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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives — Environment and Climate Action in Sub-Saharan Africa

The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) invites proposals that meet the needs of local communities in the following countries: Lesotho, Madagascar, Mauritius, Namibia, and South Africa. CFLI provides funding to projects that implement environment and climate action focusing on adaptation and mitigation, water management, among other thematic priorities. The average contribution is between C$15 thousand to C$30 thousand per project. Eligibility extends to community organizations, non-profit organizations, local governments, academic institutions, and international non-profit organizations. The deadline for submission is 29 May 2020. Details

European Commission — Eco-Tourism Development in Botswana

The European Commission (EC) supports the development eco-tourism activities with focus on community-based, economically-viable ecotourism enterprises, conservation and heritage areas. The Commission provides funding to projects that develop community-based and nature-based tourism activities, diversify the tourism offer in Botswana, promote eco-friendly tourism practices and conservation activities in and around protected areas, and implement activities that increase the participation of local communities in the tourism industry. Applicants may request between €500 thousand and €750 thousand for the implementation of their proposed project. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations established in Africa or the European Union. The application deadline is 30 June 2020. Details can be found here

StartupXs — COVID-19 Response Fund

StartupXs launches the COVID-19 Response Fund for start-ups and social enterprises with the aim to support early-stage social entrepreneurs to adapt to the pandemic. Support extends to social entrepreneurs whose projects focus on natural resources as well as other categories of the Terra Viva Grants Directory. Participation is open to any start-up or social enterprise worldwide. Priority is given to early-stage start-ups launching innovative products or ideas. One winner will receive US$1000. The deadline to participate is 31 July 2020. Find the Covid-19 Response Fund

Lion’s Share — Resilience in Wildlife Community Grants

The Lion’s Share supports initiatives in communities dependent on wildlife-based tourism to withstand the current Covid-19 outbreak and other future global shocks. Small grants of US$20 thousand to US$50 thousand will be made to non-profit organizations in developing countries to implement local community actions to protect severely threatened ecosystems or wildlife. Projects should focus on innovative solutions to wildlife conservation challenges, while simultaneously enhancing local people’s well-being and livelihood. The application deadline is 15 May 2020. Find the call

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Biodiversity Conservation in the Mountains of Central Asia (Kazakhstan)

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) invites applications for small grants to promote conservation of biodiversity in the Mountains of Central Asia. This call is open to NGOs, community groups, universities, civil society organizations in Kazakhstan. The maximum funding amount per project is US$20 thousand. Expressions of interest should be submitted by 20 May 2020. Find the call

U.S. Department of State — Networks to Combat Conservation Crimes

The US Department of State announces a notice of funding opportunity for for mapping illicit supply networks to combat conservation crimes at their convergence in eligible developing countries. The goal is to identify, analyze, and map the illicit networks associated with conservation crimes in Peru, Colombia, Gabon, Ghana, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Proposed projects are expected to deliver recommendations for policy and materials to aid technical capacity development efforts. The total available funding under this call is US$493,750. Eligibility extends to US-based and overseas-based non-profit organizations and institutions of higher education. Applications must be submitted by 15 June 2020. Find the link

U.S. Department of State — Wildlife Trafficking and Illegal Mining in West Africa

The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), invites applications from qualified U.S. and foreign non-profit organizations (including NGOs), and educational institutions to implement a program entitled “Wildlife Trafficking and Illegal Mining Research Projects.” INL will support programs that improve INL’s knowledge of wildlife trafficking and illegal mining that will help inform future capacity building programs. INL intends to make two awards of up to US$750 thousand total in funding. The closing date for submission of applications is 10 June 2020. Link

National Geographic Society — Big Cats Conservation

The National Geographic Big Cats Initiative seeks projects benefiting big cat populations and their habitats via field-based and action-oriented programs in Africa. The current RFP focusses on lion populations in specific African regions (detailed in the call). Although priority will be given to projects focused on lions, projects on leopard and cheetah populations will also be considered. Applicants may request up to $100 thousand. The current grant cycle closes 22 July 2020. About this opportunity

National Geographic Society — Equity and the Natural World

The National Geographic Society (NatGeo) seeks projects that will document underrepresented communities that have traditionally been given less consideration in stories of the environmental movement. Proposals may focus on all aspects of local and traditional communities, e.g., land use issues; indigenous heroes; impacts of environmental degradation; climate-related migration, etc. Applicants must have strong track records as storytellers (journalists, photographers, videographers, cartographers). Applicants may request up to US$80 thousand. The deadline is October 2020. Link

National Geographic Society — Species Recovery

The National Geographic Society seeks proposals that “stimulate, promote and support conservation actions for halting biodiversity decline, preventing species’ extinctions, and restoring and conserving intact habitats and ecosystems, both on the ground and in the water”. In partnership with the IUCN SSC, the goal is to halt further biodiversity decline by implementing species conservation plans. Funds are not restricted by taxon or region, but proposals must include principal investigators or participants resident in the country where the fieldwork will be conducted. Typical proposal requests should be less than $30 thousand, but applicants may request up to $50 thousand. The deadline for applications is October 2020. About Species Recovery