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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Dory Foundation — Grants for Early Stage Non-Profit Work

The Dory Foundation supports promising, early-stage non-profit work with grants between US$10 thousand and US$250 thousand. There are no thematic restrictions, however, projects should respond to the question: “How can we keep life meaningful and fulfilling in a world where work is automated with AI”. The funding scope is global, no specific locations targeted. The project must be a charity or non-profit project. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Details

United Nations Development Program — Equator Prize 2025

The Equator Prize 2025 recognizes innovative initiatives that showcase how action on nature, led by Indigenous Peoples and local communities, can provide effective climate solutions, and demonstrate effective pathways to transform the global systems for people and Planet. Nominated projects may focus on solutions for sustainable food systems, restoration of ecosystems that help communities adapt to the impacts of climate change, or protection of terrestrial or marine ecosystems, biodiversity, and wildlife. The nominated initiative must have been in existence for at least three years. Each winner will receive US$10 thousand. Nominations must be submitted by 23 February 2025. Equator Prize

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Community Projects in Guyana and Suriname

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives supports small-scale, high-impact projects in Guyana and Suriname. The priorities under this call include one on the environment and climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, as well as on water management; and projects that create income-earning opportunities for women (which may also include rural agricultural development). The average contribution is C$20 thousand to C$50 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to local community organizations, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions. Expressions of Interest have to be submitted by 09 March 2025. CFLI Guyana and Suriname

British Herpetological Society — Student Grants

The British Herpetological Society (BHS) offers small grants to current students in support of herpetological fieldwork and other research costs. Projects which benefit species of conservation concern are likely to be favored. The scheme is open to students and research projects in any country, but applications from countries where funds are relatively easy to obtain may be at a disadvantage. Applicants do not have to be BHS members, though this is encouraged. Small grants are up to £300. The remaining application deadlines are 01 June and 01 December 2025. BHS student grants

Conservation, Food and Health Foundation — Local Project Support

The Conservation, Food and Health Foundation supports special projects and programs in the areas of conservation, food, and health in low- and lower-middle-income countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. The foundation supports projects that demonstrate local leadership; develop the capacity of local organizations; and address a particular problem or question in the field. Eligibility extends to NGOs, community-based organizations, and academic institutions. There is no maximum grant size. Most grants will fall in the US$25 thousand to US$50 thousand per year range. The application deadline for concept notes is 15 June 2025. About this opportunity

Het X-Y Actiefonds — Grassroots Actions

Het X-Y Actiefonds makes small grants for grassroots actions across a range of thematic areas, including ecology (environment). It supports politically controversial projects that do not easily find financial aid elsewhere. Examples of supported activities include demonstrations, blockades, occupations, direct actions, revolts, revolutions, and other confrontational action. Grants are a maximum of €3 thousand. Applications are accepted on a continuous basis. Register your action

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund — Grants in Support of Endangered and Critically Endangered Species

The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund makes grants to individuals, communities, and organizations for the conservation of threatened or poorly known animal, plant, and fungi species worldwide. The Fund uses the IUCN Red List as the primary guide to the conservation status of a given species, although documented variations for sub-species, distinct populations, and subpopulations will be taken into account. Grants are up to US$25 thousand. Applications must be submitted in English. The next application deadlines are 28 February, 30 June, and 31 October 2025. Know more

Panthera — Grants for Research and Conservation of Wild Cats 2025

Panthera makes grants for research and conservation of the world’s populations of wild cats. The Small Cat Action Fund (up to US$15 thousand) supports in situ conservation and research on many of the world’s 31 small cat species. The Winston Cobb Memorial Fellowship (US$10 thousand) is made to an exceptional early-career conservationist to undertake a field-based internship for training and experience on a wild cat conservation project selected by Panthera. Letters of Interest for all programs have to be submitted by 15 March 2025. Learn More

Monarch Butterfly Fund — Support for Undergraduate and Graduate Students

The Monarch Butterfly Fund supports activities to protect the oyamel fir forests in which monarch butterflies overwinter in Mexico. The Lincoln P. Brower Award supports research projects of undergraduate and graduate students on the conservation of monarch butterflies and their habitats. Funds can be used to support supplies, travel, stipends for field assistants, and other legitimate research expenses. The grant amount is US$3 thousand. Submissions are due 31 March 2025. Details

University of Bonn — SDG Fellowships

The University of Bonn invites international postdoctoral fellows for a joint research project on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The scientists will research and teach together with a professor from the University of Bonn for one or two semesters. The university seeks collaborations with universities and research institutes in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Post-doctoral researchers invited by a professor of the University of Bonn for a joint research project are eligible. The funding can cover a travel allowance, a scholarship of €3 thousand per month, and a research expense allowance of up to €500 per month. The application must be submitted by a full-time professor at the University of Bonn together with the fellow. The submission deadline is 31 March 2025. Bonn SDG Fellowships