The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Swiss Re Foundation — Leadership Prize in Water Management

The International ReSource Award is a prize acknowledging social entrepreneurial thinking and leadership in addressing social and/or ecological issues related to sustainable water management practices in developing and emerging countries. Each of three finalists will receive US$20 thousand and expert assistance to further develop their proposals in order to compete for a first prize of US$75 thousand. Eligibility for the ReSource Award extends to charities, non-profit organizations, and revenue-generating social enterprises working in the areas of water, sanitation, and hygiene in the developing world. The application deadline for short proposals (Step I) is 16 March 2018. Here

Misk Foundation — Misk Grand Challenges (1st application window)

The Misk Foundations seeks innovative ways to positively engage young people (under the age of 30) in Global Citizenship. Participants are invited to propose innovative and creative solutions that uses new knowledge to positively engage young people in efforts that will reduce inequality related to six Global Goals: (1) No poverty; (2) Zero hunger; (3) Good health and well-being; (4) Quality education; (5) Gender equality; and (6) Clean water and sanitation. Over a three-year period, Misk Grand Challenges will launch new challenges, offering 100 young innovators across the world a grant of $100 thousand to develop their ingenious ideas into a concrete proof of concept. The application deadline for the current window is 13 May 2018. Activating Global Citizenship Challenge

UK Natural Environment Research Council — Understanding Risk Forum 2018

Young professionals with passion for risk communication are invited to apply for the Pressure Cooker event on Risk Communication at the 2018 Understanding Risk Forum in Mexico City, 14-18 May 2018. Up to 20 professionals and students from all around the world will test their innovative, creative, scientific and technological skills to co-develop risk communication solutions to real world problems facing local decision makers. Financial support for travel, accommodation and subsistence is available for a limited number of applicants. Applications have to be submitted before 26 January 2018. More about the event

Israeli Agency for International Development — Course: Intensive Crop Production

Israel’s Agency for International Development (MASHAV) offers professional short courses in Israel in subject areas that include agriculture, energy, health, education, and social development. MASHAV offers a limited number of scholarships to cover course fees, accommodation, medical insurance, and other expenses in Israel. The international course on “Irrigation and Fertigation for Intensive Crop Production” will focus on applied irrigation and fertigation technologies, management of water resources, and fertilizers and nutrient solutions. The course is geared towards professionals from governmental and non-governmental institutions, universities, research institutes and/or private sector involved in agricultural development projects under irrigation as well as in research, extension and/or intensive agricultural production. Additionally, MASHAV offers professional courses in Spanish, Russian, and French. Deadline for applications is 06 March 2018. Link

Hike & Cycle – Nature-Saving Scholarship for Students

Hike & Cycle awards Nature-Saving Scholarships to students who raise environmental awareness and support a responsible approach to outdoor activities using their writing skills. For this contest participants are asked to prepare a list of nature-saving rules on one of the following subjects: (1) Responsible Camping; (2) How Hikers Can Make Sure That They Don’t Hurt Wildlife; and (3) Recommendations for Responsible Behavior Near Bodies of Water. Participants must currently be enrolled in high school, university, or college. Applications from all countries are accepted. The first place winner will get US$1,000 and the second place winner will receive US$500. Submissions must be received by 11 March 2018. See the Submission Requirements

Avina Stiftung — Grants for Environment

Avina Stiftung is active mainly in Switzerland, but it also supports Swiss development work in Latin America, as well as selected initiatives with a global focus. The Foundation supports innovations to promote eco-efficiency, biodiversity, and ecological sustainability. It also seeks to enhance awareness of environmental issues. Applications are accepted continuously. More

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — Grants to U.S. Universities for Research on Global Sustainability 2018

The EPA’s 15th annual P3 Awards (People, Prosperity, and the Planet) will fund research projects in air quality, safe and sustainable water resources, sustainable and healthy communities, and chemical safety. Grants are up to US$15 thousand for one year (Phase I). Winners in Phase I will be eligible to apply for up to $75 thousand for two years (Phase II). The competition is open to U.S. institutions of higher education to support teams of undergraduate and/or graduate students. The application deadline is 07 February 2018. Link

National Geographic Society — Sustainable Cities

The National Geographic Society seeks proposals from around the world that aim to test innovative approaches to issues surrounding the production or consumption of energy, food, infrastructure and fresh water in and around cities. Projects may be focused around conservation, education, research, storytelling, or technology. Applicants may request from US$10 thousand to US$150 thousand to be used over one or two years. Short deadline: 03 January 2018. See the Request for Proposals

Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade — Water for Women (WASH) Research Awards

The Water for Women Fund aims to improve health, gender equality, and well-being of Asian and Pacific communities. Research organisations are invited to submit proposals for the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Research Awards. Applications must be submitted by research organisations or institutions (individual researchers are not eligible). The Funding Round is open to Australian and international non-profit institutions or organisations. Applicants may request between AU$100 thousand and AU$400 thousand per year for up to three years. Proposals should be submitted by 27 February 2018. More

West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use — WORKSHOP: Estimating changes in water availability in West Africa (extended deadline)

The University of Bonn (Germany) and the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) call for participation and abstracts for the COAST workshop (studying changes of sea level and water storage for coastal regions in West-Africa, using satellite and terrestrial data sets) that will be held in Burkina Faso, 12-15 February 2018. Applications from West African doctoral and postdoctoral researchers with less than 10 years experience in academia are welcome. Travel reimbursements are available for a limited number of participants. The extended application deadline is 05 January 2018. About the workshop