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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

U.S. Department of Commerce — Ocean Exploration Funding Opportunity 2018

NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration & Research (OER) seeks to enhance ocean exploration and scientific knowledge of the unknown or poorly known areas of the ocean. OER seeks proposals focused on three topics including: (1) Exploration of the deep marine environments; (2) Discovery and exploration of prehistorically and historically significant submerged marine heritage sites; and (3) Novel or innovative technologies and methodologies that could increase the pace and scope of ocean exploration. (Note: For themes 1 and 2 proposals outside the US EEZ and the US Outer Continental Shelf in the Gulf of Mexico will not be accepted.). Eligible applicants are institutions of higher education; non-profit institutions; state, local, and tribal governments; for-profit organizations; and U.S. territories. Foreign researchers may participate by submitting a subaward through collaboration with an eligible U.S. entity. The maximum support per project is US$ 750 thousand. Deadline for applications is 07 December 2017. More

ETH Zurich — Seed Grants for Swiss-Asian Research Collaboration 2018

In partnership with Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), ETH Zurich promotes scientific cooperation with key institutions in the Asia-Pacific region. ETH Zurich currently calls for proposals from Swiss researchers with partners in China (incl. Hong Kong and Taiwan), Japan, South Korea, and the ASEAN region. The call is open for activities in all scientific disciplines and fields of research. The maximum grant is CHF 25 thousand. The deadline for applications is 31 December 2017. Know more

World Academy of Sciences — Visiting Experts Program

The Elsevier Foundation and the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) are partners in the Visiting Expert Program in sustainability science. The program supports visits of distinguished scientists to institutions in developing countries, with a focus on 48 Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Host institutions in eligible countries can invite distinguished scientists to collaborate in research and training. The visit should provide a minimum stay of two weeks at the host institution. Institutions wishing to be considered for this program should submit the request form before 01 March 2018. Be a Visiting Expert

Oriental Bird Club — Bird Conservation in Asia

The OBC Conservation Fund makes grants for bird conservation in Asia. Grant-making priorities are projects that benefit globally threatened bird species; that conserve threatened bird habitats; and that are led by Asian residents. Small Conservation Awards are up to £1,500 for projects of 12-18 months, with applications before 31 March of each year. There is a special early deadline on 15 November for projects that have to begin before July. The OBC also considers special and emergency applications at any time. How to apply

World Wide Fund For Nature — Prince Bernhard Scholarships for Nature Conservation 2018

WWF supports professional training and formal studies of individuals working in disciplines directly relevant to nature conservation. Eligibility extends to mid-career nationals from Africa; Asia and Pacific; Latin America and Caribbean; Eastern Europe; and the Middle East. The maximum grant is CHF 10 thousand for studies or training lasting one year or less. The deadline for applications (English, French, Spanish) is 01 January 2018. About the scholarships

WWF in India — Small Grants Innovation Program

WWF-India offers grants up to INR 400 thousand for conservation research or action projects of up to two years. Grants are made to individuals to be utilized primarily for field activities. Priority is for research and conservation aligned with WWF’s program in India. The last date for submission of applications is 30 November 2017 (for the January term) and 30 April 2018 (for the June term). For more information follow the link

SeaWorld and Busch Gardens — Grants for Wildlife Conservation, Research, and Education

The Conservation Fund makes grants for wildlife conservation, research, and education. Applications are accepted from non-profit organizations, government entities, and schools and universities in the USA and other countries. Most grants are under US$50 thousand. Applications must be submitted by 30 November 2017. Information for Grants Seekers

Birdfair/RSPB Research Fund for Endangered Birds — Applications 2017

The British Birdwatching Fair (Birdfair) and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) jointly provide small grants for research on birds listed by IUCN as endangered, critically endangered, or data deficient. Priority is for researchers working in their own countries, particularly in collaboration with BirdLife’s partners. The maximum grant is US$2 thousand, with preference for smaller requests. The closing date for applications is 31 October 2017. About how to apply

Blue Earth Alliance — Photography Projects

Blue Earth sponsors photography projects that educate the public about threatened cultures, endangered environments, and other social concerns. Blue Earth provides assistance with fund raising, publishing, and publicity. However, it does not make direct grants to sponsored projects. The deadlines for proposals are 20 January and 20 July of each year. Find submission guidelines

International Osprey Foundation — Research on Ospreys

The IOF makes small grants for research on ospreys and other raptor species worldwide. Applicants submit a research plan, proposed budget, and information about other sources of funding. Applications should be submitted by postal mail to the address indicated on the website. The application deadline is 31 January 2018. Learn more