Nuffic announces a grant program to develop and strengthen the skills of women and young girls. The program is aimed at professionals and organizations that provide education and training within the priority themes of the Dutch government (Water, Food and Nutrition Security, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, and Security and Rule of Law). Grants can be used for training initiatives and capacity building programs that address specifically the needs of women. The maximum subsidy is €75 thousand per tailor-made training. The call is open to the following countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Congo (DRC), Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Tunisia, and Yemen. The application deadline is 22 April 2021. Tailor-Made Training
Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship — Climate Resilience Asia Pacific Accelerator
The Miller Center seeks applications for an online accelerator program focused on innovations that address the poor, who are suffering disproportionately from climate change in the areas of: affordable and reliable access to modern energy, sustainable management of water and sanitation, and climate-smart agriculture. The program does not provide financial assistance but offers mentorship and capacity building. It is designed for established social entrepreneurs that directly serve people living in poverty. Non-profit, for-profit, or hybrid social enterprises that have a clear commitment to an earned revenue model with the potential for scale are all encouraged to apply. This program is open to entrepreneurs from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Applications for the online program cohort are due by 26 April 2021. Link to the Climate Resilience Accelerator
Stockholm Environment Institute — Strategic Collaborative Fund Asia
The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) supports regional environmental and sustainable development events in Asia. SEI welcomes concept notes for regional strategic events in Asia that focus on advancing environmentally sustainable development with integration of gender and social equality and rights-based approaches. Themes under the Strategic Collaborative Fund include: Addressing air pollution and climate change, agrobiodiversity, disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation, and ecosystems. A total of SEK450 thousand will be awarded per grant. Projects should be based in South or Southeast Asia or address issues relevant to Asia. Eligibility extends to nonprofit organizations or networks. The deadline is 17 May 2021. Find out more
United Nations — Human Rights to Water and Sanitation
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation invites submissions to the 4th Human Rights Youth Challenge. Youth aged between 16 -24 are asked to produce a video (2-5 minutes) on climate change and human rights to water and sanitation. Videos can be submitted in any language with subtitles in English, French, or Spanish. The winner will be invited to join the UN Special Rapporteur to speak at a side-event to the Human Rights Council in September 2021. The submission period ends on 31 May 2021. Link to more details
U.S. Embassy Luanda — Community Projects in Malawi
The U.S. Embassy in Malawi provides funding to support local requests for small community-based development projects. The project must be submitted by an organized group who have already successfully implemented projects in the community. All citizens of Malawi representing a group or organization may request funding for a community activity. The requested amount for implementing activities cannot exceed US$8 thousand. Local involvement of the organization must be at least 10% in cash or in-kind of the total project costs. The closing date for applications is 31 May 2021. Know more
U.S. Embassy Luanda — Community Projects in Angola
The U.S. Embassy in Angola provides funding to support local requests for small community-based development projects. The project must be submitted by an organized group who have already successfully implemented projects in the community. All citizens of Angola representing a group or organization may request funding for a community activity. The requested amount for implementing activities cannot exceed US$10 thousand. Local involvement of the organization must be at least 10% in cash or in-kind of the total project costs. The closing date for applications is 15 June 2021. Know more
Because International — Social Innovation Competition
Because International seeks applications for its Pursuit Incubator Program. The Pursuit Incubator was created for early to middle stage entrepreneurs that have ideas for a socially innovative product. Entrepreneurs from all around the world are invited to apply. Participants will receive 10-weeks of online training, coaching, networking opportunities and the opportunity to compete in a pitch event for a cash prize. The application deadline is 18 July 2021. Pursuit Incubator Program
Land Accelerator — Restoration of Degraded Forests and Farmland (Latin America)
The Land Accelerator trains and supports entrepreneurs that restore degraded forests and farmland. The program offers an all-virtual business creation and growth accelerator in Latin America. The accelerator is designed for companies that are in the testing phase of taking their product to market. Any business model that is recognized as restoring land is eligible, including, but not limited to smart agriculture, water conservation, agroforestry, tree planting, and beekeeping, forest conservation. Applications are currently open for entrepreneurs from Latin America. The deadline is 01 October 2021. Land Accelerator Latin America
Celebrate Islands — Video Contest for Project Funding
Celebrate Islands invites video submissions for a contest “My project in 120 seconds” giving winners the opportunity to implement a small project on their island. Projects need to be achievable within one month and may focus on biodiversity conservation, ecological restoration, waste and plastic, sustainable economic activities (such as fisheries, agriculture, etc.), water efficiency or energy supply. Celebrate Islands intends to award 3 projects with €3 thousand each. Island projects can be submitted from all around the world but need to focus on an island of less than 150km². Video applications have to be submitted by 30 April 2021. Contest Celebrate Islands 2021
Islamic Development Bank — Science, Technology and Innovation Transform Fund
The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) seeks applications for the Transform Fund. The Transform Fund Call for Innovation 2021 will focus on building resilience through innovation in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in relation to 6 Sustainable Development Goals: Zero Hunger; Good Health and Well-Being; Quality Education; Clean Water and Sanitation; Affordable and Clean Energy; and Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. Funding support is organized in four categories, ranging from US$50 thousand to US$1 million. Applications are accepted until 31 May 2021. Visit the website to apply