The National Geographic Society accepts applications from less experienced individuals who seek to lead a project. Applicants are not required to have an advanced degree and should submit their proposal at least four months before the project start date. Grants are typically funded for less than US $5 thousand but requests for up to US $10 thousand will also be considered. The next application deadline is October 2020. Find out more
European Commission — LIFE Environmental and Climate Action
The LIFE program is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action. The Environment sub-program makes grants for nature conservation projects in the areas of biodiversity, habitats, and species. The Climate action sub-program provides funding in the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency, farming, land use, and peatland management. The EU co-financing contribution for LIFE projects normally ranges from €275 thousand to €2.75 million. EU registered private entities, public bodies and NGOs are eligible to apply, including EU candidate countries and potential candidates. Note that each call under the sub-programs has its own deadline starting from 14 July 2020 to 06 October 2020. Please check carefully. About LIFE
CCAMLR Scientific Committee — Scholarship for Early-Career Researchers
The CCAMLR Scientific Scholarship provides funding of up to A$30 thousand to assist early-career scientists to participate in the work CCAMLR working groups over a period of two years. Working topics include research into krill population dynamics, approaches to spatial management of marine protected areas, integrated stock assessments for fisheries, among others. The scholarship provides funding of up to A$30 thousand. Each applicant must have the support of a Scientific Committee representative. The deadline for scholarship applications is 01 October 2020. Find detailed information
Monarch Butterfly Fund — Small Grants Program
The Monarch Butterfly Fund supports activities to protect the oyamel fir forests in which monarch butterflies overwinter in central Mexico. Most grants are awarded to Mexican organizations and individuals. Additionally, the Fund supports a small number of projects in the USA and Canada. Projects should work with habitat restoration, research, monitoring, education, and support for sustainable community development in and near monarch habitats. Most grants are a maximum of US$2,500. Applications may be submitted at any time. Find the call
U.S. Mission to Indonesia — Combating Environmental Crime
The U.S. Mission to Indonesia provides financial assistance to build the capacity of law enforcement, government institutions, and local civil society organizations to prevent and report on environmental crimes in Indonesia. Capacity-building activities could include but are not limited to financial analysis ; conducting workshops, hosting conferences, or facilitating study tours. Individual awards are not to exceed US$225 thousand. Eligibility extends to U.S. based and overseas-based non-profit organizations (NGOs) or educational institutions. Please note that this is a two-step application process. Applicants must first submit a short concept note. Selected applicants will then be invited to submit full proposal. The applications deadline for concept notes is 30 April 2020. Link
G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation — Grants in Natural and Earth Sciences
The G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation makes grants for research and operational support in marine and ocean conservation, earth sciences, climate change, and wildlife management. Past grants range from US$25 thousand to US$700 thousand. Grants are to U.S. nonprofit organizations for projects ranging from local to international. As of 01 March 2021, the Foundation will no longer be accepting unsolicited letters of inquiry (LOI) or proposals. Know more
U.S. Department of State — Combating Wildlife Trafficking (Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines)
The U.S. Department of State aims to reduce the poaching and illegal trade of wildlife between Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The program will provide funding of up to US$1.6 million and include technical assistance to: 1) increase interdiction of trafficked wildlife; 2) build investigative and enforcement functions; and 3) develop cross-border regional cooperation. Eligibility extends to US based and international non-profit organizations (NGOs) or educational institutions. The application deadline is 13 May 2020. Find the call
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund — Biodiversity Conservation in the Mediterranean Basin (Tunisia)
The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) makes small grants (US$ 5-8 thousand) to private enterprises in Tunisia in support of biodiversity conservation in coastal areas in the Mediterranean region. The overall aim of this call is to engage private sector stakeholders to adopt sustainable practices. Projects should be implemented in the future marine protected area (MPA) of Zembra and Zembretta. The call is open to the private sector, including small-scale businesses, private enterprises, local community groups and cooperatives. Letters for Inquiry have to be submitted by 20 March 2020. Find out more
U.S. Agency for International Development — Biodiversity Conservation in Vietnam
USAID seeks applications from qualified entities to implement the “USAID Biodiversity Conservation” activity in Vietnam. The funding provided under this call should be used to (1) Maintain and increase forest quality in high-conservation value provinces and, (2) Protect and stabilize wildlife populations in national parks and reserves in high-conservation value provinces. Key activities and strategic approaches are detailed in the call for proposals. USAID intends to provide one award of up to US$38 million for a five year project. (Note: USAID has established a minimum required cost share of 10% of the total estimated costs, approx. US$3.8 million). Eligibility for this NOFO is not restricted which means that nonprofit and for-profit organizations are eligible to apply. The applications deadline is 15 April 2020. Link to more information
ProposalsforNGOs — Online Course: Fundraising
ProposalsforNGOs offers free online short courses in the field of fundraising. Participants will learn how to find donors and prepare proposals. The course is self-paced which means that participants can start and finish anytime. The course is available to participants from all around the world. Click here for more info