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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Science for Africa Foundation — Africa Science Journalism Awards

The Africa Science Journalism Awards (ASJA) recognizes and honors excellent reporting on science and innovation in Africa and aims to improve and increase coverage of science on the continent. The award will be given to African journalists whose stories cover health, climate change and environment, and/or agriculture. Prizes range from US$5,000 to US$1,500. The award is open to journalists and media houses, editors, and scientists. Stories must be informative and highlight how science is improving the lives of Africans. Applications are to be submitted by 31 August 2023. Africa Science Journalism Awards

Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education — Orange Knowledge Program

The Orange Knowledge Program (OKP) makes scholarships to mid-career professionals from selected developing countries for short courses (duration 2 weeks to 12 months) and master’s programs (duration 12-24 months). Eligible countries as well as eligible courses are listed in the announcement. Interested applicants need to first select a course and then contact the education institution of the course and ask how to apply for the scholarship. The application deadline is 05 September 2023. Orange Knowledge Program

People and Conservation Learning Group — Small Grants for Great Ape Conservation

The People and Conservation Learning Group (PCLG) supports collaboration and learning between conservation, development and rights focused organizations in three great ape range states. Applicants will be able to apply for grants up to US$7,500 to support people and great ape conservation in three great ape range states: Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda. Small grants are available to community-based nonprofit organizations and enterprises. The application deadline is 15 June 2023. PCLG Small Grants

Caribbean Biodiversity Fund — Awards for Conservation Heroes

The Biodiversity Excellence Awards for Conservation Heroes (BEACH) honors outstanding individuals and organizations for their contributions to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development within the Caribbean. The nominees must have a proven track record of actively implementing projects in the Caribbean region. The deadline for nominations is 22 June 2023. Awards for Conservation Heroes

U.S. Department of State — Combating Wildlife Trafficking through Outreach and Awareness

The U.S. Government announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for projects that counter trafficking of endangered and protected species for use in traditional medicine globally. The U.S. Government will mobilize resources, and strengthen operational capacity to combat nature crimes, including wildlife and timber trafficking. The program goal is to engage civil society and/or local NGOs in the prevention of trafficking of endangered and protected species. Funding ranges from US$500 thousand to US$1 million. The closing date for applications is 01 July 2023. Link

U.S. Government — Countering the Illicit Exotic Pet Trade

The project aims to combat wildlife trafficking across Central and South Asia including India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. The aim is to increase the capacity and ability of governments to identify, interdict, investigate, and prosecute this illegal trade and dismantle the organized crime networks. Awards range from US$300 thousand to US$600 thousand. Eligibility extends to US-based and foreign non-profit organizations and educational institutions. The closing date for applications is 17 July 2023. Details

U.S. Department of State — Countering Wildlife Trafficking in Latin America

The U.S. Department of State seeks to strengthen the capacity of wildlife institutions and actors in Latin America. The call seeks to enhance law enforcement and justice sector efforts to counter wildlife trafficking, ultimately helping to disrupt wildlife trafficking operations, and removing opportunities for criminal organizations to profit from illicit proceeds derived from the wildlife trade. Funding ranges from US$750 thousand to US$3 million. Eligibility for this award is restricted to US-based and foreign non-profit organizations and educational institutions. Applications have to be received by 19 July 2023. Know more

ProposalsforNGOs — Small Grant Competition 2023

ProposalsforNGOs, an initiative by FundsforNGOs, invites applications for the “Small Grant Competition” aimed at NGOs around the world. The contest aims to help grassroots NGOs to develop a project idea to reality by submitting a one-page concept note. The winner will be awarded US$1000. Participation is open to any non-profit organization in any country. The deadline for submission is 31 May 2023. Find details

UK Government — Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund

The Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) Challenge Fund provides funding to innovative and scalable solutions to reduce pressure on wildlife from illegal trade and reduce poverty in developing countries. Proposals must align to one or more of the four project themes: (1) Reducing demand; (2) Ensuring effective legal frameworks; (3) Strengthening law enforcement; and (4) Developing sustainable livelihoods. The IWT Challenge Fund supports projects with different grant sizes depending on each project stage, ranging from £20 thousand to £1.5 million. Projects should be implemented in Sub–Saharan Africa, East and Southeast Asia and Latin America. The deadline for applications is 19 June 2023. Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund

U.S. Department of State — Combating Wildlife Trafficking in Southeast Asia

The U.S. Government seeks to fund projects that build criminal judicial capacity in Southeast Asia. Funds will support work that increases the ability of Southeast Asia to counter wildlife trafficking. The solicitation scope may also include money-laundering, corruption, illegal logging, and other crime areas that aid wildlife trafficking. The U.S. Government anticipates 3-5 awards of US$750 thousand to US$2 million. Eligibility for funding extends to nonprofit NGOs and institutions of higher education in the USA and internationally. The closing date for applications is 05 July 2023. Link