The British Council announces workshops that convene UK researchers with partners in other countries. Among the workshops that have deadlines beyond the date of this posting are: Kazakhstan, low-carbon energy (deadline 15 July 2016); India, water purification (deadline 15 July 2016); Brazil, water/sanitation/energy (deadline 15 July 2016); Brazil, renewable energy (deadline 22 July 2016); Kazakhstan, mineral resources (deadline 22 July 2016); Brazil, legal aspects of agricultural technology (deadline 29 July 2016); and Kazakhstan, agricultural innovation (deadline 11 September 2016). The site lists additional workshops in additional subject areas. Link
Social Entrepreneurship Impact & Finance — Awards for Social Enterprise 2016
Social Entrepreneurship Impact & Finance (seif) supports individuals and teams that apply innovative business ideas to address current social and/or environmental problems. Project categories include agriculture and food security; energy; environment; water and sanitation; and others. The competition is open to social enterprises from all over the world. The program will make four awards of CHF 10 thousand each. The application deadline is 30 June 2016. Link
United States–India Science & Technology Endowment Fund (USISTEF) — 7th Call for Proposals
The USISTEF announces its 7th competitive call for proposals to commercialize technologies for societal impact. Priority areas include health, education, agriculture, water, and others. Proposals must include at least one partner from each country, India and USA. Funding is up to Rs. 2.5 crores (approximately US$400 thousand) for projects that demonstrate a high potential to be commercial within 2-3 years. The bi-national teams can include incorporated companies; non-incorporated entities; and individuals or consortia from academic, government, and non-government R&D institutions. The deadline for proposals is 15 June 2016. Link
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) — Clean Water in Armenia
USAID-Yerevan will fund the project Participatory Utilization and Resource Efficiency of Water (PURE-Water) to improve the quality and use efficiency of water resources in the Ararat Valley. Activities will focus on the participation of Armenian civil society in policy development and small-scale pilot projects for integrated water management. Eligibility for grants extends to local organizations registered in Armenia. Funding Opportunity RFA-111-16-000004. The application deadline is 13 July 2016. Link
U.S. Department of State — Reducing Mercury Use in Andean Gold Mining
The U.S. State Department plans to award up to US$145 thousand for 18 months to design and test mobile training centers to reduce mercury use in small-scale gold processing in Bolivia and Peru. Eligibility for funding extends to higher educational institutions and research centers in the USA that have established relationships with regional institutions and/or organizations. The closing date for applications is 13 June 2016. Link
European Commission (EC) — Improved Nutrition in Zambia
The EC will make grants to address the problem of under-nutrition in Zambia. Actions should aim to reduce maternal and child under-nutrition through a multi-sectoral approach across agriculture, health, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in Zambia’s copperbelt, Lusaka, and Southern Provinces. Eligibility for funding extends to nonprofit civil society organizations in Zambia, the EU and European Economic Area, and member states of the OECD. Grants will range from €600 thousand to €1 million, varying with cost shares. Reference EuropeAid/151117/DD/ACT/ZM. The deadline for concept notes is 22 March 2016. Link