The European Commission seeks proposals for projects to reduce poverty and food insecurity in Sierra Leone through better governance and increased agricultural productivity and diversification. Lot 1 (up to €600 thousand) will support short value chains including micro enterprises that currently produce with artisanal methods. Lot 2 (up to €5 million) will support large-scale and already well-established SMEs in the agribusiness sector, which process agricultural products at a large scale. Eligibility extends to non-governmental organizations, private sector organizations, farmer organizations & community based organizations, private legal entities and international (inter-governmental) organizations. The deadline is 15 March 2019. Find the call for proposals
Graduate Institute Geneva — Geneva Challenge on Climate Change
The Graduate Institute Geneva invites graduate students from all around the world to register teams for the Geneva Climate Change Contest. Contributions should be theoretically grounded and offer pragmatic solutions to a relevant international development problems. The winning project will receive CHF10 thousand. This year, five prizes will be distributed; one in each of the following categories: Universities located in Africa; Universities located in Asia; Universities located in Europe; Universities located in North America and Oceania; and Universities located in South America. Teams have to register by 24 March 2019. About the challenge
Government of India — Australia-India Strategic Research Fund
The Government of India invites research projects to apply to the Strategic Research Fund (AISRF). Priority areas for collaborative research projects are energy and storage (batteries) and marine science. Eligible organizations include universities, research laboratories, and non-profit organizations.The Indian Government will sponsor the direct costs for international airfares, living expenses, manpower-salaries and consumables. The deadline for submission of proposals is 23 January 2019. Link
Tropical Biology Association — Specialist Course: Citizen Science in Africa
The Tropical Biology Association provides specialist courses in tropical biology. The current specialist course “Citizen Science in Africa” aims to build the capacity of science leaders to use citizen science to collect data on biodiversity for conservation management. A limited number of scholarships will be available. Applicants are invited from non-governmental organisations, universities, research and conservation institutions and government research departments. The application deadline is 31 January 2019. About the Field Course
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Combating the Trafficking of Marine Turtles in East and Southeast Asia
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provides financial assistance to strategic projects that conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats though combating the trafficking of marine turtles in East and Southeast Asia. Projects under this call should address the trafficking of hawksbill turtles in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, and China. Applicants may request up to US$500 thousand in project funding. Eligibility extends to governments, businesses, non-profit organizations, universities and individuals. The deadline for application is 19 February 2019. Find the call
U.S. Department of State — Youth Leadership Program with Burma
The Office of Citizen Exchanges announces an open competition to conduct a four-week U.S.-based exchange program for teenagers and adult educators. The activities for each program will focus on civic education, community engagement and prepare participants to conduct projects at home that serve a community need. Applicants should plan to provide U.S.-based programming for 17-18 youth and 2-3 adult participants from Burma. Applicants may request up to US$190 thousand in project funding. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations and universities. The deadline for application is 25 February 2019. Link
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research — German-African Innovation Incentive Award
The Innovation Award will be presented to researchers in Africa and their German partners for proven outstanding collaborative research projects in the fields of environmental sciences, bioeconomy, resource management, and others. Project grants of a maximum €150 thousand are provided for a maximum period of 24 months. Applications may be submitted by universities, research institutions and as well as commercial companies. Project outlines have to be submitted by 15 January 2019. Find the call
Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade — Water for Women (WASH) Research Awards
The Water for Women Fund aims to improve health, gender equality, and well-being of Asian and Pacific communities. Research organisations are invited to submit proposals for the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Research Awards. Applications must be submitted by research organisations or institutions (individual researchers are not eligible). The Funding Round is open to Australian and international non-profit institutions or organisations. Applicants may request between AU$100 thousand and AU$400 thousand per year for up to two years. Proposals should be submitted by 20 December 2019. Water for Women
Famae — Cleaner and Accessible Water Challenge
The company Famae seeks an idea, product or service from all over the world to preserve water and make it more accessible to everyone. Solutions should be pragmatic, efficient, durable, and money-saving to make life easier for urban citizens while reducing their environmental footprint. Individuals, teams, businesses, government entities, universities and organizations are eligible to apply. The maximum award is €2 million which may be allocated to a single exceptional project to cover the production of a prototype. Applications will be accepted until 15 February 2019. Find the terms and conditions
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Protecting the Cerrado in Brazil
The CEPF calls for proposals that contribute towards the conservation of the Cerrado Biodiversity Hotspot in Brazil. CEPF posts the ecosystem profile, and a list of key biodiversity areas, in the announcement. Eligibility for funding extends to community groups and associations, NGOs, private enterprises, universities, research institutes, and other civil society organizations. Small grants are less than US$50 thousand. Large grants are up to US$200 thousand. CEPF will accept letters of inquiry (English, Portuguese) through 12 December 2018. Details