The National Geographic Society seeks proposals from around the world that will advance innovative conservation technologies to explore, visualize, and protect the planet. Priority will be given to projects that use multi-sensor monitoring systems, advance surveillance/alarm systems for protected areas, or develop new tools and capabilities needed to generate data. Typical proposal requests should be less than US$50 thousand, but applicants may request up to US$100 thousand. The deadline for applications is 10 July 2018. Click here
Stiftung Artenschutz — Funding for Species Conservation
Stiftung Artenschutz provides financial support, technical consultancy and administrative assistance for the conservation of critically endangered species or subspecies. Projects should serve the objectives of in-situ conservation. However, funding may also include ex-situ conservation measures, if they are sensible and essential in order to maintain threaten species or populations. Funding recipients may be non-profit organisations, charities, or research institutions. There are no fixed deadlines for the submission of funding requests. Applications are accepted and reviewed throughout the year. About the application process
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Caribbean Regional Program
The Caribbean Program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) invites proposals for the conservation of species, habitats and ecological processes across landscapes with high biodiversity value in the Caribbean. About 15-20 grants of up to US$90 thousand will be awarded for one year. Eligibility for grants extends to qualified and relevant non-profit organizations, universities, and individuals. The application deadline is 10 May 2018. Find information
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — Combating Wildlife Trafficking (Priority Species)
The U.S. government seeks to fund projects that take a multifaceted approach in dealing with the problem of illegal wildlife trafficking of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine species, including: elephants, rhinos, tigers, sharks, tuna, sea turtles, land tortoises, great apes, exotic birds, pangolins, sturgeon, coral, iguanas, chameleons, and tarantulas. Requested grants should range from US$50 thousand to a maximum of US$200 thousand. Eligibility for grants extends worldwide to qualified and relevant government agencies, other organizations, multi-national secretariats, and individuals. The closing date for applications is 10 May 2018. Know more
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service — South America Regional Program
The South America Program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) invites proposals for the conservation of species, habitats and ecological processes across landscapes with high biodiversity value in South America. Requested grants should range from US$25 thousand to a maximum of US$100 thousand. Eligibility for grants extends to qualified and relevant non-profit organizations and universities. Individuals are not eligible to apply. The application deadline is 11 May 2018. Details
U.S. Department of State — Combat Wildlife Trafficking in South Asia
The U.S. Department of State seeks to build civilian law enforcement capabilities to combat wildlife crime in South Asia. The aim is to strengthen legislative and regulatory frameworks; build investigative and enforcement capacity; and enhance prosecutorial and judicial capacity. The focus countries are Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Eligibility for funding extends to nonprofit NGOs and educational institutions in the USA and other countries, including consortia of local and non-local organizations. Requested grants should range from US$500 thousand to a maximum of US$2 million. The closing date for applications is 22 May 2018. Find the announcement
Monarch Butterfly Fund — Monarch Butterfly Migration Challenge
The Monarch Butterfly Fund (MBF) launches an international competition to find a tracking technology that can deliver important scientific insights. The fund offers a $50 thousand cash prize to the individual or team that can conceptualize and develop an innovative tagging and tracking system that can be easily implemented in current conservation and scientific research, allowing individual monarchs to be tracked during the migration. Project proposals must be submitted by 01 April 2018. To learn more, visit: MBFC
Western Union — Scholarship for Undergraduate Study
The Western Union Foundation Global Scholarship Program is a program designed to support young people and their efforts to pursue a post-secondary education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, or business/entrepreneurship. Selected scholarship recipients will receive USD $2,500 each to contribute toward tuition at an accredited post-secondary institution. All applicants for scholarships must be between the ages of 18 – 26 years of age. The application period closes 13 April 2018. About the scholarship
International Polar Foundation — Antarctica Fellowship
The Baillet Latour Antarctica Fellowship provides young scientists with the opportunity to conduct research in East Antarctica while operating out of Princess Elisabeth Antarctica research station. Fellows receive €150 thousand for 2 field seasons at Princess Elisabeth research station for scientific research in Antarctica. The fellowship is open to applicants from any country in the world. The deadline for applications is 15 May 2018. Find this call
World Academy of Sciences — C.N.R. Rao Prize for Scientific Research 2018
The prize is named after TWAS Founding Fellow and former president C.N.R. Rao to honor TWAS Fellows from the developing world. The special focus is scientists in the world’s scientifically lagging and least-developed countries who have made significant contributions to global science. The amount of the prize is US$5 thousand. The closing date is 31 May 2018. Link