The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) makes reporting grants to further the understanding of the importance of biodiversity in East Africa and region-specific threats to biodiversity conservation. Up to 10 journalists will receive grants of US$1,200 to produce in-depth biodiversity and conservation feature stories in East Africa. Journalists from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda are welcome to apply. Applications are open to journalists working in any medium (online, print, television, radio) and other expert media practitioners with professional reporting experience. The deadline for applications is 15 October 2022. Find out more
Morris Animal Foundation — Wildlife Health and Welfare 2023
The Morris Animal Foundation supports research on animal health and welfare, including wildlife/exotics. The Foundation invites proposals in several categories: Established Investigator (average US$50 thousand per year for 3 years); First Award (US$54 thousand per year for 2 years); Fellowship Training (average US$50 thousand per year for 2 years); Pilot Study (max US$10 thousand); and Veterinary Students (stipends of up to US$5 thousand). The application deadline for wildlife/exotics is 02 December 2022. Know more
ONE International — ONE Africa Award
The ONE Africa Award honors the exceptional work of individuals and organizations based in Africa to help Africa achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The amount of the award is US$100 thousand, which may be split into more than one prize. Eligibility for the award extends to civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations, and other groups based in Africa that can demonstrate commitment and success in advocacy to promote the attainment of one or more of the SDGs. The application deadline is 30 September 2022. ONE Africa Award
Global Biodiversity Information Facility — Management of Specimen Data
The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) is developing a new data model to enable the publication of richer, more complex types of biodiversity data in the future. Therefore, GBIF seeks pilot projects showcasing how an emerging unified data model can improve how data derived from specimens in scientific collections are represented in GBIF. Applicants selected through this call for proposals will work with the Secretariat to populate a pilot database used to demonstrate a queryable online specimen catalog. Applicants can seek financial support of up to €3,000. Applications must be submitted by 02 October 2022. Link
Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund — Annual Conservation Grants 2023
The Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund makes grants for wildlife studies, habitat protection, and community conservation and education in critical ecosystems around the world. Disney supports projects that build on previous work, and that have the potential to contribute to long-term conservation. Eligibility extends to nonprofit organizations worldwide. The Conservation Fund will consider requests for a maximum of US$100 thousand to be provided over two years. The deadline to submit inquiries is 01 November 2022. Disney Conservation
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Conservation in the Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) invites letters of inquiry (LOI) to empower local communities to engage in conservation and management of key biodiversity areas of Cambodia, China, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. CEPF intends to make small grants of US$40 thousand and large grants of up to US$200 thousand. The call is open to NGOs, community groups, Indigenous People’s organizations, women’s groups, private companies and other civil society organizations. Applications can be submitted in English, French, Portuguese or Spanish. The deadline for receiving applications is 26 September 2022. Find more information
Cape Cod Bird Club — Small Grants for Well-Being and Protection of Birds
The Cape Cod Bird Club (CCBC) offers grants of up to US$1000 to support conservation efforts relating directly or indirectly to the well-being or protection of birds. Due to limited funds, for 2022-23, CCBC accepts applications only from proposers working in the Western Hemisphere where many Cape Cod migrants spend some part of their lives. Eligibility extends to organizations that need seed money to begin or additional funding to continue. Applications are reviewed and funded twice a year with deadlines on 01 May and 01 November. Know more
Conservation Nation — Established Conservationist Grants
The Conservation Nation Grant Program provides funding to help save endangered animals and their ecosystems by building a stronger, more diverse community of conservation practitioners. The Established Conservationist grant program provides funds to mid-career conservationists from traditionally marginalized communities. Applicants can submit conservation activities or research projects in wildlife conservation. Applicants are eligible for grants up to US$10 thousand. The applicant must be a mid-career conservationist (7+ years) whose home base and place of work are U.S.-based; however, projects and programs can be domestic or international. The deadline for applications is 28 August 2022. Established Conservationist Grants
Conservation Nation — Emerging Conservationist Grants
The Conservation Nation Grant Program provides funding to help save endangered animals and their ecosystems by building a stronger, more diverse community of conservation practitioners. The Emerging Conservationist grant supports conservationists beginning their careers who have the passion and ideas to help save the planet but not the privilege, access, and networks that hold back so many from success. Applicants are eligible for grants up to US$5 thousand. The applicant must be an emerging conservationist (1-7 years) whose home base and place of work are U.S.-based; however, projects and programs can be domestic or international. The deadline for applications is 28 August 2022. Emerging Conservationist Grants
United States Agency for International Development — Landscape Management and Conservation
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID/India) seeks concept papers for a cooperative agreement from qualified organizations to implement the ‘Strengthening Landscape Management and Conservation’ activity. The activity focuses on three main objectives: (1) Improved management of protected areas and their corridors for wildlife conservation and other ecological benefits; (2) Improved inclusive livelihoods from ecosystem services, and (3) Strengthened conditions for institutionalizing landscape conservation. USAID intends to provide US$20 million in total funding over a five-year period. Eligibility for this call is unrestricted. The closing date for applications is 16 September 2022. Link