekong region. OES intends to issue up to US$1,086,250 in total funding. The program will focus on Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. Eligibility extends to U.S. or overseas-based non-profit organizations and institutions of higher education. All applications must be submitted by 09 September 2019. Details
U.S. Department of State — YSEALI Bootcamp: Malaysia
The U.S. Embassy in Kuala Lumpur announces a competition for organizations to submit applications to implement a series of bootcamp programs on youth empowerment and leadership for members of the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) in higher education institutions throughout Malaysia. The organization will receive up to US$100 thousand for the implementation of several workshops (min. 2 days each) aimed at participants ages 18-35 years. Proposed programs should be completed within 12 months. Malaysian institutions, organizations, individuals, U.S. or local non-profit organizations (including think tanks) are eligible to apply. The application deadline is 17 September 2019. Find additional info
European Commission — SEA-Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation
The objective of the Joint Funding Scheme (JFS) is to bring together Southeast Asian and European researchers so that they can collaborate on topics of mutual interest, one of which is Integrated Water Resource Management. Joint projects must comprise of at least 3 partners from 3 different countries. Countries contributing to this call are: Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Czech Republic, Germany, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Latvia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, and Vietnam. Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). Proposals may be submitted by public research and technology development entities, academic institutions, non-university research establishments, and companies.The deadline is 18 October 2019. The call can be found here
São Paulo Research Foundation — International Research Collaboration 3/2019
The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) offers seed funding to support the exchange of researchers under the program “São Paulo Researchers in International Collaboration” (SPRINT). The 3/2019 call seeks collaborations with selected partner research organizations in Austria, UK, Canada, Colombia, Belgium, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, and United States. The fields of joint research interest include environment, energy, and others — varying with each partnership. FAPESP also considers proposals from institutions that do not currently have an agreement with FAPESP if these institutions can present matching funds. The deadline for proposals is 28 October 2019. Learn more about SPRINT