The World Development program at the Waterloo Foundation offers grants in subject areas that include water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). The Foundation gives funding priority to UK-based charities, many of whom work in close partnership with NGOs based in the countries in which they operate. Waterloo will also accept applications from organizations in developing countries if they can supply acceptable references in the UK. Grants are usually between 1-3 years for a total of over £50 thousand, although very occasionally the Foundation will provide grants of over £100 thousand per year. The deadlines for the WASH grants are 14 May 2017 (Round 1) and 19 November 2017 (Round 2). Link
UK Natural Environment Research Council — Research on Water Quality, UK and India
The UK’s Natural Environment Research Council, in partnership with the UK’s Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council and India’s Department of Science and Technology, invite proposals on research to improve water quality. The programme aims to provide a better understanding of the sources and fate of different pollutants, and to support the development of management strategies and technologies to reduce pollution levels. Proposals are sought for collaborative projects involving researchers from both the UK and India. The deadline for notifications of intent to submit is 30 March 2017. Link
U.S. Agency for International Development — Smart Solutions for Adaptable Cities in Asia
The USAID Private Financing Advisory Network-Asia calls for proposal to advance “Smart Solutions for Adaptable Communities and Cities.” Examples of these solutions include apps on clean transport and pilot projects on climate-adaptable housing and buildings, water management, and waste management. Selected project developers, technology providers, innovators, and inventors will receive mentoring support from USAID PFAN-Asia with an aim to secure funding to up-scale their operations. Applications are invited from the private sector, and from public- private partnerships, in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. The deadline for applications is 31 March 2017. Link
European Commission — Black Sea Cross-Border Cooperation
The EC announces the first call for proposals of the ENI CBC “Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020.” The program aims to promote business and entrepreneurship (including in agriculture), and to promote coordination of environmental protection and reduction of river and marine litter. Participating countries are Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Turkey, and Ukraine. The deadline for applications is 31 May 2017. Link
Swiss Re — Leadership Prize in Water Management 2018
The International ReSource Award is a prize acknowledging social entrepreneurial thinking and leadership in addressing social and/or ecological issues related to sustainable water management practices in developing and emerging countries. Each of three finalists will receive US$20 thousand and expert assistance to further develop their proposals in order to compete for a first prize of US$75 thousand. Eligibility for the ReSource Award extends to charities, non-profit organizations, and revenue-generating social enterprises working in the areas of water, sanitation, and hygiene in the developing world. The application deadline for short proposals (Step I) is 22 March 2017. Link
Asian Institute of Technology — Scholarships for Masters Degrees in Natural Resources
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers scholarships for candidates from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam to pursue masters degrees at the AIT. Subject areas include water engineering; agricultural systems; aquaculture and aquatic resources; energy; environmental engineering; natural resources management; integrated coastal zone management; integrated watershed management; disaster preparedness and management; and others. The application deadline is 31 March 2017. Link
Australian APEC Study Centre — Women in Research 2017
The Australia – APEC Women in Research Fellowship supports female researchers from developing APEC economies to work in collaboration with partners at Australian institutions. Past fellows include several in subjects such as water resources, climate change, marine microbiology, and others related to environment. The program is open to female citizens and permanent residents in the following countries: Chile, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. The application deadline is 03 April 2017. Link
Rabobank Employees Fund — Community Projects in Education and Water Supply
The Rabo Foundation Employeesfund is a part of the Rabobank Group, a provider of financial services that operates on cooperative principles in over 40 countries. The Employeesfund supports small-scale sustainable projects in education and water supply. For water projects, the areas of interest include improved water supplies and facilities for drinking water; agricultural irrigation; information projects; and integrated water management. Applications are welcomed from organizations that bank with Rabobank, and from Rabobank employees, in the Rabobank focus countries. The maximum grant request is €15 thousand. There is no deadline for applications. Link
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade — NZ Partnerships for International Development Fund, Round 10
The New Zealand Partnerships for International Development Fund is a contestable fund open to New Zealand organizations. It aims to encourage partnerships between New Zealand organizations and in-country partners in the developing world, with emphasis on the Pacific region and Southeast Asia. Priority areas for support include agriculture, fisheries, tourism, energy, and water and sanitation — among others. The Fund encourages multi-activity projects for up to five years. The deadline for concept applications in Round 10 is 31 March 2017, and one week earlier for applicants seeking feedback on their applications. Link
Belmont Forum and START — Support for Africans in the Sustainable Urbanization Global Initiative
The Belmont Forum and START announce an opportunity for African scientists to participate in the Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Action on “Sustainable Urban Global Initiative: Food-Water-Energy Nexus.” Principal Investigators and co-PIs should be African nationals based at African institutions. Proposals should include PIs or co-PIs from at least three countries, combining African countries with countries in the Belmont Forum. Funding for the African research is US$100 thousand for one year, with the possibility to extend for another year. The deadline for applications is 15 March 2017. Link