The Indian Department of Science & Technology (DST) calls for proposals for joint research projects between India and Hungary. Grants are to promote collaborative projects between at least one Indian and one Hungarian scientist. Themes are energy and water; biotechnology; and others. Proposals must be submitted in English. The application deadline is 17 November 2017. More Information
Securing Water for Food — Photo Contest
The Securing Water for Food (SWFF) Global Water-Agriculture Photo Contest will call attention to the significant issue of water scarcity, while recognizing and celebrating steps being taken around the world to improve water and food security. The four themes for photos are: agriculture; water; technology related to water-agriculture; and men and women working in agriculture. Cash prizes are up to US$500. The contest deadline is 27 September 2017. Learn about the photo contest
Scottish Government — International Development Small Grants 2018
The Scottish Government’s International Development Small Grants Programme provides project funding in support of the government’s International Development Policy. Applications for grants are invited from incorporated not-for-profit organisations which have a presence in Scotland and an annual turnover of less than £200 thousand. Project grants should focus on any of Malawi, Rwanda, or Zambia in themes of food security; renewable energy; climate change; water; and others. Grants for capacity building and feasibility studies will be accepted in relation to any country designated as medium/low on the UN’s Human Development Index — but with priority for Malawi, Rwanda, and Zambia. Awards are a maximum of £60 thousand for project grants over three years, or a maximum of £10 thousand for feasibility and capacity building grants over one year. The application deadline is 13 November 2017. About the small grants
CRDF Global — Travel Grants for U.S. Early-Career Scientists
CRDF Global announces the 2017 Catalyzing New Research Partnerships Program. The program aims to catalyze new international research collaborations for U.S. early-career scientists with partners in South and Southeastern Asia; Latin America: and West Africa. The subject areas of interest are biological sciences; geosciences; and others. CRDF will make travel grants up to US$10 thousand for U.S. early-career scientists residing and working in the USA to lay the foundation for new international research partnerships in the priority regions. The application deadline is 29 September 2017. Learn about this opportunity
Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund — Funding for Projects Led by Women 2018
VGIF provides grants up to US$7,500 for projects that are led by women, and that help empower women and girls in grassroots communities around the globe. Most grants are for one year. Past projects include examples in farming, kitchen gardens, water supply, and other aspects of sustaining local livelihoods. VGIF will accept letters of intent through 02 October 2017. Find the guidelines here
Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade — Water for Women in Asia-Pacific Countries
The Water for Women Fund aims to improve health, gender equality, and well-being of Asian and Pacific communities. Australia’s DFAT invites proposals for projects from civil society and not-for-profit organisations that promote access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). The eligible countries are Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Kiribati, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and Vietnam. Grants are expected to range from AUD$2.5 million to AUD$10 million over five years. The application deadline is 06 October 2017. Find the request for proposals
Tata Group — Tata Social Enterprise Challenge, 6th Edition
The Tata Group, in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC), seeks to identify promising social enterprises in India. Proposals are invited for social enterprises in agriculture, water and sanitation, energy, and other thematic areas. The proposed enterprises should create social impact in India, although applicants do not have to be Indian nationals. The top three winners of the competition will win cash grants up to 2 lakhs each, to be invested in their ventures. Selected social entrepreneurs will be offered mentorship and an opportunity to be incubated at IIMC. The deadline for submitting impact proposals (business plans) is 30 September 2017. Link
Innovate UK — UK-Malaysia Urban Innovation Challenge 2017
Innovate UK is investing in projects that use cutting-edge solutions to improve cities in Malaysia. UK businesses can apply to work with Malaysian partners on collaborative technological solutions that address urban mobility, urban waste, and urban water management. Funding is up to £500 thousand per project. Registration closes on 30 August 2017. Link
Human Development Innovation Fund — Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Tanzania
The Human Development Innovation Fund seeks to fund innovative projects in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in Tanzania. Projects should increase demand, uptake and sustainability of improved sanitation facilities through innovative financing mechanisms, technology, and behavior change promotion. The lead applicant should be an organization based in Tanzania. Support for pilot and scale-up projects is between £500 thousand and £1 million. The application deadline is 08 September 2017. Link
Netherlands Enterprise Agency — Sustainable Water Fund, Round 2
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency manages the Sustainable Water Fund (FDW) as a public-private partnership for water safety and water security in developing countries. Projects are collective initiatives between governmental bodies, industries, and NGOs. The thematic areas are improved access to drinking water and sanitation (including solid waste); efficient and sustainable water use, particularly for agriculture; and safe deltas and improved basin management. The deadline for concept notes (second round) is 08 December 2017. Link