ETH Zurich, in Switzerland, supports the exchange of young researchers between Switzerland and China. Swiss senior researchers from universities or research institutes and from all scientific disciplines can apply to host young Chinese scholars or apply to send one of their PhD students to China to conduct research. ETH Zurich will provide a scholarship to cover living allowance and international travel. The deadline is 8 April 2018. About the Exchange Program
International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals — Rudolf Ippen Young Scientist Award 2018
The Award honors a young scientist who published a promising scientific paper in the thematic areas of wildlife veterinary science, conservation medicine, or zoo animal medicine. The “Rudolf Ippen Young Scientist Award” will be awarded at the 2018 Joint AAZV/EAZWV/Leibniz-IZW Conference in Prague (Czech Republic) in October 2018. The award is endowed with €1 thousand. Candidates can apply or be nominated by somebody else. Deadline for applications is 01 July 2018. About
São Paulo School of Advanced Science — Workshop: Ocean Research and Governance
The São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Ocean Interdisciplinary Research and Governance (SPSAS Ocean) will hold a 2-week training and networking session in August 2018 on ocean science. The Advanced School will focus on three themes, and it will be led by speakers from several countries. The School will accept about 100 graduate students and early-career scientists from Brazil and other countries. The Advanced School will be conducted in English. A limited number of travel grants is available. The application deadline is 15 March 2018. About
Eurasia Foundation — Youth TV Bridge
The US-Russia Youth TV Bridge is an international platform for increasing cooperation between US and Russian youth through collaborative video production. Students interested in broadcast journalism are encouraged to submit video materials on the topic “Using technology to improve society” (which may include one or more sustainable topics relevant to the Terra Viva Grants Directory). The best, most interesting, and most topical submissions will be shown in full during YTVB episodes. Eligibility extends to US and Russian teams consisting of 9th- and 12th- graders that are affiliated with a school or private television studio. Deadline for submissions is 31 March 2018. Submit your footage to YTVB
Swedish Agency for Development Cooperation — Demonstration Environment Projects
The Swedish Agency for Development Cooperation (Sida) seeks applications for its Demonstration Grants program. Proposed projects should be international technology and knowledge exchanges involving new and sustainable solutions which positively and measurably impact the environment and poverty reduction. The programme’s focus areas are climate change adaptation/mitigation; ecosystem services; renewable energy; water and sanitation; and urban development. Eligibility extends to companies or organisations based in Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Bolivia, Colombia, Guatemala, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Grants range from SEK 500 thousand to SEK 1.8 million. Applications will be reviewed in two steps. In the first step, applicants submit concept notes. In the second step, applicants whose project ideas have been reviewed and accepted in the first step will be invited to submit a full application. Concept notes have to be submitted no later than 14 February 2018. Know more
Fondation Nature & Decouvertes — Nature Protection in France and Africa 2018
Fondation Nature & Decouvertes supports projects for nature protection, environmental education, and public awareness in France. Additionally, a few grants support projects with similar themes in Francophone Africa. The next application deadline for environmental education projects (funding of €8 thousand to €15 thousand) is 15 February 2018. Applications for small projects (“coup de main”) ranging from €500 to €3000 can be submitted at any time. Link
International Zoo Educators Association — Sponsored Delegate Program 2018
The International Zoo Educators Association funds conservation educators from developing countries to attend its biennial conference. A limited number of professional development grants to attend the IZE conference are available every other year. Each conference grant includes conference registration, airfares, accommodation and some meals. The application deadline is 28 February 2018. About
German Embassy in Jakarta — Small Scale Projects 2018
The German Embassy in Jakarta seeks small scale projects and sustainable project ideas related to sectors of social welfare, agriculture, health, education or environment. The German Embassy financially supports projects of non-governmental and public benefit organisations. Projects receive up to €25 thousand and should aim to improve the livelihoods of populations in rural areas within 6 months. Applications must be received by 15 March 2018. Learn more
Israeli Agency for International Development — Course: Environmental Management of Nature Parks and Reserves
Israel’s Agency for International Development (MASHAV) offers professional short courses in Israel in subject areas that include agriculture, energy, environment, education, and social development. MASHAV offers a limited number of scholarships to cover course fees, accommodation, medical insurance, and other expenses in Israel. The international course on “Environmental Management of Nature Parks and Reserves” will focus on ecosystem services. This training program is intended for mid-level professionals involved in nature preservation, working for government, non-governmental organizations, decision-making bodies, academia and the private sector. Additionally, MASHAV offers professional courses in Spanish, Russian, and French. Deadline for applications is 18 April 2018. View course details
EEA and Norway Grants — Strengthening Bilateral Relations
The EEA and Norway Grants support cross-border and transnational project initiatives in ten non-EU Member States. Proposals that fall within the scope of the Terra Viva Grants Directory include environment, energy, and climate change projects, among other focus areas. Grants are available for national and local authorities, NGOs and civil society organisations, private and public enterprises, educational and research institutions, students and teaching staff and social partners. Eligible entities must apply as a consortium, consisting of entities from a minimum of three countries (a list of eligible countries is shared in the announcement). A total of €15 million is made available in the first call for proposals. Deadline for the first step of the application process is 01 July 2018. Details